harmony 鸿蒙JS API Changes of the Bundle Management Framework

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (615)

JS API Changes of the Bundle Management Framework

The table below lists the APIs changes of the bundle management framework in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release over OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS.

API Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
shortcutInfo ShortcutInfo readonly labelId: number; Added
shortcutInfo ShortcutInfo readonly iconId: number; Added
launcherAbilityInfo LauncherAbilityInfo readonly installTime : number; Added
launcherAbilityInfo LauncherAbilityInfo readonly userId: number; Added
launcherAbilityInfo LauncherAbilityInfo readonly iconId: number; Added
launcherAbilityInfo LauncherAbilityInfo readonly labelId: number; Added
launcherAbilityInfo LauncherAbilityInfo readonly elementName : ElementName; Added
launcherAbilityInfo LauncherAbilityInfo readonly applicationInfo: ApplicationInfo; Added
bundleInfo BundleInfo readonly reqPermissionStates: Array<number>; Added
bundleInfo BundleInfo readonly hapModuleInfos: Array<HapModuleInfo>; Added
bundleInfo BundleInfo readonly abilityInfos: Array<AbilityInfo>; Added
abilityInfo AbilityInfo readonly enabled: boolean; Added
abilityInfo AbilityInfo readonly metaData: Array<CustomizeData>; Added
ohos.zlib zlib unzipFile(inFile:string, outFile:string, options: Options): Promise<void>; Added
ohos.zlib zlib zipFile(inFile:string, outFile:string, options: Options): Promise<void>; Added
ohos.zlib Options strategy?: CompressStrategy; Added
ohos.zlib Options memLevel?: MemLevel; Added
ohos.zlib Options level?: CompressLevel; Added
ohos.zlib MemLevel MEM_LEVEL_DEFAULT = 8 Added
ohos.zlib MemLevel MEM_LEVEL_MAX = 9 Added
ohos.zlib MemLevel MEM_LEVEL_MIN = 1 Added
ohos.zlib CompressStrategy COMPRESS_STRATEGY_FIXED = 4 Added
ohos.zlib CompressStrategy COMPRESS_STRATEGY_RLE = 3 Added
ohos.zlib CompressStrategy COMPRESS_STRATEGY_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2 Added
ohos.zlib CompressStrategy COMPRESS_STRATEGY_FILTERED = 1 Added
ohos.zlib CompressStrategy COMPRESS_STRATEGY_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0 Added
ohos.zlib CompressLevel COMPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = -1 Added
ohos.zlib CompressLevel COMPRESS_LEVEL_BEST_COMPRESSION = 9 Added
ohos.zlib CompressLevel COMPRESS_LEVEL_BEST_SPEED = 1 Added
ohos.zlib CompressLevel COMPRESS_LEVEL_NO_COMPRESSION = 0 Added
ohos.zlib ErrorCode ERROR_CODE_ERRNO = -1 Added
ohos.zlib ErrorCode ERROR_CODE_OK = 0 Added
ohos.bundle bundle isApplicationEnabled(bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
isApplicationEnabled(bundleName: string): Promise<boolean>;
ohos.bundle bundle isAbilityEnabled(info: AbilityInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
isAbilityEnabled(info: AbilityInfo): Promise<boolean>;
ohos.bundle bundle getAbilityIcon(bundleName: string, abilityName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<image.PixelMap>): void;
getAbilityIcon(bundleName: string, abilityName: string): Promise<image.PixelMap>;
ohos.bundle bundle getAbilityLabel(bundleName: string, abilityName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getAbilityLabel(bundleName: string, abilityName: string): Promise<string>;
ohos.bundle bundle getNameForUid(uid: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>) : void
getNameForUid(uid: number) : Promise<string>;
ohos.bundle bundle getAbilityInfo(bundleName: string, abilityName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<AbilityInfo>): void;
getAbilityInfo(bundleName: string, abilityName: string): Promise<AbilityInfo>;
ohos.bundle InstallErrorCode STATUS_UNINSTALL_PERMISSION_DENIED = 0x45 Added
ohos.bundle InstallErrorCode STATUS_INSTALL_PERMISSION_DENIED = 0x44 Added
ohos.bundle InstallErrorCode STATUS_GRANT_REQUEST_PERMISSIONS_FAILED = 0x43 Added
ohos.bundle InstallErrorCode STATUS_FAILED_NO_SPACE_LEFT = 0x42 Added
ohos.bundle InstallErrorCode STATUS_RECOVER_FAILURE_INVALID = 0x0D Added
ohos.bundle BundleOptions userId?: number; Added
ohos.bundle ColorMode LIGHT_MODE = 1 Added
ohos.bundle ColorMode DARK_MODE = 0 Added
ohos.bundle ColorMode AUTO_MODE = -1 Added
ohos.bundle BundleFlag GET_APPLICATION_INFO_WITH_DISABLE = 0x00000200 Added
ohos.bundle BundleFlag GET_ABILITY_INFO_WITH_DISABLE = 0x00000100 Added
ohos.bundle BundleFlag GET_ABILITY_INFO_SYSTEMAPP_ONLY = 0x00000080 Added
ohos.bundle BundleFlag GET_APPLICATION_INFO_WITH_METADATA = 0x00000040 Added
ohos.bundle BundleFlag GET_ABILITY_INFO_WITH_METADATA = 0x00000020 Added
ohos.bundle BundleFlag GET_ALL_APPLICATION_INFO = 0xFFFF0000 Added
ohos.bundle BundleFlag GET_BUNDLE_WITH_REQUESTED_PERMISSION = 0x00000010 Added
ohos.bundle BundleFlag GET_ABILITY_INFO_WITH_APPLICATION = 0x00000004 Added
ohos.bundle BundleFlag GET_ABILITY_INFO_WITH_PERMISSION = 0x00000002 Added


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