harmony 鸿蒙Storage Switching

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (694)

Storage Switching

API in the FA Model Corresponding .d.ts File in the Stage Model Corresponding API in the Stage Model
GetStorageOptions There is no corresponding API in the stage model. The stage model uses Prefereces to replace Storage and has redesigned the input parameters.
SetStorageOptions There is no corresponding API in the stage model. The stage model uses Prefereces to replace Storage and has redesigned the input parameters.
ClearStorageOptions There is no corresponding API in the stage model. The stage model uses Prefereces to replace Storage and has redesigned the input parameters.
DeleteStorageOptions There is no corresponding API in the stage model. The stage model uses Prefereces to replace Storage and has redesigned the input parameters.
static get(options: GetStorageOptions): void; \@ohos.data.preferences.d.ts get(key: string, defValue: ValueType, callback: AsyncCallback<ValueType>): void;
get(key: string, defValue: ValueType): Promise<ValueType>;
static set(options: SetStorageOptions): void; \@ohos.data.preferences.d.ts put(key: string, value: ValueType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
put(key: string, value: ValueType): Promise<void>;
static clear(options?: ClearStorageOptions): void; \@ohos.data.preferences.d.ts clear(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
clear(): Promise<void>;
static delete(options: DeleteStorageOptions): void; \@ohos.data.preferences.d.ts delete(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
delete(key: string): Promise<void>;


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