harmony 鸿蒙Resource Manager Error Codes

  • 2022-12-13
  • 浏览 (1036)

Resource Manager Error Codes


This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, see Universal Error Codes.

9001001 Invalid Resource ID

Error Message

If the resId invalid.


This error code is reported if the specified resId meets the type requirement but the resId does not exist.

Possible Causes

The specified resId does not exist.


Check whether the specified resId exists.

9001002 Matching Resource Not Found Based on the Specified Resource ID

Error Message

If the resource not found by resId.


This error code is reported if the specified resId meets the type requirement but no resource is found based on the resId.

Possible Causes

  1. The specified resId is incorrect.

  2. Resource parsing is incorrect.


Check whether the specified resId is correct.

9001003 Invalid Resource Name

Error Message

If the resName invalid.


This error code is reported if the specified resName meets the type requirement but the resName does not exist.

Possible Causes

The specified resName does not exist.


Check whether the specified resName is correct.

9001004 Matching Resource Not Found Based on the Specified Resource Name

Error Message

If the resource not found by resName.


This error code is reported if the specified resId meets the type requirement but no resource is found based on the resId.

Possible Causes

  1. The specified resName is incorrect.

  2. Resource parsing is incorrect.


Check whether the specified resName is correct.

9001005 Invalid Relative Path

Error Message

If the resource not found by path.


This error code is reported if no resource is found based on the specified relative path.

Possible Causes

The specified relative path is incorrect.


Check whether the specified relative path is correct.

9001006 Cyclic Reference

Error Message

If the resource re-ref too much.


This error code is reported if resources are referenced cyclically.

Possible Causes

Resources are referenced cyclically.


Check the reference of resource $, and remove the cyclic reference, if any.

9001007 Failed to Format the Resource Obtained Based on resId

Error Message

If the resource obtained by resId formatting error.


This error code is reported in the case of a failure to format the string resource obtained based on resId.

Possible Causes

  1. The parameter type is not supported.

  2. The numbers of parameters and placeholders are inconsistent.

  3. The parameter does not match the placeholder type.


Check whether the number and type of args parameters are the same as those of placeholders.

9001008 Failed to Format the Resource Obtained Based on resName

Error Message

If the resource obtained by resName formatting error.


This error code is reported in the case of a failure to format the string resource obtained based on resName.

Possible Causes

  1. The parameter type is not supported.

  2. The numbers of parameters and placeholders are inconsistent.

  3. The parameter does not match the placeholder type.


Check whether the number and type of args parameters are the same as those of placeholders.

9001009 Failed to Obtain a ResourceManager Object

Error Message

If application can’t access system resource.


This error code is reported in the case of a failure to obtain a ResourceManager object.

Possible Causes

System resources are not loaded to the sandbox path of the application process.


Check whether the application process contains the sandbox path of system resources.

9001010 Invalid Overlay Path

Error Message

If the overlay path is invalid.


This error code is reported if the specified overlay path is invalid.

Possible Causes

The path does not exist or is not in the installation path of the application.


Check the location of the specified overlay path.


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