harmony 鸿蒙UiTest Error Codes

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (710)

UiTest Error Codes


This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, see Universal Error Codes.

17000001 Initialization Failure

Error Message

Initialize failed.


This error code is reported when the framework fails to be initialized.

Possible Causes

The accessibility service cannot be accessed.


Run the param set persist.ace.testmode.enabled 1 command and restart the device.

17000002 Unable to Call the API

Error Message

API does not allow calling concurrently.


This error code is reported when the API fails to be called.

Possible Causes

The API was not called using await.


Check test cases and make sure asynchronous APIs are called using await.

17000003 Assertion Failure

Error Message

Component existence assertion failed.


This error code is reported when the user assertion fails.

Possible Causes

The component that the user asserts to exist does not exist.


Check the existence of the component that is asserted to exist.

17000004 Target Component/Window Lost

Error Message

Component lost/UiWindow lost.


This error code is reported when the target component or window is lost and cannot be operated.

Possible Causes

After the target component or window is obtained, the page changes. As a result, the target component or window is lost.


Check whether the loss is caused by page changes.

17000005 Operation Not Supported

Error Message

This operation is not supported.


This error code is reported when the performed operation is not supported by the UI object.

Possible Causes

The component or window attribute does not support the performed operation.


Make sure the operation to perform is supported by the component or window attribute.


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