kubernetes helpers_linux 源码

  • 2022-09-18
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kubernetes helpers_linux 代码


Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package cm

import (

	libcontainercgroups "github.com/opencontainers/runc/libcontainer/cgroups"

	v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
	utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
	v1helper "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1/helper"
	v1qos "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1/helper/qos"
	kubefeatures "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/features"

const (
	// These limits are defined in the kernel:
	// https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/0bddd227f3dc55975e2b8dfa7fc6f959b062a2c7/kernel/sched/sched.h#L427-L428
	MinShares = 2
	MaxShares = 262144

	SharesPerCPU  = 1024
	MilliCPUToCPU = 1000

	// 100000 microseconds is equivalent to 100ms
	QuotaPeriod = 100000
	// 1000 microseconds is equivalent to 1ms
	// defined here:
	// https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/cac03ac368fabff0122853de2422d4e17a32de08/kernel/sched/core.c#L10546
	MinQuotaPeriod = 1000

// MilliCPUToQuota converts milliCPU to CFS quota and period values.
// Input parameters and resulting value is number of microseconds.
func MilliCPUToQuota(milliCPU int64, period int64) (quota int64) {
	// CFS quota is measured in two values:
	//  - cfs_period_us=100ms (the amount of time to measure usage across given by period)
	//  - cfs_quota=20ms (the amount of cpu time allowed to be used across a period)
	// so in the above example, you are limited to 20% of a single CPU
	// for multi-cpu environments, you just scale equivalent amounts
	// see https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/scheduler/sched-bwc.txt for details

	if milliCPU == 0 {

	if !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(kubefeatures.CPUCFSQuotaPeriod) {
		period = QuotaPeriod

	// we then convert your milliCPU to a value normalized over a period
	quota = (milliCPU * period) / MilliCPUToCPU

	// quota needs to be a minimum of 1ms.
	if quota < MinQuotaPeriod {
		quota = MinQuotaPeriod

// MilliCPUToShares converts the milliCPU to CFS shares.
func MilliCPUToShares(milliCPU int64) uint64 {
	if milliCPU == 0 {
		// Docker converts zero milliCPU to unset, which maps to kernel default
		// for unset: 1024. Return 2 here to really match kernel default for
		// zero milliCPU.
		return MinShares
	// Conceptually (milliCPU / milliCPUToCPU) * sharesPerCPU, but factored to improve rounding.
	shares := (milliCPU * SharesPerCPU) / MilliCPUToCPU
	if shares < MinShares {
		return MinShares
	if shares > MaxShares {
		return MaxShares
	return uint64(shares)

// HugePageLimits converts the API representation to a map
// from huge page size (in bytes) to huge page limit (in bytes).
func HugePageLimits(resourceList v1.ResourceList) map[int64]int64 {
	hugePageLimits := map[int64]int64{}
	for k, v := range resourceList {
		if v1helper.IsHugePageResourceName(k) {
			pageSize, _ := v1helper.HugePageSizeFromResourceName(k)
			if value, exists := hugePageLimits[pageSize.Value()]; exists {
				hugePageLimits[pageSize.Value()] = value + v.Value()
			} else {
				hugePageLimits[pageSize.Value()] = v.Value()
	return hugePageLimits

// ResourceConfigForPod takes the input pod and outputs the cgroup resource config.
func ResourceConfigForPod(pod *v1.Pod, enforceCPULimits bool, cpuPeriod uint64, enforceMemoryQoS bool) *ResourceConfig {
	// sum requests and limits.
	reqs, limits := resource.PodRequestsAndLimits(pod)

	cpuRequests := int64(0)
	cpuLimits := int64(0)
	memoryLimits := int64(0)
	if request, found := reqs[v1.ResourceCPU]; found {
		cpuRequests = request.MilliValue()
	if limit, found := limits[v1.ResourceCPU]; found {
		cpuLimits = limit.MilliValue()
	if limit, found := limits[v1.ResourceMemory]; found {
		memoryLimits = limit.Value()

	// convert to CFS values
	cpuShares := MilliCPUToShares(cpuRequests)
	cpuQuota := MilliCPUToQuota(cpuLimits, int64(cpuPeriod))

	// track if limits were applied for each resource.
	memoryLimitsDeclared := true
	cpuLimitsDeclared := true
	// map hugepage pagesize (bytes) to limits (bytes)
	hugePageLimits := map[int64]int64{}
	for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		if container.Resources.Limits.Cpu().IsZero() {
			cpuLimitsDeclared = false
		if container.Resources.Limits.Memory().IsZero() {
			memoryLimitsDeclared = false
		containerHugePageLimits := HugePageLimits(container.Resources.Requests)
		for k, v := range containerHugePageLimits {
			if value, exists := hugePageLimits[k]; exists {
				hugePageLimits[k] = value + v
			} else {
				hugePageLimits[k] = v

	for _, container := range pod.Spec.InitContainers {
		if container.Resources.Limits.Cpu().IsZero() {
			cpuLimitsDeclared = false
		if container.Resources.Limits.Memory().IsZero() {
			memoryLimitsDeclared = false
		containerHugePageLimits := HugePageLimits(container.Resources.Requests)
		for k, v := range containerHugePageLimits {
			if value, exists := hugePageLimits[k]; !exists || v > value {
				hugePageLimits[k] = v

	// quota is not capped when cfs quota is disabled
	if !enforceCPULimits {
		cpuQuota = int64(-1)

	// determine the qos class
	qosClass := v1qos.GetPodQOS(pod)

	// build the result
	result := &ResourceConfig{}
	if qosClass == v1.PodQOSGuaranteed {
		result.CpuShares = &cpuShares
		result.CpuQuota = &cpuQuota
		result.CpuPeriod = &cpuPeriod
		result.Memory = &memoryLimits
	} else if qosClass == v1.PodQOSBurstable {
		result.CpuShares = &cpuShares
		if cpuLimitsDeclared {
			result.CpuQuota = &cpuQuota
			result.CpuPeriod = &cpuPeriod
		if memoryLimitsDeclared {
			result.Memory = &memoryLimits
	} else {
		shares := uint64(MinShares)
		result.CpuShares = &shares
	result.HugePageLimit = hugePageLimits

	if enforceMemoryQoS {
		memoryMin := int64(0)
		if request, found := reqs[v1.ResourceMemory]; found {
			memoryMin = request.Value()
		if memoryMin > 0 {
			result.Unified = map[string]string{
				MemoryMin: strconv.FormatInt(memoryMin, 10),

	return result

// getCgroupSubsystemsV1 returns information about the mounted cgroup v1 subsystems
func getCgroupSubsystemsV1() (*CgroupSubsystems, error) {
	// get all cgroup mounts.
	allCgroups, err := libcontainercgroups.GetCgroupMounts(true)
	if err != nil {
		return &CgroupSubsystems{}, err
	if len(allCgroups) == 0 {
		return &CgroupSubsystems{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to find cgroup mounts")
	mountPoints := make(map[string]string, len(allCgroups))
	for _, mount := range allCgroups {
		// BEFORE kubelet used a random mount point per cgroups subsystem;
		// NOW    more deterministic: kubelet use mount point with shortest path;
		// FUTURE is bright with clear expectation determined in doc.
		// ref. issue: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/95488

		for _, subsystem := range mount.Subsystems {
			previous := mountPoints[subsystem]
			if previous == "" || len(mount.Mountpoint) < len(previous) {
				mountPoints[subsystem] = mount.Mountpoint
	return &CgroupSubsystems{
		Mounts:      allCgroups,
		MountPoints: mountPoints,
	}, nil

// getCgroupSubsystemsV2 returns information about the enabled cgroup v2 subsystems
func getCgroupSubsystemsV2() (*CgroupSubsystems, error) {
	controllers, err := libcontainercgroups.GetAllSubsystems()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	mounts := []libcontainercgroups.Mount{}
	mountPoints := make(map[string]string, len(controllers))
	for _, controller := range controllers {
		mountPoints[controller] = util.CgroupRoot
		m := libcontainercgroups.Mount{
			Mountpoint: util.CgroupRoot,
			Root:       util.CgroupRoot,
			Subsystems: []string{controller},
		mounts = append(mounts, m)

	return &CgroupSubsystems{
		Mounts:      mounts,
		MountPoints: mountPoints,
	}, nil

// GetCgroupSubsystems returns information about the mounted cgroup subsystems
func GetCgroupSubsystems() (*CgroupSubsystems, error) {
	if libcontainercgroups.IsCgroup2UnifiedMode() {
		return getCgroupSubsystemsV2()

	return getCgroupSubsystemsV1()

// getCgroupProcs takes a cgroup directory name as an argument
// reads through the cgroup's procs file and returns a list of tgid's.
// It returns an empty list if a procs file doesn't exists
func getCgroupProcs(dir string) ([]int, error) {
	procsFile := filepath.Join(dir, "cgroup.procs")
	f, err := os.Open(procsFile)
	if err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			// The procsFile does not exist, So no pids attached to this directory
			return []int{}, nil
		return nil, err
	defer f.Close()

	s := bufio.NewScanner(f)
	out := []int{}
	for s.Scan() {
		if t := s.Text(); t != "" {
			pid, err := strconv.Atoi(t)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected line in %v; could not convert to pid: %v", procsFile, err)
			out = append(out, pid)
	return out, nil

// GetPodCgroupNameSuffix returns the last element of the pod CgroupName identifier
func GetPodCgroupNameSuffix(podUID types.UID) string {
	return podCgroupNamePrefix + string(podUID)

// NodeAllocatableRoot returns the literal cgroup path for the node allocatable cgroup
func NodeAllocatableRoot(cgroupRoot string, cgroupsPerQOS bool, cgroupDriver string) string {
	nodeAllocatableRoot := ParseCgroupfsToCgroupName(cgroupRoot)
	if cgroupsPerQOS {
		nodeAllocatableRoot = NewCgroupName(nodeAllocatableRoot, defaultNodeAllocatableCgroupName)
	if cgroupDriver == "systemd" {
		return nodeAllocatableRoot.ToSystemd()
	return nodeAllocatableRoot.ToCgroupfs()

// GetKubeletContainer returns the cgroup the kubelet will use
func GetKubeletContainer(kubeletCgroups string) (string, error) {
	if kubeletCgroups == "" {
		cont, err := getContainer(os.Getpid())
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		return cont, nil
	return kubeletCgroups, nil


kubernetes 源码目录


kubernetes cgroup_manager_linux 源码

kubernetes cgroup_manager_linux_test 源码

kubernetes cgroup_manager_test 源码

kubernetes cgroup_manager_unsupported 源码

kubernetes container_manager 源码

kubernetes container_manager_linux 源码

kubernetes container_manager_linux_test 源码

kubernetes container_manager_stub 源码

kubernetes container_manager_unsupported 源码

kubernetes container_manager_windows 源码

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