go expr2 源码

  • 2022-07-15
  • 浏览 (1274)

golang expr2 代码


// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// comparisons

package expr2

func _bool() {
	const t = true == true
	const f = true == false
	_ = t /* ERROR cannot compare */ < f
	_ = 0 /* ERROR mismatched types untyped int and untyped bool */ == t
	var b bool
	var x, y float32
	b = x < y
	_ = b
	_ = struct{b bool}{x < y}

// corner cases
var (
	v0 = nil == nil // ERROR operator == not defined on untyped nil

func arrays() {
	// basics
	var a, b [10]int
	_ = a == b
	_ = a != b
	_ = a /* ERROR < not defined */ < b
	_ = a == nil /* ERROR invalid operation.*mismatched types */

	type C [10]int
	var c C
	_ = a == c

	type D [10]int
	var d D
	_ = c /* ERROR mismatched types */ == d

	var e [10]func() int
	_ = e /* ERROR \[10\]func\(\) int cannot be compared */ == e

func structs() {
	// basics
	var s, t struct {
		x int
		a [10]float32
		_ bool
	_ = s == t
	_ = s != t
	_ = s /* ERROR < not defined */ < t
	_ = s == nil /* ERROR invalid operation.*mismatched types */

	type S struct {
		x int
		a [10]float32
		_ bool
	type T struct {
		x int
		a [10]float32
		_ bool
	var ss S
	var tt T
	_ = s == ss
	_ = ss /* ERROR mismatched types */ == tt

	var u struct {
		x int
		a [10]map[string]int
	_ = u /* ERROR cannot compare */ == u

func pointers() {
	// nil
	_ = nil == nil // ERROR operator == not defined on untyped nil
	_ = nil != nil // ERROR operator != not defined on untyped nil
	_ = nil /* ERROR < not defined */ < nil
	_ = nil /* ERROR <= not defined */ <= nil
	_ = nil /* ERROR > not defined */ > nil
	_ = nil /* ERROR >= not defined */ >= nil

	// basics
	var p, q *int
	_ = p == q
	_ = p != q

	_ = p == nil
	_ = p != nil
	_ = nil == q
	_ = nil != q

	_ = p /* ERROR < not defined */ < q
	_ = p /* ERROR <= not defined */ <= q
	_ = p /* ERROR > not defined */ > q
	_ = p /* ERROR >= not defined */ >= q

	// various element types
	type (
		S1 struct{}
		S2 struct{}
		P1 *S1
		P2 *S2
	var (
		ps1 *S1
		ps2 *S2
		p1 P1
		p2 P2
	_ = ps1 == ps1
	_ = ps1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == ps2
	_ = ps2 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == ps1

	_ = p1 == p1
	_ = p1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == p2

	_ = p1 == ps1

func channels() {
	// basics
	var c, d chan int
	_ = c == d
	_ = c != d
	_ = c == nil
	_ = c /* ERROR < not defined */ < d

	// various element types (named types)
	type (
		C1 chan int
		C1r <-chan int
		C1s chan<- int
		C2 chan float32
	var (
		c1 C1
		c1r C1r
		c1s C1s
		c1a chan int
		c2 C2
	_ = c1 == c1
	_ = c1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == c1r
	_ = c1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == c1s
	_ = c1r /* ERROR mismatched types */ == c1s
	_ = c1 == c1a
	_ = c1a == c1
	_ = c1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == c2
	_ = c1a /* ERROR mismatched types */ == c2

	// various element types (unnamed types)
	var (
		d1 chan int
		d1r <-chan int
		d1s chan<- int
		d1a chan<- int
		d2 chan float32
	_ = d1 == d1
	_ = d1 == d1r
	_ = d1 == d1s
	_ = d1r /* ERROR mismatched types */ == d1s
	_ = d1 == d1a
	_ = d1a == d1
	_ = d1 /* ERROR mismatched types */ == d2
	_ = d1a /* ERROR mismatched types */ == d2

// for interfaces test
type S1 struct{}
type S11 struct{}
type S2 struct{}
func (*S1) m() int
func (*S11) m() int
func (*S11) n()
func (*S2) m() float32

func interfaces() {
	// basics
	var i, j interface{ m() int }
	_ = i == j
	_ = i != j
	_ = i == nil
	_ = i /* ERROR < not defined */ < j

	// various interfaces
	var ii interface { m() int; n() }
	var k interface { m() float32 }
	_ = i == ii
	_ = i /* ERROR mismatched types */ == k

	// interfaces vs values
	var s1 S1
	var s11 S11
	var s2 S2

	_ = i == 0 /* ERROR cannot convert */
	_ = i /* ERROR mismatched types */ == s1
	_ = i == &s1
	_ = i == &s11

	_ = i /* ERROR mismatched types */ == s2
	_ = i /* ERROR mismatched types */ == &s2

	// issue #28164
	// testcase from issue
	_ = interface{}(nil) == [ /* ERROR slice can only be compared to nil */ ]int(nil)

	// related cases
	var e interface{}
	var s []int
	var x int
	_ = e == s // ERROR slice can only be compared to nil
	_ = s /* ERROR slice can only be compared to nil */ == e
	_ = e /* ERROR operator < not defined on interface */ < x
	_ = x < e // ERROR operator < not defined on interface

func slices() {
	// basics
	var s []int
	_ = s == nil
	_ = s != nil
	_ = s /* ERROR < not defined */ < nil

	// slices are not otherwise comparable
	_ = s /* ERROR slice can only be compared to nil */ == s
	_ = s /* ERROR < not defined */ < s

func maps() {
	// basics
	var m map[string]int
	_ = m == nil
	_ = m != nil
	_ = m /* ERROR < not defined */ < nil

	// maps are not otherwise comparable
	_ = m /* ERROR map can only be compared to nil */ == m
	_ = m /* ERROR < not defined */ < m

func funcs() {
	// basics
	var f func(int) float32
	_ = f == nil
	_ = f != nil
	_ = f /* ERROR < not defined */ < nil

	// funcs are not otherwise comparable
	_ = f /* ERROR func can only be compared to nil */ == f
	_ = f /* ERROR < not defined */ < f


go 源码目录


go blank 源码

go builtins0 源码

go builtins1 源码

go chans 源码

go compliterals 源码

go const0 源码

go const1 源码

go constdecl 源码

go conversions0 源码

go conversions1 源码

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