harmony(鸿蒙)Fixing Burning Issues

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (521)

Fixing Burning Issues

What should I do if Error: Opening COMxx: Access denied is displayed when I start burning

  • Symptom

Error: Opening COMxx: Access denied is displayed after clicking Burn and selecting a serial port.

**Figure 1** Failed to open the serial port

  • Possible Causes

The serial port is in use.

  • Solution

  • Search for the terminal using serial-xx from the drop-down list in the TERMINAL panel.

    Figure 2 Checking whether the serial port is in use


  • Click the dustbin icon as shown below to disable the terminal using the serial port.

    Figure 3 Disabling the terminal using the serial port


  • Click Burn, select the serial port, and start burning images again.

    Figure 4 Restarting the burning task


What should I do when Windows-based PC failed to be connected to the board?

  • Symptom

The file image cannot be obtained after clicking Burn and selecting a serial port.

**Figure 5** Failed to obtain the file image due to network disconnection

  • Possible Causes

The board is disconnected from the Windows-based PC.

Windows Firewall does not allow Visual Studio Code to access the network.

  • Solution

  • Check whether the network cable is properly connected.

  • Click Windows Firewall.

    Figure 6 Network and firewall settings


  • Click Firewall & network protection, and on the displayed page, click Allow an app through the firewall.

    Figure 7 Firewall & network protection


  • Select Visual Studio Code.

    Figure 8 Selecting Visual Studio Code


  • Select the Private and Public network access rights for Visual Studio Code.

    Figure 9 Allowing Visual Studio Code to access the network


What should I do when the image failed to be burnt?

  • Symptom

The burning status is not displayed after clicking Burn and selecting a serial port.

  • Possible Causes

The IDE is not restarted after the DevEco plug-in is installed.

  • Solution

Restart the IDE.


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