echarts number 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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echarts number 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

* A third-party license is embeded for some of the code in this file:
* The method "quantile" was copied from "d3.js".
* (See more details in the comment of the method below.)
* The use of the source code of this file is also subject to the terms
* and consitions of the license of "d3.js" (BSD-3Clause, see
* </licenses/LICENSE-d3>).

import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';

const RADIAN_EPSILON = 1e-4;
// Although chrome already enlarge this number to 100 for `toFixed`, but
// we sill follow the spec for compatibility.

function _trim(str: string): string {
    return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

 * Linear mapping a value from domain to range
 * @param  val
 * @param  domain Domain extent domain[0] can be bigger than domain[1]
 * @param  range  Range extent range[0] can be bigger than range[1]
 * @param  clamp Default to be false
export function linearMap(
    val: number,
    domain: number[],
    range: number[],
    clamp?: boolean
): number {
    const d0 = domain[0];
    const d1 = domain[1];
    const r0 = range[0];
    const r1 = range[1];

    const subDomain = d1 - d0;
    const subRange = r1 - r0;

    if (subDomain === 0) {
        return subRange === 0
            ? r0
            : (r0 + r1) / 2;

    // Avoid accuracy problem in edge, such as
    // 146.39 - 62.83 === 83.55999999999999.
    // See echarts/test/ut/spec/util/number.js#linearMap#accuracyError
    // It is a little verbose for efficiency considering this method
    // is a hotspot.
    if (clamp) {
        if (subDomain > 0) {
            if (val <= d0) {
                return r0;
            else if (val >= d1) {
                return r1;
        else {
            if (val >= d0) {
                return r0;
            else if (val <= d1) {
                return r1;
    else {
        if (val === d0) {
            return r0;
        if (val === d1) {
            return r1;

    return (val - d0) / subDomain * subRange + r0;

 * Convert a percent string to absolute number.
 * Returns NaN if percent is not a valid string or number
export function parsePercent(percent: number | string, all: number): number {
    switch (percent) {
        case 'center':
        case 'middle':
            percent = '50%';
        case 'left':
        case 'top':
            percent = '0%';
        case 'right':
        case 'bottom':
            percent = '100%';
    if (zrUtil.isString(percent)) {
        if (_trim(percent).match(/%$/)) {
            return parseFloat(percent) / 100 * all;

        return parseFloat(percent);

    return percent == null ? NaN : +percent;

 * (1) Fix rounding error of float numbers.
 * (2) Support return string to avoid scientific notation like '3.5e-7'.
export function round(x: number | string, precision?: number): number;
export function round(x: number | string, precision: number, returnStr: false): number;
export function round(x: number | string, precision: number, returnStr: true): string;
export function round(x: number | string, precision?: number, returnStr?: boolean): string | number {
    if (precision == null) {
        precision = 10;
    // Avoid range error
    precision = Math.min(Math.max(0, precision), ROUND_SUPPORTED_PRECISION_MAX);
    // PENDING: 1.005.toFixed(2) is '1.00' rather than '1.01'
    x = (+x).toFixed(precision);
    return (returnStr ? x : +x);

 * Inplacd asc sort arr.
 * The input arr will be modified.
export function asc<T extends number[]>(arr: T): T {
    arr.sort(function (a, b) {
        return a - b;
    return arr;

 * Get precision.
export function getPrecision(val: string | number): number {
    val = +val;
    if (isNaN(val)) {
        return 0;

    // It is much faster than methods converting number to string as follows
    //      let tmp = val.toString();
    //      return tmp.length - 1 - tmp.indexOf('.');
    // especially when precision is low
    // Notice:
    // (1) If the loop count is over about 20, it is slower than `getPrecisionSafe`.
    //     (see
    // (2) If the val is less than for example 1e-15, the result may be incorrect.
    //     (see test/ut/spec/util/number.test.ts `getPrecision_equal_random`)
    if (val > 1e-14) {
        let e = 1;
        for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++, e *= 10) {
            if (Math.round(val * e) / e === val) {
                return i;

    return getPrecisionSafe(val);

 * Get precision with slow but safe method
export function getPrecisionSafe(val: string | number): number {
    // toLowerCase for: '3.4E-12'
    const str = val.toString().toLowerCase();

    // Consider scientific notation: '3.4e-12' '3.4e+12'
    const eIndex = str.indexOf('e');
    const exp = eIndex > 0 ? +str.slice(eIndex + 1) : 0;
    const significandPartLen = eIndex > 0 ? eIndex : str.length;
    const dotIndex = str.indexOf('.');
    const decimalPartLen = dotIndex < 0 ? 0 : significandPartLen - 1 - dotIndex;
    return Math.max(0, decimalPartLen - exp);

 * Minimal dicernible data precisioin according to a single pixel.
export function getPixelPrecision(dataExtent: [number, number], pixelExtent: [number, number]): number {
    const log = Math.log;
    const LN10 = Math.LN10;
    const dataQuantity = Math.floor(log(dataExtent[1] - dataExtent[0]) / LN10);
    const sizeQuantity = Math.round(log(Math.abs(pixelExtent[1] - pixelExtent[0])) / LN10);
    // toFixed() digits argument must be between 0 and 20.
    const precision = Math.min(Math.max(-dataQuantity + sizeQuantity, 0), 20);
    return !isFinite(precision) ? 20 : precision;

 * Get a data of given precision, assuring the sum of percentages
 * in valueList is 1.
 * The largest remainer method is used.
 * @param valueList a list of all data
 * @param idx index of the data to be processed in valueList
 * @param precision integer number showing digits of precision
 * @return percent ranging from 0 to 100
export function getPercentWithPrecision(valueList: number[], idx: number, precision: number): number {
    if (!valueList[idx]) {
        return 0;

    const seats = getPercentSeats(valueList, precision);

    return seats[idx] || 0;

 * Get a data of given precision, assuring the sum of percentages
 * in valueList is 1.
 * The largest remainer method is used.
 * @param valueList a list of all data
 * @param precision integer number showing digits of precision
 * @return {Array<number>}
export function getPercentSeats(valueList: number[], precision: number): number[] {
    const sum = zrUtil.reduce(valueList, function (acc, val) {
        return acc + (isNaN(val) ? 0 : val);
    }, 0);
    if (sum === 0) {
        return [];

    const digits = Math.pow(10, precision);
    const votesPerQuota =, function (val) {
        return (isNaN(val) ? 0 : val) / sum * digits * 100;
    const targetSeats = digits * 100;

    const seats =, function (votes) {
        // Assign automatic seats.
        return Math.floor(votes);
    let currentSum = zrUtil.reduce(seats, function (acc, val) {
        return acc + val;
    }, 0);

    const remainder =, function (votes, idx) {
        return votes - seats[idx];

    // Has remainding votes.
    while (currentSum < targetSeats) {
        // Find next largest remainder.
        let max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        let maxId = null;
        for (let i = 0, len = remainder.length; i < len; ++i) {
            if (remainder[i] > max) {
                max = remainder[i];
                maxId = i;

        // Add a vote to max remainder.
        remainder[maxId] = 0;
    return, function (seat) {
        return seat / digits;

 * Solve the floating point adding problem like 0.1 + 0.2 === 0.30000000000000004
 * See <>
export function addSafe(val0: number, val1: number): number {
    const maxPrecision = Math.max(getPrecision(val0), getPrecision(val1));
    // const multiplier = Math.pow(10, maxPrecision);
    // return (Math.round(val0 * multiplier) + Math.round(val1 * multiplier)) / multiplier;
    const sum = val0 + val1;
    // // PENDING: support more?
    return maxPrecision > ROUND_SUPPORTED_PRECISION_MAX
        ? sum : round(sum, maxPrecision);

// Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, ie do not support.
export const MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991;

 * To 0 - 2 * PI, considering negative radian.
export function remRadian(radian: number): number {
    const pi2 = Math.PI * 2;
    return (radian % pi2 + pi2) % pi2;

 * @param {type} radian
 * @return {boolean}
export function isRadianAroundZero(val: number): boolean {
    return val > -RADIAN_EPSILON && val < RADIAN_EPSILON;

// eslint-disable-next-line
const TIME_REG = /^(?:(\d{4})(?:[-\/](\d{1,2})(?:[-\/](\d{1,2})(?:[T ](\d{1,2})(?::(\d{1,2})(?::(\d{1,2})(?:[.,](\d+))?)?)?(Z|[\+\-]\d\d:?\d\d)?)?)?)?)?$/; // jshint ignore:line

 * @param value valid type: number | string | Date, otherwise return `new Date(NaN)`
 *   These values can be accepted:
 *   + An instance of Date, represent a time in its own time zone.
 *   + Or string in a subset of ISO 8601, only including:
 *     + only year, month, date: '2012-03', '2012-03-01', '2012-03-01 05', '2012-03-01 05:06',
 *     + separated with T or space: '2012-03-01T12:22:33.123', '2012-03-01 12:22:33.123',
 *     + time zone: '2012-03-01T12:22:33Z', '2012-03-01T12:22:33+8000', '2012-03-01T12:22:33-05:00',
 *     all of which will be treated as local time if time zone is not specified
 *     (see <>).
 *   + Or other string format, including (all of which will be treated as loacal time):
 *     '2012', '2012-3-1', '2012/3/1', '2012/03/01',
 *     '2009/6/12 2:00', '2009/6/12 2:05:08', '2009/6/12 2:05:08.123'
 *   + a timestamp, which represent a time in UTC.
 * @return date Never be null/undefined. If invalid, return `new Date(NaN)`.
export function parseDate(value: unknown): Date {
    if (value instanceof Date) {
        return value;
    else if (zrUtil.isString(value)) {
        // Different browsers parse date in different way, so we parse it manually.
        // Some other issues:
        // new Date('1970-01-01') is UTC,
        // new Date('1970/01/01') and new Date('1970-1-01') is local.
        // See issue #3623
        const match = TIME_REG.exec(value);

        if (!match) {
            // return Invalid Date.
            return new Date(NaN);

        // Use local time when no timezone offset specifed.
        if (!match[8]) {
            // match[n] can only be string or undefined.
            // But take care of '12' + 1 => '121'.
            return new Date(
                +(match[2] || 1) - 1,
                +match[3] || 1,
                +match[4] || 0,
                +(match[5] || 0),
                +match[6] || 0,
                match[7] ? +match[7].substring(0, 3) : 0
        // Timezoneoffset of Javascript Date has considered DST (Daylight Saving Time,
        // For example, system timezone is set as "Time Zone: America/Toronto",
        // then these code will get different result:
        // `new Date(1478411999999).getTimezoneOffset();  // get 240`
        // `new Date(1478412000000).getTimezoneOffset();  // get 300`
        // So we should not use `new Date`, but use `Date.UTC`.
        else {
            let hour = +match[4] || 0;
            if (match[8].toUpperCase() !== 'Z') {
                hour -= +match[8].slice(0, 3);
            return new Date(Date.UTC(
                +(match[2] || 1) - 1,
                +match[3] || 1,
                +(match[5] || 0),
                +match[6] || 0,
                match[7] ? +match[7].substring(0, 3) : 0
    else if (value == null) {
        return new Date(NaN);

    return new Date(Math.round(value as number));

 * Quantity of a number. e.g. 0.1, 1, 10, 100
 * @param val
 * @return
export function quantity(val: number): number {
    return Math.pow(10, quantityExponent(val));

 * Exponent of the quantity of a number
 * e.g., 1234 equals to 1.234*10^3, so quantityExponent(1234) is 3
 * @param val non-negative value
 * @return
export function quantityExponent(val: number): number {
    if (val === 0) {
        return 0;

    let exp = Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.LN10);
     * exp is expected to be the rounded-down result of the base-10 log of val.
     * But due to the precision loss with Math.log(val), we need to restore it
     * using 10^exp to make sure we can get val back from exp. #11249
    if (val / Math.pow(10, exp) >= 10) {
    return exp;

 * find a “nice” number approximately equal to x. Round the number if round = true,
 * take ceiling if round = false. The primary observation is that the “nicest”
 * numbers in decimal are 1, 2, and 5, and all power-of-ten multiples of these numbers.
 * See "Nice Numbers for Graph Labels" of Graphic Gems.
 * @param  val Non-negative value.
 * @param  round
 * @return Niced number
export function nice(val: number, round?: boolean): number {
    const exponent = quantityExponent(val);
    const exp10 = Math.pow(10, exponent);
    const f = val / exp10; // 1 <= f < 10
    let nf;
    if (round) {
        if (f < 1.5) {
            nf = 1;
        else if (f < 2.5) {
            nf = 2;
        else if (f < 4) {
            nf = 3;
        else if (f < 7) {
            nf = 5;
        else {
            nf = 10;
    else {
        if (f < 1) {
            nf = 1;
        else if (f < 2) {
            nf = 2;
        else if (f < 3) {
            nf = 3;
        else if (f < 5) {
            nf = 5;
        else {
            nf = 10;
    val = nf * exp10;

    // Fix 3 * 0.1 === 0.30000000000000004 issue (see IEEE 754).
    // 20 is the uppper bound of toFixed.
    return exponent >= -20 ? +val.toFixed(exponent < 0 ? -exponent : 0) : val;

 * This code was copied from "d3.js"
 * <>.
 * See the license statement at the head of this file.
 * @param ascArr
export function quantile(ascArr: number[], p: number): number {
    const H = (ascArr.length - 1) * p + 1;
    const h = Math.floor(H);
    const v = +ascArr[h - 1];
    const e = H - h;
    return e ? v + e * (ascArr[h] - v) : v;

type IntervalItem = {
    interval: [number, number]
    close: [0 | 1, 0 | 1]
 * Order intervals asc, and split them when overlap.
 * expect(numberUtil.reformIntervals([
 *     {interval: [18, 62], close: [1, 1]},
 *     {interval: [-Infinity, -70], close: [0, 0]},
 *     {interval: [-70, -26], close: [1, 1]},
 *     {interval: [-26, 18], close: [1, 1]},
 *     {interval: [62, 150], close: [1, 1]},
 *     {interval: [106, 150], close: [1, 1]},
 *     {interval: [150, Infinity], close: [0, 0]}
 * ])).toEqual([
 *     {interval: [-Infinity, -70], close: [0, 0]},
 *     {interval: [-70, -26], close: [1, 1]},
 *     {interval: [-26, 18], close: [0, 1]},
 *     {interval: [18, 62], close: [0, 1]},
 *     {interval: [62, 150], close: [0, 1]},
 *     {interval: [150, Infinity], close: [0, 0]}
 * ]);
 * @param list, where `close` mean open or close
 *        of the interval, and Infinity can be used.
 * @return The origin list, which has been reformed.
export function reformIntervals(list: IntervalItem[]): IntervalItem[] {
    list.sort(function (a, b) {
        return littleThan(a, b, 0) ? -1 : 1;

    let curr = -Infinity;
    let currClose = 1;
    for (let i = 0; i < list.length;) {
        const interval = list[i].interval;
        const close = list[i].close;

        for (let lg = 0; lg < 2; lg++) {
            if (interval[lg] <= curr) {
                interval[lg] = curr;
                close[lg] = (!lg ? 1 - currClose : 1) as 0 | 1;
            curr = interval[lg];
            currClose = close[lg];

        if (interval[0] === interval[1] && close[0] * close[1] !== 1) {
            list.splice(i, 1);
        else {

    return list;

    function littleThan(a: IntervalItem, b: IntervalItem, lg: number): boolean {
        return a.interval[lg] < b.interval[lg]
            || (
                a.interval[lg] === b.interval[lg]
                && (
                    (a.close[lg] - b.close[lg] === (!lg ? 1 : -1))
                    || (!lg && littleThan(a, b, 1))

 * [Numberic is defined as]:
 *     `parseFloat(val) == val`
 * For example:
 * numeric:
 *     typeof number except NaN, '-123', '123', '2e3', '-2e3', '011', 'Infinity', Infinity,
 *     and they rounded by white-spaces or line-terminal like ' -123 \n ' (see es spec)
 * not-numeric:
 *     null, undefined, [], {}, true, false, 'NaN', NaN, '123ab',
 *     empty string, string with only white-spaces or line-terminal (see es spec),
 *     0x12, '0x12', '-0x12', 012, '012', '-012',
 *     non-string, ...
 * @test See full test cases in `test/ut/spec/util/number.js`.
 * @return Must be a typeof number. If not numeric, return NaN.
export function numericToNumber(val: unknown): number {
    const valFloat = parseFloat(val as string);
    return (
        valFloat == val // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
        && (valFloat !== 0 || !zrUtil.isString(val) || val.indexOf('x') <= 0) // For case ' 0x0 '.
    ) ? valFloat : NaN;

 * Definition of "numeric": see `numericToNumber`.
export function isNumeric(val: unknown): val is number {
    return !isNaN(numericToNumber(val));

 * Use random base to prevent users hard code depending on
 * this auto generated marker id.
 * @return An positive integer.
export function getRandomIdBase(): number {
    return Math.round(Math.random() * 9);

 * Get the greatest common dividor
 * @param {number} a one number
 * @param {number} b the other number
export function getGreatestCommonDividor(a: number, b: number): number {
    if (b === 0) {
        return a;
    return getGreatestCommonDividor(b, a % b);

 * Get the least common multiple
 * @param {number} a one number
 * @param {number} b the other number
export function getLeastCommonMultiple(a: number, b: number) {
    if (a == null) {
        return b;
    if (b == null) {
        return a;
    return a * b / getGreatestCommonDividor(a, b);


echarts 源码目录


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