harmony 鸿蒙DataShare Error Codes

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (753)

DataShare Error Codes


This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, see Universal Error Codes.

15700010 Failed to Create a DataShareHelper

Error Message

The DataShareHelper is not initialized successfully.


The DataShareHelper class fails to be created.

Possible Causes

  1. The uri specified in createDataHelper is incorrect.
  2. The context specified in createDataHelper is incorrect. DataShare supports only the stage model.
  3. The client application does not have the permission to start DataShareExtension from the background when the client attempts to start DataShareExtension from the background to create DataShareHelper.


  1. Obtain the correct URI.

  2. Check that the context of the stage model is used.

  3. Check whether the client has the read or write permission on data. Perform the following steps:

    (1) Obtain the data provider bundle name in the path of the URI. For example, the bundle name in uri = “datashareproxy://com.acts.ohos.data.datasharetest/test” is com.acts.ohos.data.datasharetest.

    (2) Obtain the configuration based on the bundle name. For example, run bm dump –bundle-name com.acts.ohos.data.datasharetest to obtain the DataShareExtension configuration, and check whether the data consumer has readPermission or writePermission.

15700011 Failed to Add or Delete a Template

Error Message

The uri does not exist.


This error code is returned when a template fails to be added or deleted.

Possible Causes

  1. The input parameter uri of addTemplate() is incorrect.
  2. The input parameter uri of delTemplate() is incorrect.


Obtain the correct URI.

15700012 Data Area Not Exist

Error Message

The data area does not exist.


This error code is returned when a data update operaton fails.

Possible Causes

The input parameter bundleName of publish() is incorrect.


Obtain the correct bundleName value from the DataShare server provider.


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