harmony 鸿蒙JS API Changes of the Telephony Subsystem

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (601)

JS API Changes of the Telephony Subsystem

The table below lists the APIs changes of the telephony subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta3 over OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2.

API Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
ohos.telephony.data data getDefaultCellularDataSlotIdSync(): number; Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsServiceType TYPE_SMS Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsServiceType TYPE_UT Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsServiceType TYPE_VIDEO Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsServiceType TYPE_VOICE Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsRegInfo imsRegTech: ImsRegTech; Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsRegInfo imsRegState: ImsRegState; Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsRegTech REGISTRATION_TECH_NR Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsRegTech REGISTRATION_TECH_IWLAN Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsRegTech REGISTRATION_TECH_LTE Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsRegTech REGISTRATION_TECH_NONE Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsRegState IMS_REGISTERED Added
ohos.telephony.radio ImsRegState IMS_UNREGISTERED Added
ohos.telephony.radio radio off(type: ‘imsRegStateChange’, slotId: number, imsType: ImsServiceType, callback?: Callback<ImsRegInfo>): void; Added
ohos.telephony.radio radio on(type: ‘imsRegStateChange’, slotId: number, imsType: ImsServiceType, callback: Callback<ImsRegInfo>): void; Added
ohos.telephony.radio radio getImsRegInfo(slotId: number, imsType: ImsServiceType, callback: AsyncCallback<ImsRegInfo>): void;
getImsRegInfo(slotId: number, imsType: ImsServiceType): Promise<ImsRegInfo>;
ohos.telephony.sim sim getOpName(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getOpName(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
ohos.telephony.sim sim getOpKey(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getOpKey(slotId: number): Promise<string>;


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