harmony 鸿蒙JS API Changes of the Compiler and Runtime Subsystem

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (598)

JS API Changes of the Compiler and Runtime Subsystem

The table below lists the APIs changes of the compiler and runtime subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release over OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS.

API Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
ohos.xml XmlPullParser parse(option: ParseOptions): void; Added
ohos.xml XmlPullParser constructor(buffer: ArrayBuffer |DataView, encoding?: string); Added
ohos.xml ParseOptions tokenValueCallbackFunction?: (eventType: EventType, value: ParseInfo) => boolean; Added
ohos.xml ParseOptions attributeValueCallbackFunction?: (name: string, value: string) => boolean; Added
ohos.xml ParseOptions tagValueCallbackFunction?: (name: string, value: string) => boolean; Added
ohos.xml ParseOptions ignoreNameSpace?: boolean; Added
ohos.xml ParseOptions supportDoctype?: boolean; Added
ohos.xml ParseInfo getAttributeCount(): number; Added
ohos.xml ParseInfo isWhitespace(): boolean; Added
ohos.xml ParseInfo isEmptyElementTag(): boolean; Added
ohos.xml ParseInfo getText(): string; Added
ohos.xml ParseInfo getPrefix(): string; Added
ohos.xml ParseInfo getNamespace(): string; Added
ohos.xml ParseInfo getName(): string; Added
ohos.xml ParseInfo getLineNumber(): number; Added
ohos.xml ParseInfo getDepth(): number; Added
ohos.xml ParseInfo getColumnNumber(): number; Added
ohos.xml EventType WHITESPACE Added
ohos.xml EventType ENTITY_REFERENCE Added
ohos.xml EventType INSTRUCTION Added
ohos.xml EventType DOCDECL Added
ohos.xml EventType COMMENT Added
ohos.xml EventType CDSECT Added
ohos.xml EventType TEXT Added
ohos.xml EventType END_TAG Added
ohos.xml EventType START_TAG Added
ohos.xml EventType END_DOCUMENT Added
ohos.xml EventType START_DOCUMENT Added
ohos.xml XmlSerializer setDocType(text: string): void; Added
ohos.xml XmlSerializer setText(text: string): void; Added
ohos.xml XmlSerializer setCDATA(text: string): void; Added
ohos.xml XmlSerializer setComment(text: string): void; Added
ohos.xml XmlSerializer setNamespace(prefix: string, namespace: string): void; Added
ohos.xml XmlSerializer endElement(): void; Added
ohos.xml XmlSerializer startElement(name: string): void; Added
ohos.xml XmlSerializer setDeclaration(): void; Added
ohos.xml XmlSerializer addEmptyElement(name: string): void; Added
ohos.xml XmlSerializer setAttributes(name: string, value: string): void; Added
ohos.xml XmlSerializer constructor(buffer: ArrayBuffer |DataView, encoding?: string); Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector copyToArray(array: Array<T>): void; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector trimToCurrentLength(): void; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector toString(): string; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector increaseCapacityTo(newCapacity: number): void; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector isEmpty(): boolean; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector convertToArray(): Array<T>; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector getCapacity(): number; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector setLength(newSize: number): void; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector clone(): Vector<T>; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector clear(): void; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector subVector(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number): Vector<T>; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector sort(comparator?: (firstValue: T, secondValue: T) => number): void; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, vector?: Vector<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector replaceAllElements(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, vector?: Vector<T>) => T, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector removeByRange(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number): void; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector getIndexFrom(element: T, index: number): number; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector getLastIndexFrom(element: T, index: number): number; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector getLastIndexOf(element: T): number; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector set(index: number, element: T): T; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector remove(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector removeByIndex(index: number): T; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector getLastElement(): T; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector getFirstElement(): T; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector getIndexOf(element: T): number; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector get(index: number): T; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector has(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector insert(element: T, index: number): void; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector add(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector length: number; Added
ohos.util.Vector Vector constructor(); Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet entries(): IterableIterator<[T, T]>; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet values(): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet forEach(callbackfn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: TreeSet<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet popLast(): T; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet popFirst(): T; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet getHigherValue(key: T): T; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet getLowerValue(key: T): T; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet getLastValue(): T; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet getFirstValue(): T; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet clear(): void; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet remove(value: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet add(value: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet has(value: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet isEmpty(): boolean; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet length: number; Added
ohos.util.TreeSet TreeSet constructor(comparator?: (firstValue: T, secondValue: T) => boolean) Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]>; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap forEach(callbackfn: (value?: V, key?: K, map?: TreeMap<K, V>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap replace(key: K, newValue: V): boolean; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap values(): IterableIterator<V>; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap keys(): IterableIterator<K>; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap getHigherKey(key: K): K; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap getLowerKey(key: K): K; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap clear(): void; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap remove(key: K): V; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap set(key: K, value: V): Object; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap setAll(map: TreeMap<K, V>): void; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap getLastKey(): K; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap getFirstKey(): K; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap get(key: K): V; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap hasValue(value: V): boolean; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap hasKey(key: K): boolean; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap isEmpty(): boolean; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap length: number; Added
ohos.util.TreeMap TreeMap constructor(comparator?: (firstValue: K, secondValue: K) => boolean); Added
ohos.util.Stack Stack [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.Stack Stack forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, stack?: Stack<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.Stack Stack locate(element: T): number; Added
ohos.util.Stack Stack push(item: T): T; Added
ohos.util.Stack Stack pop(): T; Added
ohos.util.Stack Stack peek(): T; Added
ohos.util.Stack Stack isEmpty(): boolean; Added
ohos.util.Stack Stack length: number; Added
ohos.util.Stack Stack constructor(); Added
ohos.util.Queue Queue [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.Queue Queue forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, Queue?: Queue<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.Queue Queue pop(): T; Added
ohos.util.Queue Queue getFirst(): T; Added
ohos.util.Queue Queue add(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.Queue Queue length: number; Added
ohos.util.Queue Queue constructor(); Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[number, T]>; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, PlainArray?: PlainArray<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray getValueAt(index: number): T; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray toString(): String; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray setValueAt(index: number, value: T): void; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray removeRangeFrom(index: number, size: number): number; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray removeAt(index: number): T; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray remove(key: number): T; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray getKeyAt(index: number): number; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray isEmpty(): boolean; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray getIndexOfValue(value: T): number; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray getIndexOfKey(key: number): number; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray get(key: number): T; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray has(key: number): boolean; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray clone(): PlainArray<T>; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray clear(): void; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray add(key: number, value: T): void; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray length: number; Added
ohos.util.PlainArray PlainArray constructor(); Added
ohos.util.List List [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.List List isEmpty(): boolean; Added
ohos.util.List List convertToArray(): Array<T>; Added
ohos.util.List List replaceAllElements(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, list?: List<T>) => T, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.List List getSubList(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number): List<T>; Added
ohos.util.List List clear(): void; Added
ohos.util.List List sort(comparator: (firstValue: T, secondValue: T) => number): void; Added
ohos.util.List List forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, List?: List<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.List List equal(obj: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util.List List set(index: number, element: T): T; Added
ohos.util.List List getLast(): T; Added
ohos.util.List List getFirst(): T; Added
ohos.util.List List getLastIndexOf(element: T): number; Added
ohos.util.List List remove(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.List List removeByIndex(index: number): T; Added
ohos.util.List List getIndexOf(element: T): number; Added
ohos.util.List List has(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.List List get(index: number): T; Added
ohos.util.List List insert(element: T, index: number): void; Added
ohos.util.List List add(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.List List length: number; Added
ohos.util.List List constructor(); Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList convertToArray(): Array<T>; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList clone(): LinkedList<T>; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList clear(): void; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, LinkedList?: LinkedList<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList set(index: number, element: T): T; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList getLast(): T; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList getFirst(): T; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList getLastIndexOf(element: T): number; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList removeLastFound(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList removeFirstFound(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList remove(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList removeByIndex(index: number): T; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList getIndexOf(element: T): number; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList has(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList removeLast(): T; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList removeFirst(): T; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList addFirst(element: T): void; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList get(index: number): T; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList insert(index: number, element: T): void; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList add(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList length: number; Added
ohos.util.LinkedList LinkedList constructor(); Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet isEmpty(): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet entries(): IterableIterator<[T, T]>; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet values(): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet getValueAt(index: number): T; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet toArray(): Array<T>; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet toString(): String; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet forEach(callbackfn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: LightWeightSet<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet clear(): void; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet removeAt(index: number): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet remove(key: T): T; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet getIndexOf(key: T): number; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet increaseCapacityTo(minimumCapacity: number): void; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet equal(obj: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet has(key: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet hasAll(set: LightWeightSet<T>): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet addAll(set: LightWeightSet<T>): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet add(obj: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet length: number; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightSet LightWeightSet constructor(); Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap values(): IterableIterator<V>; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap getValueAt(index: number): V; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap toString(): String; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]>; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap forEach(callbackfn: (value?: V, key?: K, map?: LightWeightMap<K, V>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap setValueAt(index: number, newValue: V): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap clear(): void; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap removeAt(index: number): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap remove(key: K): V; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap set(key: K, value: V): Object; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap setAll(map: LightWeightMap<K, V>): void; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap keys(): IterableIterator<K>; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap getKeyAt(index: number): K; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap isEmpty(): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap getIndexOfValue(value: V): number; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap getIndexOfKey(key: K): number; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap get(key: K): V; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap increaseCapacityTo(minimumCapacity: number): void; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap hasValue(value: V): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap hasKey(key: K): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap hasAll(map: LightWeightMap<K, V>): boolean; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap length: number; Added
ohos.util.LightWeightMap LightWeightMap constructor(); Added
ohos.util.HashSet HashSet [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.HashSet HashSet entries(): IterableIterator<[T, T]>; Added
ohos.util.HashSet HashSet values(): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.HashSet HashSet forEach(callbackfn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: HashSet<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.HashSet HashSet clear(): void; Added
ohos.util.HashSet HashSet remove(value: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.HashSet HashSet add(value: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.HashSet HashSet has(value: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.HashSet HashSet isEmpty(): boolean; Added
ohos.util.HashSet HashSet length: number; Added
ohos.util.HashSet HashSet constructor(); Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]>; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap forEach(callbackfn: (value?: V, key?: K, map?: HashMap<K, V>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap replace(key: K, newValue: V): boolean; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap values(): IterableIterator<V>; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap keys(): IterableIterator<K>; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap clear(): void; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap remove(key: K): V; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap set(key: K, value: V): Object; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap setAll(map: HashMap<K, V>): void; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap get(key: K): V; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap hasValue(value: V): boolean; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap hasKey(key: K): boolean; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap isEmpty(): boolean; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap length: number; Added
ohos.util.HashMap HashMap constructor(); Added
ohos.util.Deque Deque [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.Deque Deque forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, deque?: Deque<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.Deque Deque popLast(): T; Added
ohos.util.Deque Deque popFirst(): T; Added
ohos.util.Deque Deque getLast(): T; Added
ohos.util.Deque Deque getFirst(): T; Added
ohos.util.Deque Deque has(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.Deque Deque insertEnd(element: T): void; Added
ohos.util.Deque Deque insertFront(element: T): void; Added
ohos.util.Deque Deque length: number; Added
ohos.util.Deque Deque constructor(); Added
ohos.util types isWeakSet(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isWeakMap(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isUint32Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isUint16Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isUint8ClampedArray(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isUint8Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isTypedArray(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isSymbolObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isStringObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isSharedArrayBuffer(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isSetIterator(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isSet(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isRegExp(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isProxy(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isPromise(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isNumberObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isNativeError(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isModuleNamespaceObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isMapIterator(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isMap(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isInt32Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isInt16Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isInt8Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isGeneratorObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isGeneratorFunction(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isFloat64Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isFloat32Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isExternal(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isDate(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isDataView(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isBoxedPrimitive(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isBooleanObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isBigUint64Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isBigInt64Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isAsyncFunction(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isArrayBuffer(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isArgumentsObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isArrayBufferView(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types isAnyArrayBuffer(value: Object): boolean; Added
ohos.util types constructor(); Added
ohos.util Base64 decodeSync(src: Uint8Array |string): Uint8Array; Added
ohos.util Base64 encodeToStringSync(src: Uint8Array): string; Added
ohos.util Base64 encodeSync(src: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; Added
ohos.util LruBuffer getCapacity(): number; Added
ohos.util LruBuffer length:number Added
ohos.util RationalNumber valueOf(): number; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList trimToCurrentLength(): void; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList increaseCapacityTo(newCapacity: number): void; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList isEmpty(): boolean; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList convertToArray(): Array<T>; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList getCapacity(): number; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList clone(): ArrayList<T>; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList clear(): void; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList subArrayList(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number): ArrayList<T>; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList sort(comparator?: (firstValue: T, secondValue: T) => number): void; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, arrlist?: ArrayList<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList replaceAllElements(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, arrlist?: ArrayList<T>) => T, thisArg?: Object): void; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList removeByRange(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number): void; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList getLastIndexOf(element: T): number; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList remove(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList removeByIndex(index: number): T; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList getIndexOf(element: T): number; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList has(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList insert(element: T, index: number): void; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList add(element: T): boolean; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList length: number; Added
ohos.util.ArrayList ArrayList constructor(); Added
ohos.uri URI ssp: string; Added
ohos.uri URI authority: string; Added
ohos.uri URI fragment: string; Added
ohos.uri URI query: string; Added
ohos.uri URI path: string; Added
ohos.uri URI port: string; Added
ohos.uri URI host: string; Added
ohos.uri URI userInfo: string; Added
ohos.uri URI scheme: string; Added
ohos.uri URI normalize(): URI; Added
ohos.uri URI checkIsAbsolute(): boolean; Added
ohos.uri URI equals(other: URI): boolean; Added
ohos.uri URI toString(): string Added
ohos.uri URI constructor(uri: string); Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertXML convert(xml: string, options?: ConvertOptions) : Object; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions elementsKey: string; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions nameKey: string; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions typeKey: string; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions parentKey: string; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions commentKey: string; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions doctypeKey: string; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions cdataKey: string; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions textKey: string; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions attributesKey: string; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions instructionKey: string; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions declarationKey: string; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions ignoreText?: boolean; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions ignoreDoctype?: boolean; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions ignoreCDATA?: boolean; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions ignoreComment?: boolean; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions ignoreAttributes?: boolean; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions ignoreInstruction?: boolean; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions ignoreDeclaration?: boolean; Added
ohos.convertxml ConvertOptions trim: boolean; Added


harmony 鸿蒙Readme

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