harmony 鸿蒙In-Application HSP Development

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (994)

In-Application HSP Development

An in-application Harmony Shared Package (HSP) is a file used for code and resource sharing within an application (called the host application) and can only be invoked by a HAP or HSP of the same application. The in-application HSP is released with the Application Package (App Pack) of the host application, shares a process with the host application, and has the same bundle name and lifecycle as the host application.

Developing an In-Application HSP

Create an HSP module in DevEco Studio. In this example, an HSP module named library is created. The basic project directory structure is as follows:

├── src
│   └── main
│       ├── ets
│       │   ├── pages
│       │   └── index.ets
│       ├── resources
│       └── module.json5
└── oh-package.json5

Exporting TS Classes and Methods

Use export to export TS classes and methods. The sample code is as follows:

// library/src/main/ets/utils/test.ts
export class Log {
    static info(msg: string) {

export function add(a: number, b: number) {
  return a + b;

export function minus(a: number, b: number) {
  return a - b;

In the entry point file index.ets, declare the APIs to be exposed.

// library/src/main/ets/index.ets
export { Log, add, minus } from './utils/test'

Exporting ArkUI Components

Use export to export ArkUI components. The sample code is as follows:

// library/src/main/ets/components/MyTitleBar.ets
export struct MyTitleBar {
  build() {
    Row() {

In the entry point file index.ets, declare the APIs to be exposed.

// library/src/main/ets/index.ets
export { MyTitleBar } from './components/MyTitleBar'

Accessing Resources in an HSP Through $r

More often than not, you may need to use resources, such as strings and images, in components. For components in an HSP, such resources are typically placed in the HSP package, rather than in the package where the HSP is invoked, for the purpose of complying with the principle of high cohesion and low coupling.

In a project, application resources are referenced in the $r/$rawfile format. You can use $r/$rawfile to access resources in the resources directory of the current module. For example, you can use $r(“app.media.example”) to access the src/main/resources/base/media/example.png image stored in the resources directory. For details about how to use $r/$rawfile, see Resource Access: Application Resources.

To avoid reference errors, do not use relative paths. For example, if you use Image(“../../resources/base/media/example.png”), the image actually used will be the one in the directory of the module that invokes the HSP. That is, if the module that invokes the HSP is entry, then the image used will be entry/src/main/resources/base/media/example.png.

// library/src/main/ets/pages/Index.ets
// Correct
// Incorrect

Exporting Resources from an HSP

When resources in an HSP need to be exported for cross-package access, it is recommended that a resource manager class be implemented to encapsulate the exported resources. In this way: - You can keep resources well under your control, eliminating the need for exporting resources that do not need to be exposed. - The invoking module does not need to be aware of the internal resource names of the HSP, or make adaptation to changes in these internal resource names.

The implementation is as follows:

Implement the ResManager class for encapsulating resources to be exported.

// library/src/main/ets/ResManager.ets
export class ResManager{
  static getPic(): Resource{
    return $r("app.media.pic");
  static getDesc(): Resource{
    return $r("app.string.shared_desc");

In the entry point file index.ets, declare the APIs to be exposed.

// library/src/main/ets/index.ets
export { ResManager } from './ResManager'

Exporting Native Methods

The HSP can contain .so files compiled in C++. The HSP indirectly exports the native method in the .so file. In this example, the multi API in the libnative.so file is exported.

// library/src/main/ets/utils/nativeTest.ts
import native from "libnative.so"

export function nativeMulti(a: number, b: number) {
    let result: number = native.multi(a, b);
    return result;

In the entry point file index.ets, declare the APIs to be exposed.

// library/src/main/ets/index.ets
export { nativeMulti } from './utils/nativeTest'

Using the In-Application HSP

To use APIs in the HSP, first configure the dependency on the HSP in the oh-package.json5 file of the module that needs to call the APIs (called the invoking module). You can then call the external APIs of the HSP in the same way as calling the APIs in the HAR. In this example, the external APIs are the following ones exported from library:

// library/src/main/ets/index.ets
export { Log, add, minus } from './utils/test'
export { MyTitleBar } from './components/MyTitleBar'
export { ResManager } from './ResManager'
export { nativeMulti } from './utils/nativeTest'

The APIs can be used as follows in the code of the invoking module:

// entry/src/main/ets/pages/index.ets
import { Log, add, MyTitleBar, ResManager, nativeMulti } from "library"
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

struct Index {
  @State message: string = 'Hello World'
  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Button('add(1, 2)')
            Log.info("add button click!");
            this.message = "result: " + add(1, 2);
        // Resource object returned by ResManager, which can be passed to a component for direct use or be extracted.
          .onClick(()=> {
            // Obtain the context of the HSP module based on the current context, obtain the resourceManager object of the HSP module, and then call the API of resourceManager to obtain resources.
              .then(value => {
                console.log("getStringValue is " + value);
              .catch((err: BusinessError) => {
                console.log("getStringValue promise error is " + err);
        Button('nativeMulti(3, 4)')
            Log.info("nativeMulti button click!");
            this.message = "result: " + nativeMulti(3, 4);

Redirecting to a Page

If you want to add a button in the entry module to jump to the menu page (library/src/main/ets/pages/menu.ets) in the library module, you can write the following code in the entry/src/main/ets/MainAbility/Index.ets file of the entry module:

import router from '@ohos.router';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

struct Index {
    @State message: string = 'Hello World'

    build() {
    Row() {
        Column() {
        // Add a button to respond to user clicks.
        Button() {
            Text('click to menu')
            top: 20
        // Bind click events.
        .onClick(() => {
              url: '@bundle:com.example.hmservice/library/ets/pages/menu'
            }).then(() => {
              console.log("push page success");
            }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
              console.error(`pushUrl failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`);

The input parameter url of the router.pushUrl API is as follows:


The url content template is as follows:

'@bundle:bundle name/module name/path/page file name (without the extension .ets)'


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