echarts types 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (741)

echarts types 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

 * [Notice]:
 * Consider custom bundle on demand, chart specified
 * or component specified types and constants should
 * not put here. Only common types and constants can
 * be put in this file.

import Group from 'zrender/src/graphic/Group';
import Element, {ElementEvent, ElementTextConfig} from 'zrender/src/Element';
import { DataFormatMixin } from '../model/mixin/dataFormat';
import GlobalModel from '../model/Global';
import ExtensionAPI from '../core/ExtensionAPI';
import SeriesModel from '../model/Series';
import { createHashMap, HashMap } from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import { TaskPlanCallbackReturn, TaskProgressParams } from '../core/task';
import SeriesData from '../data/SeriesData';
import { Dictionary, ElementEventName, ImageLike, TextAlign, TextVerticalAlign } from 'zrender/src/core/types';
import { PatternObject } from 'zrender/src/graphic/Pattern';
import { TooltipMarker } from './format';
import { AnimationEasing } from 'zrender/src/animation/easing';
import { LinearGradientObject } from 'zrender/src/graphic/LinearGradient';
import { RadialGradientObject } from 'zrender/src/graphic/RadialGradient';
import { RectLike } from 'zrender/src/core/BoundingRect';
import { TSpanStyleProps } from 'zrender/src/graphic/TSpan';
import { PathStyleProps } from 'zrender/src/graphic/Path';
import { ImageStyleProps } from 'zrender/src/graphic/Image';
import ZRText, { TextStyleProps } from 'zrender/src/graphic/Text';
import { Source } from '../data/Source';
import Model from '../model/Model';
import { DataStoreDimensionType } from '../data/DataStore';
import { DimensionUserOuputEncode } from '../data/helper/dimensionHelper';

// ---------------------------
// Common types and constants
// ---------------------------

export {Dictionary};

export type RendererType = 'canvas' | 'svg';
export type NullUndefined = null | undefined;

export type LayoutOrient = 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
export type HorizontalAlign = 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
export type VerticalAlign = 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom';

// Types from zrender
export type ColorString = string;
export type ZRColor = ColorString | LinearGradientObject | RadialGradientObject | PatternObject;
export type ZRLineType = 'solid' | 'dotted' | 'dashed' | number | number[];

export type ZRFontStyle = 'normal' | 'italic' | 'oblique';
export type ZRFontWeight = 'normal' | 'bold' | 'bolder' | 'lighter' | number;

export type ZREasing = AnimationEasing;

export type ZRTextAlign = TextAlign;
export type ZRTextVerticalAlign = TextVerticalAlign;

export type ZRElementEvent = ElementEvent;

export type ZRRectLike = RectLike;

export type ZRStyleProps = PathStyleProps | ImageStyleProps | TSpanStyleProps | TextStyleProps;

export type ZRElementEventName = ElementEventName | 'globalout';

// ComponentFullType can be:
//     'a.b': means ComponentMainType.ComponentSubType.
//     'a': means ComponentMainType.
// See `checkClassType` check the restict definition.
export type ComponentFullType = string;
export type ComponentMainType = keyof ECUnitOption & string;
export type ComponentSubType = Exclude<ComponentOption['type'], undefined>;
 * Use `parseClassType` to parse componentType declaration to componentTypeInfo.
 * For example:
 * componentType declaration: 'a.b', get componentTypeInfo {main: 'a', sub: 'b'}.
 * componentType declaration: '', get componentTypeInfo {main: '', sub: ''}.
export interface ComponentTypeInfo {
    main: ComponentMainType; // Never null/undefined. `''` represents absence.
    sub: ComponentSubType; // Never null/undefined. `''` represents absence.

export interface ECElement extends Element {
    highDownSilentOnTouch?: boolean;
    onHoverStateChange?: (toState: DisplayState) => void;

    // 0: normal
    // 1: blur
    // 2: emphasis
    hoverState?: 0 | 1 | 2;
    selected?: boolean;

    z2EmphasisLift?: number;
    z2SelectLift?: number;

     * Force enable animation.
     * This property is useful when an ignored/invisible/removed element
     * should have label animation, like the case in the bar-racing charts.
     * `forceLabelAnimation` has higher priority than `disableLabelAnimation`.
    forceLabelAnimation?: boolean;
     * Force disable animation.
     * `forceLabelAnimation` has higher priority than `disableLabelAnimation`.
    disableLabelAnimation?: boolean
     * Force disable overall layout
    disableLabelLayout?: boolean
     * Force disable morphing
    disableMorphing?: boolean

export interface DataHost {
    getData(dataType?: SeriesDataType): SeriesData;

export interface DataModel extends Model<unknown>, DataHost, DataFormatMixin {}
    // Pick<DataHost, 'getData'>,
    // Pick<DataFormatMixin, 'getDataParams' | 'formatTooltip'> {}

interface PayloadItem {
    excludeSeriesId?: OptionId | OptionId[];
    animation?: PayloadAnimationPart
    // TODO use unknown
    [other: string]: any;

export interface Payload extends PayloadItem {
    type: string;
    escapeConnect?: boolean;
    batch?: PayloadItem[];

export interface HighlightPayload extends Payload {
    type: 'highlight';
    notBlur?: boolean

export interface DownplayPayload extends Payload {
    type: 'downplay';
    notBlur?: boolean

// Payload includes override anmation info
export interface PayloadAnimationPart {
    duration?: number
    easing?: AnimationEasing
    delay?: number

export interface SelectChangedPayload extends Payload {
    type: 'selectchanged'
    escapeConnect: boolean
    isFromClick: boolean
    fromAction: 'select' | 'unselect' | 'toggleSelected'
    fromActionPayload: Payload
    selected: {
        seriesIndex: number
        dataType?: SeriesDataType
        dataIndex: number[]

export interface ViewRootGroup extends Group {
    __ecComponentInfo?: {
        mainType: string,
        index: number

export interface ECElementEvent extends
    CallbackDataParams {

    type: ZRElementEventName;
    event?: ElementEvent;

 * The echarts event type to user.
 * Also known as packedEvent.
export interface ECActionEvent extends ECEventData {
    // event type
    type: string;
    componentType?: string;
    componentIndex?: number;
    seriesIndex?: number;
    escapeConnect?: boolean;
    batch?: ECEventData;
export interface ECEventData {
    // TODO use unknown
    [key: string]: any;

export interface EventQueryItem {
    // TODO use unknown
    [key: string]: any;
export interface NormalizedEventQuery {
    cptQuery: EventQueryItem;
    dataQuery: EventQueryItem;
    otherQuery: EventQueryItem;

export interface ActionInfo {
    // action type
    type: string;
    // If not provided, use the same string of `type`.
    event?: string;
    // update method
    update?: string;
export interface ActionHandler {
    (payload: Payload, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI): void | ECEventData;

export interface OptionPreprocessor {
    (option: ECUnitOption, isTheme: boolean): void

export interface PostUpdater {
    (ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI): void;

export interface StageHandlerReset {
    (seriesModel: SeriesModel, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload?: Payload):
        StageHandlerProgressExecutor | StageHandlerProgressExecutor[] | void
export interface StageHandlerOverallReset {
    (ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload?: Payload): void
export interface StageHandler {
     * Indicate that the task will be piped all series
     * (`performRawSeries` indicate whether includes filtered series).
    createOnAllSeries?: boolean;
     * Indicate that the task will be only piped in the pipeline of this type of series.
     * (`performRawSeries` indicate whether includes filtered series).
    seriesType?: string;
     * Indicate that the task will be only piped in the pipeline of the returned series.
    getTargetSeries?: (ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) => HashMap<SeriesModel>;

     * If `true`, filtered series will also be "performed".
    performRawSeries?: boolean;

     * Called only when this task in a pipeline.
    plan?: StageHandlerPlan;
     * If `overallReset` specified, an "overall task" will be created.
     * "overall task" does not belong to a certain pipeline.
     * They always be "performed" in certain phase (depends on when they declared).
     * They has "stub"s to connect with pipelines (one stub for one pipeline),
     * delivering info like "dirty" and "output end".
    overallReset?: StageHandlerOverallReset;
     * Called only when this task in a pipeline, and "dirty".
    reset?: StageHandlerReset;

export interface StageHandlerInternal extends StageHandler {
    uid: string;
    visualType?: 'layout' | 'visual';
    // modifyOutputEnd?: boolean;
    __prio: number;
    __raw: StageHandler | StageHandlerOverallReset;
    isVisual?: boolean; // PENDING: not used
    isLayout?: boolean; // PENDING: not used

export type StageHandlerProgressParams = TaskProgressParams;
export interface StageHandlerProgressExecutor {
    dataEach?: (data: SeriesData, idx: number) => void;
    progress?: (params: StageHandlerProgressParams, data: SeriesData) => void;
export type StageHandlerPlanReturn = TaskPlanCallbackReturn;
export interface StageHandlerPlan {
    (seriesModel: SeriesModel, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI, payload?: Payload):

export interface LoadingEffectCreator {
    (api: ExtensionAPI, cfg: object): LoadingEffect;
export interface LoadingEffect extends Element {
    resize: () => void;

 * 'html' is used for rendering tooltip in extra DOM form, and the result
 * string is used as DOM HTML content.
 * 'richText' is used for rendering tooltip in rich text form, for those where
 * DOM operation is not supported.
export type TooltipRenderMode = 'html' | 'richText';

export type TooltipOrderMode = 'valueAsc' | 'valueDesc' | 'seriesAsc' | 'seriesDesc';

// ---------------------------------
// Data and dimension related types
// ---------------------------------

// Finally the user data will be parsed and stored in `list._storage`.
// `NaN` represents "no data" (raw data `null`/`undefined`/`NaN`/`'-'`).
// `Date` will be parsed to timestamp.
// Ordinal/category data will be parsed to its index if possible, otherwise
// keep its original string in list._storage.
// Check `convertValue` for more details.
export type OrdinalRawValue = string | number;
export type OrdinalNumber = number; // The number mapped from each OrdinalRawValue.

 * @usage For example,
 * ```js
 * { ordinalNumbers: [2, 5, 3, 4] }
 * ```
 * means that ordinal 2 should be diplayed on tick 0,
 * ordinal 5 should be displayed on tick 1, ...
export type OrdinalSortInfo = {
    ordinalNumbers: OrdinalNumber[];

 * `OptionDataValue` is the primitive value in `` or `dataset.source`.
 * `OptionDataValue` are parsed (see `src/data/helper/dataValueHelper.parseDataValue`)
 * into `ParsedValue` and stored into `data/SeriesData` storage.
 * Note:
 * (1) The term "parse" does not mean `src/scale/Scale['parse']`.
 * (2) If a category dimension is not mapped to any axis, its raw value will NOT be
 * parsed to `OrdinalNumber` but keep the original `OrdinalRawValue` in `src/data/SeriesData` storage.
export type ParsedValue = ParsedValueNumeric | OrdinalRawValue;
export type ParsedValueNumeric = number | OrdinalNumber;

 * `ScaleDataValue` means that the user input primitive value to `src/scale/Scale`.
 * (For example, used in `axis.min`, `axis.max`, `convertToPixel`).
 * Note:
 * `ScaleDataValue` is a little different from `OptionDataValue`, because it will not go through
 * `src/data/helper/dataValueHelper.parseDataValue`, but go through `src/scale/Scale['parse']`.
export type ScaleDataValue = ParsedValueNumeric | OrdinalRawValue | Date;

export interface ScaleTick {
    level?: number,
    value: number
export interface TimeScaleTick extends ScaleTick {
     * Level information is used for label formatting.
     * For example, a time axis may contain labels like: Jan, 8th, 16th, 23th,
     * Feb, and etc. In this case, month labels like Jan and Feb should be
     * displayed in a more significant way than days.
     * `level` is set to be 0 when it's the most significant level, like month
     * labels in the above case.
    level?: number
export interface OrdinalScaleTick extends ScaleTick {
     * Represents where the tick will be placed visually.
     * Notice:
     * The value is not the raw ordinal value. And do not changed
     * after ordinal scale sorted.
     * We need to:
     * ```js
     * const coord = dataToCoord(ordinalScale.getRawOrdinalNumber(tick.value)).
     * ```
     * Why place the tick value here rather than the raw ordinal value (like LogScale did)?
     * Because ordinal scale sort is the different case from LogScale, where
     * axis tick, splitArea should better not to be sorted, especially in
     * anid(animation id) when `boundaryGap: true`.
     * Only axis label are sorted.
    value: number

// Can only be string or index, because it is used in object key in some code.
// Making the type alias here just intending to show the meaning clearly in code.
export type DimensionIndex = number;
// If being a number-like string but not being defined a dimension name.
// See `List.js#getDimension` for more details.
export type DimensionIndexLoose = DimensionIndex | string;
export type DimensionName = string;
export type DimensionLoose = DimensionName | DimensionIndexLoose;
export type DimensionType = DataStoreDimensionType;

export const VISUAL_DIMENSIONS = createHashMap<number, keyof DataVisualDimensions>([
    'tooltip', 'label', 'itemName', 'itemId', 'itemGroupId', 'seriesName'
export interface DataVisualDimensions {
    // can be set as false to directly to prevent this data
    // dimension from displaying in the default tooltip.
    // see `Series.ts#formatTooltip`.
    tooltip?: DimensionIndex | false;
    label?: DimensionIndex;
    itemName?: DimensionIndex;
    itemId?: DimensionIndex;
    itemGroupId?: DimensionIndex;
    seriesName?: DimensionIndex;

export type DimensionDefinition = {
    type?: DataStoreDimensionType,
    name?: DimensionName,
    displayName?: string
export type DimensionDefinitionLoose = DimensionDefinition['name'] | DimensionDefinition;

export const SOURCE_FORMAT_ORIGINAL = 'original' as const;
export const SOURCE_FORMAT_ARRAY_ROWS = 'arrayRows' as const;
export const SOURCE_FORMAT_OBJECT_ROWS = 'objectRows' as const;
export const SOURCE_FORMAT_KEYED_COLUMNS = 'keyedColumns' as const;
export const SOURCE_FORMAT_TYPED_ARRAY = 'typedArray' as const;
export const SOURCE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 'unknown' as const;

export type SourceFormat =

export const SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN = 'column' as const;
export const SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_ROW = 'row' as const;

export type SeriesLayoutBy = typeof SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN | typeof SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_ROW;
// null/undefined/'auto': auto detect header, see "src/data/helper/sourceHelper".
// If number, means header lines count, or say, `startIndex`.
// Like `sourceHeader: 2`, means line 0 and line 1 are header, data start from line 2.
export type OptionSourceHeader = boolean | 'auto' | number;

export type SeriesDataType = 'main' | 'node' | 'edge';

// --------------------------------------------
// echarts option types (base and common part)
// --------------------------------------------

 * [ECUnitOption]:
 * An object that contains definitions of components
 * and other properties. For example:
 * ```ts
 * let option: ECUnitOption = {
 *     // Single `title` component:
 *     title: {...},
 *     // Two `visualMap` components:
 *     visualMap: [{...}, {...}],
 *     // Two `` components
 *     // and one `series.pie` component:
 *     series: [
 *         {type: 'bar', data: [...]},
 *         {type: 'bar', data: [...]},
 *         {type: 'pie', data: [...]}
 *     ],
 *     // A property:
 *     backgroundColor: '#421ae4'
 *     // A property object:
 *     textStyle: {
 *         color: 'red',
 *         fontSize: 20
 *     }
 * };
 * ```
export type ECUnitOption = {
    // Exclude these reserverd word for `ECOption` to avoid to infer to "any".
    baseOption?: unknown
    options?: unknown
    media?: unknown

    timeline?: ComponentOption | ComponentOption[]
    backgroundColor?: ZRColor
    darkMode?: boolean | 'auto'
    textStyle?: Pick<LabelOption, 'color' | 'fontStyle' | 'fontWeight' | 'fontSize' | 'fontFamily'>
    useUTC?: boolean

    [key: string]: ComponentOption | ComponentOption[] | Dictionary<unknown> | unknown

    stateAnimation?: AnimationOption
} & AnimationOptionMixin & ColorPaletteOptionMixin;

 * [ECOption]:
 * An object input to echarts.setOption(option).
 * May be an 'option: ECUnitOption',
 * or may be an object contains multi-options. For example:
 * ```ts
 * let option: ECOption = {
 *     baseOption: {
 *         title: {...},
 *         legend: {...},
 *         series: [
 *             {data: [...]},
 *             {data: [...]},
 *             ...
 *         ]
 *     },
 *     timeline: {...},
 *     options: [
 *         {title: {...}, series: {data: [...]}},
 *         {title: {...}, series: {data: [...]}},
 *         ...
 *     ],
 *     media: [
 *         {
 *             query: {maxWidth: 320},
 *             option: {series: {x: 20}, visualMap: {show: false}}
 *         },
 *         {
 *             query: {minWidth: 320, maxWidth: 720},
 *             option: {series: {x: 500}, visualMap: {show: true}}
 *         },
 *         {
 *             option: {series: {x: 1200}, visualMap: {show: true}}
 *         }
 *     ]
 * };
 * ```
export interface ECBasicOption extends ECUnitOption {
    baseOption?: ECUnitOption;
    timeline?: ComponentOption | ComponentOption[];
    options?: ECUnitOption[];
    media?: MediaUnit[];

// or dataset.source
export type OptionSourceData<
    VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue,
    ORIITEM extends OptionDataItemOriginal<VAL> = OptionDataItemOriginal<VAL>
> =
    OptionSourceDataOriginal<VAL, ORIITEM>
    | OptionSourceDataObjectRows<VAL>
    | OptionSourceDataArrayRows<VAL>
    | OptionSourceDataKeyedColumns<VAL>
    | OptionSourceDataTypedArray;
export type OptionDataItemOriginal<
    VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue
> = VAL | VAL[] | OptionDataItemObject<VAL>;
export type OptionSourceDataOriginal<
    VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue,
    ORIITEM extends OptionDataItemOriginal<VAL> = OptionDataItemOriginal<VAL>
> = ArrayLike<ORIITEM>;
export type OptionSourceDataObjectRows<VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue> =
export type OptionSourceDataArrayRows<VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue> =
export type OptionSourceDataKeyedColumns<VAL extends OptionDataValue = OptionDataValue> =
export type OptionSourceDataTypedArray = ArrayLike<number>;

// See also `model.js#getDataItemValue`.
export type OptionDataItem =
    | Dictionary<OptionDataValue>
    | OptionDataValue[]
    // FIXME: In some case (markpoint in geo (geo-map.html)), dataItem is {coord: [...]}
    | OptionDataItemObject<OptionDataValue>;
export type OptionDataItemObject<T> = {
    id?: OptionId;
    name?: OptionName;
    groupId?: OptionId;
    value?: T[] | T;
    selected?: boolean;
// Compat number because it is usually used and not easy to
// restrict it in practise.
export type OptionId = string | number;
export type OptionName = string | number;
export interface GraphEdgeItemObject<
    VAL extends OptionDataValue
> extends OptionDataItemObject<VAL> {
     * Name or index of source node.
    source?: string | number
     * Name or index of target node.
    target?: string | number
export type OptionDataValue = string | number | Date;

export type OptionDataValueNumeric = number | '-';
export type OptionDataValueCategory = string;
export type OptionDataValueDate = Date | string | number;

// export type ModelOption = Dictionary<any> | any[] | string | number | boolean | ((...args: any) => any);
export type ModelOption = any;
export type ThemeOption = Dictionary<any>;

export type DisplayState = 'normal' | 'emphasis' | 'blur' | 'select';
export type DisplayStateNonNormal = Exclude<DisplayState, 'normal'>;
export type DisplayStateHostOption = {
    emphasis?: Dictionary<any>,
    [key: string]: any

export interface OptionEncodeVisualDimensions {
    tooltip?: OptionEncodeValue;
    label?: OptionEncodeValue;
    itemName?: OptionEncodeValue;
    itemId?: OptionEncodeValue;
    seriesName?: OptionEncodeValue;
    // Notice: `value` is coordDim, not nonCoordDim.

    // Group id is used for linking the aggregate relationship between two set of data.
    // Which is useful in prepresenting the transition key of drilldown/up animation.
    // Or hover linking.
    itemGroupId?: OptionEncodeValue;
export interface OptionEncode extends OptionEncodeVisualDimensions {
    [coordDim: string]: OptionEncodeValue | undefined
export type OptionEncodeValue = DimensionLoose | DimensionLoose[];
export type EncodeDefaulter = (source: Source, dimCount: number) => OptionEncode;

// TODO: TYPE Different callback param for different series
export interface CallbackDataParams {
    // component main type
    componentType: string;
    // component sub type
    componentSubType: string;
    componentIndex: number;
    // series component sub type
    seriesType?: string;
    // series component index (the alias of `componentIndex` for series)
    seriesIndex?: number;
    seriesId?: string;
    seriesName?: string;
    name: string;
    dataIndex: number;
    data: OptionDataItem;
    dataType?: SeriesDataType;
    value: OptionDataItem | OptionDataValue;
    color?: ZRColor;
    borderColor?: string;
    dimensionNames?: DimensionName[];
    encode?: DimensionUserOuputEncode;
    marker?: TooltipMarker;
    status?: DisplayState;
    dimensionIndex?: number;
    percent?: number; // Only for chart like 'pie'

    // Param name list for mapping `a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, `e`
    $vars: string[];
export type InterpolatableValue = ParsedValue | ParsedValue[];

export type DecalDashArrayX = number | (number | number[])[];
export type DecalDashArrayY = number | number[];
export interface DecalObject {
    // 'image', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow', 'line', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'square', 'circle'
    symbol?: string | string[]

    // size relative to the dash bounding box; valued from 0 to 1
    symbolSize?: number
    // keep the aspect ratio and use the smaller one of width and height as bounding box size
    symbolKeepAspect?: boolean

    // foreground color of the pattern
    color?: string
    // background color of the pattern; default value is 'none' (same as 'transparent') so that the underlying series color is displayed
    backgroundColor?: string

    // dash-gap pattern on x
    dashArrayX?: DecalDashArrayX
    // dash-gap pattern on y
    dashArrayY?: DecalDashArrayY

    // in radians; valued from -Math.PI to Math.PI
    rotation?: number

    // boundary of largest tile width
    maxTileWidth?: number
    // boundary of largest tile height
    maxTileHeight?: number

export interface InnerDecalObject extends DecalObject {
    // Mark dirty when object may be changed.
    // The record in WeakMap will be deleted.
    dirty?: boolean

export interface MediaQuery {
    minWidth?: number;
    maxWidth?: number;
    minHeight?: number;
    maxHeight?: number;
    minAspectRatio?: number;
    maxAspectRatio?: number;
export type MediaUnit = {
    query?: MediaQuery,
    option: ECUnitOption

export type ComponentLayoutMode = {
    // Only support 'box' now.
    type?: 'box',
    ignoreSize?: boolean | boolean[]

// ------------------ Mixins for Common Option Properties ------------------
export type PaletteOptionMixin = ColorPaletteOptionMixin;

export interface ColorPaletteOptionMixin {
    color?: ZRColor | ZRColor[]
    colorLayer?: ZRColor[][]
 * Mixin of option set to control the box layout of each component.
export interface BoxLayoutOptionMixin {
    width?: number | string;
    height?: number | string;
    top?: number | string;
    right?: number | string;
    bottom?: number | string;
    left?: number | string;

export interface CircleLayoutOptionMixin {
    // Can be percent
    center?: (number | string)[]
    // Can specify [innerRadius, outerRadius]
    radius?: (number | string)[] | number | string

export interface ShadowOptionMixin {
    shadowBlur?: number
    shadowColor?: ColorString
    shadowOffsetX?: number
    shadowOffsetY?: number

export interface BorderOptionMixin {
    borderColor?: ZRColor
    borderWidth?: number
    borderType?: ZRLineType
    borderCap?: CanvasLineCap
    borderJoin?: CanvasLineJoin
    borderDashOffset?: number
    borderMiterLimit?: number

export type ColorBy = 'series' | 'data';

export interface SunburstColorByMixin {
    colorBy?: ColorBy

export type AnimationDelayCallbackParam = {
    count: number
    index: number
export type AnimationDurationCallback = (idx: number) => number;
export type AnimationDelayCallback = (idx: number, params?: AnimationDelayCallbackParam) => number;

export interface AnimationOption {
    duration?: number
    easing?: AnimationEasing
    delay?: number
    // additive?: boolean

 * Mixin of option set to control the animation of series.
export interface AnimationOptionMixin {
     * If enable animation
    animation?: boolean
     * Disable animation when the number of elements exceeds the threshold
    animationThreshold?: number
    // For init animation
     * Duration of initialize animation.
     * Can be a callback to specify duration of each element
    animationDuration?: number | AnimationDurationCallback
     * Easing of initialize animation
    animationEasing?: AnimationEasing
     * Delay of initialize animation
     * Can be a callback to specify duration of each element
    animationDelay?: number | AnimationDelayCallback
    // For update animation
     * Delay of data update animation.
     * Can be a callback to specify duration of each element
    animationDurationUpdate?: number | AnimationDurationCallback
     * Easing of data update animation.
    animationEasingUpdate?: AnimationEasing
     * Delay of data update animation.
     * Can be a callback to specify duration of each element
    animationDelayUpdate?: number | AnimationDelayCallback

export interface RoamOptionMixin {
     * If enable roam. can be specified 'scale' or 'move'
    roam?: boolean | 'pan' | 'move' | 'zoom' | 'scale'
     * Current center position.
    center?: (number | string)[]
     * Current zoom level. Default is 1
    zoom?: number

    scaleLimit?: {
        min?: number
        max?: number

// TODO: TYPE value type?
export type SymbolSizeCallback<T> = (rawValue: any, params: T) => number | number[];
export type SymbolCallback<T> = (rawValue: any, params: T) => string;
export type SymbolRotateCallback<T> = (rawValue: any, params: T) => number;
export type SymbolOffsetCallback<T> = (rawValue: any, params: T) => string | number | (string | number)[];
 * Mixin of option set to control the element symbol.
 * Include type of symbol, and size of symbol.
export interface SymbolOptionMixin<T = never> {
     * type of symbol, like `cirlce`, `rect`, or custom path and image.
    symbol?: string | (T extends never ? never : SymbolCallback<T>)
     * Size of symbol.
    symbolSize?: number | number[] | (T extends never ? never : SymbolSizeCallback<T>)

    symbolRotate?: number | (T extends never ? never : SymbolRotateCallback<T>)

    symbolKeepAspect?: boolean

    symbolOffset?: string | number | (string | number)[] | (T extends never ? never : SymbolOffsetCallback<T>)

 * ItemStyleOption is a most common used set to config element styles.
 * It includes both fill and stroke style.
export interface ItemStyleOption<TCbParams = never> extends ShadowOptionMixin, BorderOptionMixin {
    color?: ZRColor | (TCbParams extends never ? never : ((params: TCbParams) => ZRColor))
    opacity?: number
    decal?: DecalObject | 'none'

 * ItemStyleOption is a option set to control styles on lines.
 * Used in the components or series like `line`, `axis`
 * It includes stroke style.
export interface LineStyleOption<Clr = ZRColor> extends ShadowOptionMixin {
    width?: number
    color?: Clr
    opacity?: number
    type?: ZRLineType
    cap?: CanvasLineCap
    join?: CanvasLineJoin
    dashOffset?: number
    miterLimit?: number

 * ItemStyleOption is a option set to control styles on an area, like polygon, rectangle.
 * It only include fill style.
export interface AreaStyleOption<Clr = ZRColor> extends ShadowOptionMixin {
    color?: Clr
    opacity?: number

type Arrayable<T extends Dictionary<any>> = { [key in keyof T]: T[key] | T[key][] };
type Dictionaryable<T extends Dictionary<any>> = { [key in keyof T]: T[key] | Dictionary<T[key]>};

export interface VisualOptionUnit {
    symbol?: string
    // TODO Support [number, number]?
    symbolSize?: number
    color?: ColorString
    colorAlpha?: number
    opacity?: number
    colorLightness?: number
    colorSaturation?: number
    colorHue?: number
    decal?: DecalObject

    // Not exposed?
    liftZ?: number
export type VisualOptionFixed = VisualOptionUnit;
 * Option about visual properties used in piecewise mapping
 * Used in each piece.
export type VisualOptionPiecewise = VisualOptionUnit;
 * Option about visual properties used in linear mapping
export type VisualOptionLinear = Arrayable<VisualOptionUnit>;

 * Option about visual properties can be encoded from ordinal categories.
 * Each value can either be a dictonary to lookup with category name, or
 * be an array to lookup with category index. In this case the array length should
 * be same with categories
export type VisualOptionCategory = Arrayable<VisualOptionUnit> | Dictionaryable<VisualOptionUnit>;

 * All visual properties can be encoded.
export type BuiltinVisualProperty = keyof VisualOptionUnit;

export interface TextCommonOption extends ShadowOptionMixin {
    color?: string
    fontStyle?: ZRFontStyle
    fontWeight?: ZRFontWeight
    fontFamily?: string
    fontSize?: number | string
    align?: HorizontalAlign
    verticalAlign?: VerticalAlign
    // @deprecated
    baseline?: VerticalAlign

    opacity?: number

    lineHeight?: number
    backgroundColor?: ColorString | {
        image: ImageLike | string
    borderColor?: string
    borderWidth?: number
    borderType?: ZRLineType
    borderDashOffset?: number
    borderRadius?: number | number[]
    padding?: number | number[]

    width?: number | string// Percent
    height?: number
    textBorderColor?: string
    textBorderWidth?: number
    textBorderType?: ZRLineType
    textBorderDashOffset?: number

    textShadowBlur?: number
    textShadowColor?: string
    textShadowOffsetX?: number
    textShadowOffsetY?: number

    tag?: string

export interface LabelFormatterCallback<T = CallbackDataParams> {
    (params: T): string
 * LabelOption is an option set to control the style of labels.
 * Include color, background, shadow, truncate, rotation, distance, etc..
export interface LabelOption extends TextCommonOption {
     * If show label
    show?: boolean
    // TODO: TYPE More specified 'inside', 'insideTop'....
    // x, y can be both percent string or number px.
    position?: ElementTextConfig['position']
    distance?: number
    rotate?: number
    offset?: number[]

     * Min margin between labels. Used when label has layout.
    // It's minMargin instead of margin is for not breaking the previous code using margin.
    minMargin?: number

    overflow?: TextStyleProps['overflow']
    silent?: boolean
    precision?: number | 'auto'
    valueAnimation?: boolean

    // TODO: TYPE not all label support formatter
    // formatter?: string | ((params: CallbackDataParams) => string)

    rich?: Dictionary<TextCommonOption>

export interface SeriesLabelOption extends LabelOption {
    formatter?: string | LabelFormatterCallback<CallbackDataParams>

 * Option for labels on line, like markLine, lines
export interface LineLabelOption extends Omit<LabelOption, 'distance' | 'position'> {
    position?: 'start'
        | 'middle'
        | 'end'
        | 'insideStart'
        | 'insideStartTop'
        | 'insideStartBottom'
        | 'insideMiddle'
        | 'insideMiddleTop'
        | 'insideMiddleBottom'
        | 'insideEnd'
        | 'insideEndTop'
        | 'insideEndBottom'
        | 'insideMiddleBottom'
     * Distance can be an array.
     * Which will specify horizontal and vertical distance respectively
    distance?: number | number[]

export interface LabelLineOption {
    show?: boolean
     * If displayed above other elements
    showAbove?: boolean
    length?: number
    length2?: number
    smooth?: boolean | number
    minTurnAngle?: number,
    lineStyle?: LineStyleOption

export interface SeriesLineLabelOption extends LineLabelOption {
    formatter?: string | LabelFormatterCallback<CallbackDataParams>

export interface LabelLayoutOptionCallbackParams {
     * Index of data which the label represents.
     * It can be null if label does't represent any data.
    dataIndex?: number,
     * Type of data which the label represents.
     * It can be null if label does't represent any data.
    dataType?: SeriesDataType,
    seriesIndex: number,
    text: string
    align: ZRTextAlign
    verticalAlign: ZRTextVerticalAlign
    rect: RectLike
    labelRect: RectLike
    // Points of label line in pie/funnel
    labelLinePoints?: number[][]
    // x: number
    // y: number

export interface LabelLayoutOption {
     * If move the overlapped label. If label is still overlapped after moved.
     * It will determine if to hide this label with `hideOverlap` policy.
     * shiftX/Y will keep the order on x/y
     * shuffleX/y will move the label around the original position randomly.
    moveOverlap?: 'shiftX'
        | 'shiftY'
        | 'shuffleX'
        | 'shuffleY'
     * If hide the overlapped label. It will be handled after move.
     * @default 'none'
    hideOverlap?: boolean
     * If label is draggable.
    draggable?: boolean
     * Can be absolute px number or percent string.
    x?: number | string
    y?: number | string
     * offset on x based on the original position.
    dx?: number
     * offset on y based on the original position.
    dy?: number
    rotate?: number

    align?: ZRTextAlign
    verticalAlign?: ZRTextVerticalAlign
    width?: number
    height?: number
    fontSize?: number

    labelLinePoints?: number[][]

export type LabelLayoutOptionCallback = (params: LabelLayoutOptionCallbackParams) => LabelLayoutOption;

export interface TooltipFormatterCallback<T> {
     * For sync callback
     * params will be an array on axis trigger.
    (params: T, asyncTicket: string): string | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]
     * For async callback.
     * Returned html string will be a placeholder when callback is not invoked.
        params: T, asyncTicket: string,
        callback: (cbTicket: string, htmlOrDomNodes: string | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]) => void
    ) : string | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]

type TooltipBuiltinPosition = 'inside' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right' | 'bottom';
type TooltipBoxLayoutOption = Pick<
    BoxLayoutOptionMixin, 'top' | 'left' | 'right' | 'bottom'

export type TooltipPositionCallbackParams = CallbackDataParams | CallbackDataParams[];

 * Position relative to the hoverred element. Only available when trigger is item.
export interface TooltipPositionCallback {
        point: [number, number],
         * params will be an array on axis trigger.
        params: TooltipPositionCallbackParams,
         * Will be HTMLDivElement when renderMode is html
         * Otherwise it's graphic.Text
        el: HTMLDivElement | ZRText | null,
         * Rect of hover elements. Will be null if not hovered
        rect: RectLike | null,
        size: {
             * Size of popup content
            contentSize: [number, number]
             * Size of the chart view
            viewSize: [number, number]
    ): Array<number | string> | TooltipBuiltinPosition | TooltipBoxLayoutOption
 * Common tooltip option
 * Can be configured on series, graphic elements
export interface CommonTooltipOption<FormatterParams> {

    show?: boolean

     * When to trigger
    triggerOn?: 'mousemove' | 'click' | 'none' | 'mousemove|click'
     * Whether to not hide popup content automatically
    alwaysShowContent?: boolean

    formatter?: string | TooltipFormatterCallback<FormatterParams>

     * Formatter of value.
     * Will be ignored if tooltip.formatter is specified.
    valueFormatter?: (value: OptionDataValue | OptionDataValue[]) => string
     * Absolution pixel [x, y] array. Or relative percent string [x, y] array.
     * If trigger is 'item'. position can be set to 'inside' / 'top' / 'left' / 'right' / 'bottom',
     * which is relative to the hovered element.
     * Support to be a callback
    position?: (number | string)[] | TooltipBuiltinPosition | TooltipPositionCallback | TooltipBoxLayoutOption

    confine?: boolean

     * Consider triggered from axisPointer handle, verticalAlign should be 'middle'
    align?: HorizontalAlign

    verticalAlign?: VerticalAlign
     * Delay of show. milesecond.
    showDelay?: number

     * Delay of hide. milesecond.
    hideDelay?: number

    transitionDuration?: number
     * Whether mouse is allowed to enter the floating layer of tooltip
     * If you need to interact in the tooltip like with links or buttons, it can be set as true.
    enterable?: boolean

    backgroundColor?: ColorString
    borderColor?: ColorString
    borderRadius?: number
    borderWidth?: number
    shadowBlur?: number
    shadowColor?: string
    shadowOffsetX?: number
    shadowOffsetY?: number

     * Padding between tooltip content and tooltip border.
    padding?: number | number[]

     * Available when renderMode is 'html'
    extraCssText?: string

    textStyle?: Pick<LabelOption,
        'color' | 'fontStyle' | 'fontWeight' | 'fontFamily' | 'fontSize' |
        'lineHeight' | 'width' | 'height' | 'textBorderColor' | 'textBorderWidth' |
        'textShadowColor' | 'textShadowBlur' | 'textShadowOffsetX' | 'textShadowOffsetY'
        | 'align'> & {

        // Available when renderMode is html
        decoration?: string

export type ComponentItemTooltipOption<T> = CommonTooltipOption<T> & {
    // Default content HTML.
    content?: string;
    formatterParams?: ComponentItemTooltipLabelFormatterParams;
export type ComponentItemTooltipLabelFormatterParams = {
    componentType: string
    name: string
    // properies key array like ['name']
    $vars: string[]
} & {
    // Other properties
    [key in string]: unknown

 * Tooltip option configured on each series
export type SeriesTooltipOption = CommonTooltipOption<CallbackDataParams> & {
    trigger?: 'item' | 'axis' | boolean | 'none'

type LabelFormatterParams = {
    value: ScaleDataValue
    axisDimension: string
    axisIndex: number
    seriesData: CallbackDataParams[]
 * Common axis option. can be configured on each axis
export interface CommonAxisPointerOption {
    show?: boolean | 'auto'

    z?: number;
    zlevel?: number;

    triggerOn?: 'click' | 'mousemove' | 'none' | 'mousemove|click'

    type?: 'line' | 'shadow' | 'none'

    snap?: boolean

    triggerTooltip?: boolean

     * current value. When using axisPointer.handle, value can be set to define the initail position of axisPointer.
    value?: ScaleDataValue

    status?: 'show' | 'hide'

    // [group0, group1, ...]
    // Each group can be: {
    //      mapper: function () {},
    //      singleTooltip: 'multiple',  // 'multiple' or 'single'
    //      xAxisId: ...,
    //      yAxisName: ...,
    //      angleAxisIndex: ...
    // }
    // mapper: can be ignored.
    //      input: {axisInfo, value}
    //      output: {axisInfo, value}

    label?: LabelOption & {
        precision?: 'auto' | number
        margin?: number
         * String template include variable {value} or callback function
        formatter?: string | ((params: LabelFormatterParams) => string)
    animation?: boolean | 'auto'
    animationDurationUpdate?: number
    animationEasingUpdate?: ZREasing

     * Available when type is 'line'
    lineStyle?: LineStyleOption
     * Available when type is 'shadow'
    shadowStyle?: AreaStyleOption

    handle?: {
        show?: boolean
        icon?: string
         * The size of the handle
        size?: number | number[]
         * Distance from handle center to axis.
        margin?: number

        color?: ColorString

         * Throttle for mobile performance
        throttle?: number
    } & ShadowOptionMixin

    seriesDataIndices?: {
        seriesIndex: number
        dataIndex: number
        dataIndexInside: number


export interface ComponentOption {
    mainType?: string;

    type?: string;

    id?: OptionId;
    name?: OptionName;

    z?: number;
    zlevel?: number;

export type BlurScope = 'coordinateSystem' | 'series' | 'global';

 * can be array of data indices.
 * Or may be an dictionary if have different types of data like in graph.
export type InnerFocus = DefaultEmphasisFocus | ArrayLike<number> | Dictionary<ArrayLike<number>>;

export interface DefaultStatesMixin {
    // FIXME
    emphasis?: any
    select?: any
    blur?: any

export type DefaultEmphasisFocus = 'none' | 'self' | 'series';

export interface DefaultStatesMixinEmphasis {
     * self: Focus self and blur all others.
     * series: Focus series and blur all other series.
    focus?: DefaultEmphasisFocus

export interface StatesMixinBase {
    emphasis?: unknown
    select?: unknown
    blur?: unknown

export interface StatesOptionMixin<
    StatesMixin extends StatesMixinBase
> {
     * Emphasis states
    emphasis?: StateOption & StatesMixin['emphasis'] & {
         * Scope of blurred element when focus.
         * coordinateSystem: blur others in the same coordinateSystem
         * series: blur others in the same series
         * global: blur all others
         * Default to be coordinate system.
        blurScope?: BlurScope

         * If emphasis state is disabled.
        disabled?: boolean
     * Select states
    select?: StateOption & StatesMixin['select'] & {
        disabled?: boolean
     * Blur states.
    blur?: StateOption & StatesMixin['blur']

export interface UniversalTransitionOption {
    enabled?: boolean
     * Animation delay of each divided element
    delay?: (index: number, count: number) => number
     * How to divide the shape in combine and split animation.
    divideShape?: 'clone' | 'split'
     * Series will have transition between if they have same seriesKey.
     * Usually it is a string. It can also be an array,
     * which means it can be transition from or to multiple series with each key in this array item.
     * Note:
     * If two series have both array seriesKey. They will be compared after concated to a string(which is order independent)
     * Transition between string key has higher priority.
     * Default to use series id.
    seriesKey?: string | string[]

export interface SeriesOption<
    StateOption = unknown,
    StatesMixin extends StatesMixinBase = DefaultStatesMixin
> extends
    StatesOptionMixin<StateOption, StatesMixin>
    mainType?: 'series'

    silent?: boolean

    blendMode?: string

     * Cursor when mouse on the elements
    cursor?: string

     * groupId of data. can be used for doing drilldown / up animation
     * It will be ignored if:
     *  - groupId is specified in each data
     *  - encode.itemGroupId is given.
    dataGroupId?: OptionId
    // Needs to be override
    data?: unknown

    colorBy?: ColorBy

    legendHoverLink?: boolean

     * Configurations about progressive rendering
    progressive?: number | false
    progressiveThreshold?: number
    progressiveChunkMode?: 'mod'
     * Not available on every series
    coordinateSystem?: string

    hoverLayerThreshold?: number

     * When dataset is used, seriesLayoutBy specifies whether the column or the row of dataset is mapped to the series
     * namely, the series is "layout" on columns or rows
     * @default 'column'
    seriesLayoutBy?: 'column' | 'row'

    labelLine?: LabelLineOption

     * Overall label layout option in label layout stage.
    labelLayout?: LabelLayoutOption | LabelLayoutOptionCallback

     * Animation config for state transition.
    stateAnimation?: AnimationOption

     * If enabled universal transition cross series.
     * @example
     *  universalTransition: true
     *  universalTransition: { enabled: true }
    universalTransition?: boolean | UniversalTransitionOption

     * Map of selected data
     * key is name or index of data.
    selectedMap?: Dictionary<boolean> | 'all'
    selectedMode?: 'single' | 'multiple' | 'series' | boolean

export interface SeriesOnCartesianOptionMixin {
    xAxisIndex?: number
    yAxisIndex?: number

    xAxisId?: string
    yAxisId?: string

export interface SeriesOnPolarOptionMixin {
    polarIndex?: number
    polarId?: string;

export interface SeriesOnSingleOptionMixin {
    singleAxisIndex?: number
    singleAxisId?: string

export interface SeriesOnGeoOptionMixin {
    geoIndex?: number;
    geoId?: string

export interface SeriesOnCalendarOptionMixin {
    calendarIndex?: number
    calendarId?: string

export interface SeriesLargeOptionMixin {
    large?: boolean
    largeThreshold?: number
export interface SeriesStackOptionMixin {
    stack?: string
    stackStrategy?: 'samesign' | 'all' | 'positive' | 'negative';

type SamplingFunc = (frame: ArrayLike<number>) => number;

export interface SeriesSamplingOptionMixin {
    sampling?: 'none' | 'average' | 'min' | 'max' | 'sum' | 'lttb' | SamplingFunc

export interface SeriesEncodeOptionMixin {
    datasetIndex?: number;
    datasetId?: string | number;
    seriesLayoutBy?: SeriesLayoutBy;
    sourceHeader?: OptionSourceHeader;
    dimensions?: DimensionDefinitionLoose[];
    encode?: OptionEncode

export type SeriesEncodableModel = SeriesModel<SeriesOption & SeriesEncodeOptionMixin>;

// TODO Move to aria component
export interface AriaLabelOption {
    enabled?: boolean;
    description?: string;
    general?: {
        withTitle?: string;
        withoutTitle?: string;
    series?: {
        maxCount?: number;
        single?: {
            prefix?: string;
            withName?: string;
            withoutName?: string;
        multiple?: {
            prefix?: string;
            withName?: string;
            withoutName?: string;
            separator?: {
                middle?: string;
                end?: string;
    data?: {
        maxCount?: number;
        allData?: string;
        partialData?: string;
        withName?: string;
        withoutName?: string;
        separator?: {
            middle?: string;
            end?: string;

// Extending is for compating ECharts 4
export interface AriaOption extends AriaLabelOption {
    mainType?: 'aria';

    enabled?: boolean;
    label?: AriaLabelOption;
    decal?: {
        show?: boolean;
        decals?: DecalObject | DecalObject[];

export interface AriaOptionMixin {
    aria?: AriaOption


echarts 源码目录


echarts ECEventProcessor 源码

echarts KDTree 源码

echarts animation 源码

echarts clazz 源码

echarts component 源码

echarts conditionalExpression 源码

echarts decal 源码

echarts event 源码

echarts format 源码

echarts graphic 源码

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