harmony 鸿蒙Publishing Common Events

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (766)

Publishing Common Events

You can use publish() to publish a custom common event, which can carry data for subscribers to parse and process.


Subscribers can receive sticky common events that have been sent. However, they must subscribe to common events of other types before receiving them. For details about subscription, see Subscribing to Common Events.

For details about the APIs, see API Reference.

API Description
publish(event: string, callback: AsyncCallback) Publishes a common event.
publish(event: string, options: CommonEventPublishData, callback: AsyncCallback) Publishes a common event with given attributes.

Common events that do not carry information can be published only as unordered common events.

  1. Import the commonEventManager module.
   import commonEventManager from '@ohos.commonEventManager';
   import Base from '@ohos.base';
  1. Pass in the common event name and callback, and publish the event.
   // Publish a common event.
   commonEventManager.publish("usual.event.SCREEN_OFF", (err: Base.BusinessError) => {
       if (err) {
           console.error(`[CommonEvent] PublishCallBack err=${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
       } else {
           console.info(`[CommonEvent] Publish success`);

Common events that carry information can be published as unordered, ordered, and sticky common events, which are specified by the isOrdered and isSticky fields of CommonEventPublishData.

  1. Import the commonEventManager module.
   import commonEventManager from '@ohos.commonEventManager';
   import Base from '@ohos.base';
  1. Pass in the common event name and callback, and publish the event.
   // Attributes of a common event.
   let options: commonEventManager.CommonEventPublishData = {
       code: 1, // Result code of the common event.
       data: "initial data", // Result data of the common event.
  1. Pass in the common event name, attributes of the common event, and callback, and publish the event.
   // Publish a common event.
   commonEventManager.publish("usual.event.SCREEN_OFF", options, (err: Base.BusinessError) => {
       if (err) {
           console.error('[CommonEvent] PublishCallBack err=' + JSON.stringify(err));
       } else {
           console.info('[CommonEvent] Publish success')

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