kubernetes topology_manager 源码
kubernetes topology_manager 代码
Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
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package topologymanager
import (
cadvisorapi "github.com/google/cadvisor/info/v1"
const (
// maxAllowableNUMANodes specifies the maximum number of NUMA Nodes that
// the TopologyManager supports on the underlying machine.
// At present, having more than this number of NUMA Nodes will result in a
// state explosion when trying to enumerate possible NUMAAffinity masks and
// generate hints for them. As such, if more NUMA Nodes than this are
// present on a machine and the TopologyManager is enabled, an error will
// be returned and the TopologyManager will not be loaded.
maxAllowableNUMANodes = 8
// ErrorTopologyAffinity represents the type for a TopologyAffinityError
ErrorTopologyAffinity = "TopologyAffinityError"
// TopologyAffinityError represents an resource alignment error
type TopologyAffinityError struct{}
func (e TopologyAffinityError) Error() string {
return "Resources cannot be allocated with Topology locality"
func (e TopologyAffinityError) Type() string {
return ErrorTopologyAffinity
// Manager interface provides methods for Kubelet to manage pod topology hints
type Manager interface {
// PodAdmitHandler is implemented by Manager
// AddHintProvider adds a hint provider to manager to indicate the hint provider
// wants to be consulted with when making topology hints
// AddContainer adds pod to Manager for tracking
AddContainer(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container, containerID string)
// RemoveContainer removes pod from Manager tracking
RemoveContainer(containerID string) error
// Store is the interface for storing pod topology hints
type manager struct {
//Topology Manager Scope
scope Scope
// HintProvider is an interface for components that want to collaborate to
// achieve globally optimal concrete resource alignment with respect to
// NUMA locality.
type HintProvider interface {
// GetTopologyHints returns a map of resource names to a list of possible
// concrete resource allocations in terms of NUMA locality hints. Each hint
// is optionally marked "preferred" and indicates the set of NUMA nodes
// involved in the hypothetical allocation. The topology manager calls
// this function for each hint provider, and merges the hints to produce
// a consensus "best" hint. The hint providers may subsequently query the
// topology manager to influence actual resource assignment.
GetTopologyHints(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container) map[string][]TopologyHint
// GetPodTopologyHints returns a map of resource names to a list of possible
// concrete resource allocations per Pod in terms of NUMA locality hints.
GetPodTopologyHints(pod *v1.Pod) map[string][]TopologyHint
// Allocate triggers resource allocation to occur on the HintProvider after
// all hints have been gathered and the aggregated Hint is available via a
// call to Store.GetAffinity().
Allocate(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container) error
// Store interface is to allow Hint Providers to retrieve pod affinity
type Store interface {
GetAffinity(podUID string, containerName string) TopologyHint
GetPolicy() Policy
// TopologyHint is a struct containing the NUMANodeAffinity for a Container
type TopologyHint struct {
NUMANodeAffinity bitmask.BitMask
// Preferred is set to true when the NUMANodeAffinity encodes a preferred
// allocation for the Container. It is set to false otherwise.
Preferred bool
// IsEqual checks if TopologyHint are equal
func (th *TopologyHint) IsEqual(topologyHint TopologyHint) bool {
if th.Preferred == topologyHint.Preferred {
if th.NUMANodeAffinity == nil || topologyHint.NUMANodeAffinity == nil {
return th.NUMANodeAffinity == topologyHint.NUMANodeAffinity
return th.NUMANodeAffinity.IsEqual(topologyHint.NUMANodeAffinity)
return false
// LessThan checks if TopologyHint `a` is less than TopologyHint `b`
// this means that either `a` is a preferred hint and `b` is not
// or `a` NUMANodeAffinity attribute is narrower than `b` NUMANodeAffinity attribute.
func (th *TopologyHint) LessThan(other TopologyHint) bool {
if th.Preferred != other.Preferred {
return th.Preferred
return th.NUMANodeAffinity.IsNarrowerThan(other.NUMANodeAffinity)
var _ Manager = &manager{}
// NewManager creates a new TopologyManager based on provided policy and scope
func NewManager(topology []cadvisorapi.Node, topologyPolicyName string, topologyScopeName string) (Manager, error) {
klog.InfoS("Creating topology manager with policy per scope", "topologyPolicyName", topologyPolicyName, "topologyScopeName", topologyScopeName)
var numaNodes []int
for _, node := range topology {
numaNodes = append(numaNodes, node.Id)
if topologyPolicyName != PolicyNone && len(numaNodes) > maxAllowableNUMANodes {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported on machines with more than %v NUMA Nodes", maxAllowableNUMANodes)
var policy Policy
switch topologyPolicyName {
case PolicyNone:
policy = NewNonePolicy()
case PolicyBestEffort:
policy = NewBestEffortPolicy(numaNodes)
case PolicyRestricted:
policy = NewRestrictedPolicy(numaNodes)
case PolicySingleNumaNode:
policy = NewSingleNumaNodePolicy(numaNodes)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown policy: \"%s\"", topologyPolicyName)
var scope Scope
switch topologyScopeName {
case containerTopologyScope:
scope = NewContainerScope(policy)
case podTopologyScope:
scope = NewPodScope(policy)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown scope: \"%s\"", topologyScopeName)
manager := &manager{
scope: scope,
return manager, nil
func (m *manager) GetAffinity(podUID string, containerName string) TopologyHint {
return m.scope.GetAffinity(podUID, containerName)
func (m *manager) GetPolicy() Policy {
return m.scope.GetPolicy()
func (m *manager) AddHintProvider(h HintProvider) {
func (m *manager) AddContainer(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container, containerID string) {
m.scope.AddContainer(pod, container, containerID)
func (m *manager) RemoveContainer(containerID string) error {
return m.scope.RemoveContainer(containerID)
func (m *manager) Admit(attrs *lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes) lifecycle.PodAdmitResult {
klog.InfoS("Topology Admit Handler")
pod := attrs.Pod
return m.scope.Admit(pod)
kubernetes fake_topology_manager 源码
kubernetes fake_topology_manager_test 源码
kubernetes policy_best_effort 源码
kubernetes policy_best_effort_test 源码
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