harmony 鸿蒙reminderAgentManager Error Codes

  • 2022-12-05
  • 浏览 (780)

reminderAgentManager Error Codes


This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, see Universal Error Codes.

1700001 Notification Disabled

Error Message

Notification is not enabled.


The application is not allowed to send notifications when publishReminder() is called.

Possible Causes

  1. The application has not requested notification to be enabled.
  2. The reminder function is disabled.


  1. Call Notification.requestEnableNotification to request notification to be enabled for the application.
  2. Check whether the notification function is disabled.

1700002 Too Many Reminders

Error Message

The number of reminders exceeds the limit.


The number of reminders exceeds the limit when publishReminder() is called.

Possible Causes

  1. The number of reminders generated for the entire system exceeds 2000 in API version 9 or 12000 in API version 10 or later.
  2. The number of reminders generated for the application exceeds 30 in API version 9 or 30 (for a common application) or 10000 (for a system application) in API version 10 or later.


Delete unnecessary reminders.

1700003 Nonexistent Reminder

Error Message

The reminder does not exist.


The reminder passed in cancelReminder() does not exist.

Possible Causes

  1. The reminder has expired.
  2. The reminder has been deleted.


  1. Check whether the reminder is valid.
  2. Check whether the reminder has been deleted.

1700004 Nonexistent Bundle Name

Error Message

The bundle name does not exist.


The bundle name passed is not found.

Possible Causes

  1. The bundle name is incorrect.
  2. The application is not installed.


Check whether the bundle name exists.


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