harmony 鸿蒙Porting the Communication Subsystem

  • 2022-12-05
  • 浏览 (927)

Porting the Communication Subsystem

The communication subsystem porting process involves Wi-Fi and Bluetooth adaptation. Vendors need to perform adaptation based on the chip conditions.


To implement Wi-Fi adaptation, perform the following steps:

Path: foundation/communication/wifi_lite/BUILD.gn

group("wifi") {
  deps = [ "$ohos_board_adapter_dir/hals/communication/wifi_lite/wifiservice:wifiservice" ]

As shown above, the .c file of the vendor adaptation interfaces is stored in the $ohos_board_adapter_dir/hals/communication/wifi_lite/wifiservice directory, where the target in the BUILD.gn file is wifiservice. Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 list the Wi-Fi interfaces that need to be adapted by vendors. Table 4 and Table 5 list the Bluetooth interfaces.

Table 1 wifi_device.h

API Description
EnableWifi Enables the Wi-Fi STA mode.
DisableWifi Disables the Wi-Fi STA mode.
IsWifiActive Check whether the Wi-Fi STA mode is enabled.
Scan Scans for hotspots.
GetScanInfoList Obtains the list of all found hotspots.
AddDeviceConfig Adds the information about the hotspot to be connected.
GetDeviceConfigs Obtains the information about the connected hotspot.
RemoveDevice Deletes the information about a specified hotspot.
ConnectTo Connects to a specified hotspot.
Disconnect Severs the Wi-Fi connection.
GetLinkedInfo Obtains hotspot connection information.
RegisterWifiEvent Registers a callback for a specified Wi-Fi event.
UnRegisterWifiEvent Deregisters the callback previously registered for a specified Wi-Fi event.
GetDeviceMacAddress Obtains the device MAC address.
AdvanceScan Starts Wi-Fi scanning based on specified parameters.

Table 2 wifi_hotspot_config.h

API Description
SetBand Sets the frequency band of the hotspot.
GetBand Obtains the frequency band of the hotspot.

Table 3 wifi_hotspot.h

API Description
EnableHotspot Enables AP hotspot mode.
DisableHotspot Disables AP hotspot mode.
SetHotspotConfig Configures settings for a specified hotspot.
GetHotspotConfig Obtains settings of a specified hotspot.
IsHotspotActive Checks whether AP hotspot mode is enabled.
GetStationList Obtains a list of STAs connected to the hotspot.
GetSignalLevel Obtains the signal level of the specified received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and frequency band indicator.
DisassociateSta Disconnects from the STA that matches the specified MAC address.
AddTxPowerInfo Sends the hotspot power to the beacon.

Table 4 ohos_bt_gatt.h

API Description
InitBtStack Initializes the Bluetooth protocol stack.
EnableBtStack Enables the Bluetooth protocol stack.
DisableBtStack Disables the Bluetooth protocol stack.
SetDeviceName Sets the Bluetooth device name.
BleSetAdvData Sets the data to advertise.
BleStartAdv Starts advertising.
BleStartAdvEx Transfers the constructed advertising data and parameters to enable Bluetooth advertising.
BleStopAdv Stops sending advertising messages.
BleUpdateAdv Updates the advertising parameters.
BleSetSecurityIoCap Sets the Bluetooth I/O capability to NONE and pairing mode to justworks.
BleSetSecurityAuthReq Sets whether Bluetooth pairing is required.
BleGattSecurityRsp Responds to a secure connection request.
ReadBtMacAddr Obtains the device MAC address.
BleSetScanParameters Sets scan parameters.
BleStartScan Starts scanning
BleStopScan Stops scanning.
BleGattRegisterCallbacks Registers a callback for GAP and GATT events.

Table 5 ohos_bt_gatt_server.h

API Description
BleGattsRegister Registers with the GATT server using the specified application UUID.
BleGattsUnRegister Deregisters from the GATT server.
BleGattsDisconnect Disconnects the GATT server from the client.
BleGattsAddService Adds a service.
BleGattsAddIncludedService Adds an included service to a specified service.
BleGattsAddCharacteristic Adds a feature to a specified service.
BleGattsAddDescriptor Adds a descriptor to a specified feature.
BleGattsStartService Start a service.
BleGattsStopService Stops a service.
BleGattsDeleteService Deletes a service.
BleGattsClearServices Clears all services.
BleGattsSendResponse Sends a response to the client that receives the read or write request.
BleGattsSendIndication Sends Bluetooth data from the device to the application.
BleGattsSetEncryption Sets the encryption type of the GATT connection.
BleGattsRegisterCallbacks Registers a GATT server callback.
BleGattsStartServiceEx Creates a GATT service based on the passed service list.
BleGattsStopServiceEx Stops the GATT service based on the passed handle .

icon-note.gif NOTE

The APIs may vary according to the version. Adapt the APIs according to the specific file of the current version.


  1. Add the communication subsystem to the config.json file.

Path: vendor/MyVendorCompany/MyProduct/config.json

The sample code is as follows:

       "subsystem": "communication", 
       "components": [ 
           { "component": "wifi_lite", "features":[] }
  1. Add an adaptation file.

In the vendor/MyVendorCompany/MyProduct/config.json file, set ohos_board_adapter_dir to //vendor/MyVendorCompany/MyProduct/adapter.

In the ohos_board_adapter_dir directory, adapt the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth APIs based on the aforementioned header files.


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