greenplumn cdbcopy 源码
greenplumn cdbcopy 代码
* cdbcopy.h
* Definitions and API functions for cdbcopy.c
* These are functions that are used by the backend
* COPY command in Greenplum Database.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
* src/include/cdb/cdbcopy.h
#ifndef CDBCOPY_H
#define CDBCOPY_H
#include "access/aosegfiles.h" /* for InvalidFileSegNumber const */
#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
#include "cdb/cdbgang.h"
#define COPYOUT_CHUNK_SIZE 16 * 1024
struct CdbDispatcherState;
struct CopyStateData;
typedef struct CdbCopy
int total_segs; /* total number of segments in cdb */
bool copy_in; /* direction: true for COPY FROM false for COPY TO */
StringInfoData copy_out_buf;/* holds a chunk of data from the database */
List *seglist; /* segs that currently take part in copy.
* for copy out, once a segment gave away all it's
* data rows, it is taken out of the list */
struct CdbDispatcherState *dispatcherState;
} CdbCopy;
/* global function declarations */
extern CdbCopy *makeCdbCopy(struct CopyStateData *cstate, bool copy_in);
extern void cdbCopyStart(CdbCopy *cdbCopy, CopyStmt *stmt, int file_encoding);
extern void cdbCopySendDataToAll(CdbCopy *c, const char *buffer, int nbytes);
extern void cdbCopySendData(CdbCopy *c, int target_seg, const char *buffer, int nbytes);
extern bool cdbCopyGetData(CdbCopy *c, bool cancel, uint64 *rows_processed);
extern void cdbCopyAbort(CdbCopy *c);
extern void cdbCopyEnd(CdbCopy *c,
int64 *total_rows_completed_p,
int64 *total_rows_rejected_p);
#endif /* CDBCOPY_H */
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