harmony 鸿蒙Modal Transition

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (687)

Modal Transition

You can bind a full-screen modal to a component through the bindContentCover attribute. Better yet, with the ModalTransition parameter, you can apply a transition effect for when the component is inserted or deleted.


The APIs of this module are supported since API version 10. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Switching between landscape and portrait modes is not supported.

Route hopping is not supported.


Name Parameter Description
bindContentCover isShow: boolean,
builder: CustomBuilder,
options?: ContentCoverOptions
Binds a modal to the component, which can be displayed when the component is touched. The content of the modal is customizable. The transition type can be set to none, slide-up and slide-down animation, and opacity gradient animation.
isShow: whether to display the modal.
Since API version 10, this parameter supports two-way binding through $$.
builder: content of the modal.
options: optional attributes of the modal.


Name Type Mandatory Description
modalTransition ModalTransition No Transition mode of the modal.
backgroundColor ResourceColor No Background color of the modal.
onAppear () => void No Callback invoked when the modal appears.
onDisappear () => void No Callback invoked when the modal disappears.


Example 1

This example applies a custom animation to two modals whose transition type is none.

// xxx.ets
struct ModalTransitionExample {
  @State isShow:boolean = false
  @State isShow2:boolean = false

  @Builder myBuilder2() {
    Column() {
      Button("close modal 2")
          this.isShow2 = false;

  @Builder myBuilder() {
    Column() {
      Button("transition modal 2")
          this.isShow2 = true;
        }).bindContentCover(this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.NONE, backgroundColor: Color.Orange, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})

      Button("close modal 1")
          this.isShow = false;

  build() {
    Column() {
      Button("transition modal 1")
        .onClick(() => {
          this.isShow = true
        .bindContentCover(this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.NONE, backgroundColor: Color.Pink, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})


Example 2

This example applies a custom animation to two modals whose transition type is none.

// xxx.ets
import curves from '@ohos.curves';
struct ModalTransitionExample {
  @State  @Watch("isShow1Change") isShow:boolean = false
  @State  @Watch("isShow2Change") isShow2:boolean = false
  @State isScale1:number = 1;
  @State isScale2:number = 1;
  @State flag: boolean = true
  @State show: string = 'show'

  isShow1Change() {
    this.isShow ? this.isScale1 = 0.95 : this.isScale1 = 1
  isShow2Change() {
    this.isShow2 ? this.isScale2 = 0.95 : this.isScale2 = 1
  @Builder myBuilder2() {
    Column() {
      Button("close modal 2")
          this.isShow2 = false;

  @Builder myBuilder() {
    Column() {
      Button("transition modal 2")
          this.isShow2 = true;
        }).bindContentCover(this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.NONE, backgroundColor: Color.Orange, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})

      Button("close modal 1")
          this.isShow = false;
    .scale({x: this.isScale2, y: this.isScale2})

  build() {
    Column() {
      Button("transition modal 1")
        .onClick(() => {
          this.isShow = true
        .bindContentCover(this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.NONE, backgroundColor: Color.Pink, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})
    .scale({ x: this.isScale1, y: this.isScale1 })
    .animation({ curve: curves.springMotion() })


Example 3

This example shows two modals whose transition type is slide-up and slide-down animation.

// xxx.ets
struct ModalTransitionExample {
  @State isShow:boolean = false
  @State isShow2:boolean = false

  @Builder myBuilder2() {
    Column() {
      Button("close modal 2")
          this.isShow2 = false;

  @Builder myBuilder() {
    Column() {
      Button("transition modal 2")
          this.isShow2 = true;
        }).bindContentCover(this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.DEFAULT, backgroundColor: Color.Gray, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})

      Button("close modal 1")
          this.isShow = false;

  build() {
    Column() {
      Button("transition modal 1")
        .onClick(() => {
          this.isShow = true
        .bindContentCover(this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.DEFAULT, backgroundColor: Color.Pink, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})


Example 4

This example shows two modals whose transition type is opacity gradient animation.

// xxx.ets
struct ModalTransitionExample {
  @State isShow:boolean = false
  @State isShow2:boolean = false

  @Builder myBuilder2() {
    Column() {
      Button("close modal 2")
          this.isShow2 = false;

  @Builder myBuilder() {
    Column() {
      Button("transition modal 2")
          this.isShow2 = true;
        }).bindContentCover(this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.ALPHA, backgroundColor: Color.Gray, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})

      Button("close modal 1")
          this.isShow = false;

  build() {
    Column() {
      Button("transition modal 1")
        .onClick(() => {
          this.isShow = true
        .bindContentCover(this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.ALPHA, backgroundColor: Color.Pink, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})



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