harmony 鸿蒙Lottie

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (778)


Lottie allows you to implement animation-specific operations.


The APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import lottie from '@ohos/lottieETS'


In the Terminal window, run the npm install @ohos/lottieETS command to download Lottie. The download requires the related permission.

To install an OpenHarmony npm third-party package, run the npm config set @ohos:registry=https://repo.harmonyos.com/npm/ command to set the repository address.



path: string, container: object, render: string, loop: boolean, autoplay: boolean, name: string ): AnimationItem

Loads an animation. Before calling this API, declare the Animator(‘__lottie_ets’) object and make sure the canvas layout is complete. This API can be used together with the lifecycle callback onReady() of the Canvas component.


Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes Path of the animation resource file in the HAP file. The resource file must be in JSON format. Example: path: “common/lottie/data.json”
container object Yes Canvas drawing context. A CanvasRenderingContext2D object must be declared in advance.
render string Yes Rendering type. The value can only be “canvas”.
loop boolean |number No If the value is of the Boolean type, this parameter indicates whether to repeat the animation cyclically after the animation ends; the default value is true. If the value is of the number type and is greater than or equal to 1, this parameter indicates the number of times the animation plays.
autoplay boolean No Whether to automatically play the animation.
Default value: true
name string No Custom animation name. In later versions, the name can be used to reference and control the animation.
Default value: null
initialSegment [number, number] No Start frame and end frame of the animation, respectively.


destroy(name: string): void

Destroys the animation. This API must be called when a page exits. This API can be used together with a lifecycle callback of the Canvas component, for example, onDisappear() and onPageHide().


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the animation to destroy, which is the same as the name in the loadAnimation API. By default, all animations are destroyed.


  // xxx.ets
  import lottie from '@ohos/lottieETS'

  struct Index {
    private controller: CanvasRenderingContext2D = new CanvasRenderingContext2D()
    private animateName: string = "animate"
    private animatePath: string = "common/lottie/data.json"
    private animateItem: any = null

    onPageHide(): void {

    build() {
      Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {
        .onReady(() => {
          console.log('canvas onAppear');
          this.animateItem = lottie.loadAnimation({
            container: this.controller,
            renderer: 'canvas',
            loop: true,
            autoplay: true,
            name: this.animateName,
            path: this.animatePath,

        Animator('__lottie_ets') // declare Animator('__lottie_ets') when use lottie
        Button('load animation')
          .onClick(() => {
          if (this.animateItem != null) {
            this.animateItem = null
          this.animateItem = lottie.loadAnimation({
            container: this.controller,
            renderer: 'canvas',
            loop: true,
            autoplay: true,
            name: this.animateName,
            path: this.animatePath,
            initialSegment: [10, 50],

        Button('destroy animation')
          .onClick(() => {
            this.animateItem = null



play(name: string): void

Plays a specified animation.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the animation to play, which is the same as the name in the loadAnimation API. By default, all animations are played.




pause(name: string): void

Pauses a specified animation. The next time lottie.play() is called, the animation starts from the current frame.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the animation to pause, which is the same as the name in the loadAnimation API. By default, all animations are paused.




togglePause(name: string): void

Pauses or plays a specified animation. This API is equivalent to the switching between lottie.play() and lottie.pause().


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the target animation, which is the same as the name in the loadAnimation API. By default, all animations are paused or played.




stop(name: string): void

Stops the specified animation. The next time lottie.play() is called, the animation starts from the first frame.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the target animation, which is the same as the name in the loadAnimation API. By default, all animations are stopped.




setSpeed(speed: number, name: string): void

Sets the playback speed of the specified animation.


Name Type Mandatory Description
speed number Yes Playback speed. The value is a floating-point number. If the value is greater than 0, the animation plays in forward direction. If the value is less than 0, the animation plays in reversed direction. If the value is 0, the animation is paused. If the value is 1.0 or -1.0, the animation plays at the normal speed.
name string Yes Name of the target animation, which is the same as the name in the loadAnimation API. By default, all animations are set.


  lottie.setSpeed(5, this.animateName)


setDirection(direction: AnimationDirection, name: string): void

Sets the direction in which the specified animation plays.


Name Type Mandatory Description
direction AnimationDirection Yes Direction in which the animation plays. 1: forwards; -1: backwards. When set to play backwards, the animation plays from the current playback progress to the first frame. When this setting is combined with loop being set to true, the animation plays backwards continuously. When the value of speed is less than 0, the animation also plays backwards.
AnimationDirection: 1 |-1
name string Yes Name of the target animation, which is the same as the name in the loadAnimation API. By default, all animations are set.


  lottie.setDirection(-1, this.animateName)


Defines an AnimationItem object, which is returned by the loadAnimation API and has attributes and APIs. The attributes are described as follows:

Name Type Description
name string Animation name.
isLoaded boolean Whether the animation is loaded.
currentFrame number Frame that is being played. The default precision is a floating-point number greater than or equal to 0.0. After setSubframe(false) is called, the value is a positive integer without decimal points.
currentRawFrame number Number of frames that are being played. The precision is a floating point number greater than or equal to 0.0.
firstFrame number First frame of the animation segment that is being played.
totalFrames number Total number of frames in the animation segment that is being played.
frameRate number Frame rate (frame/s).
frameMult number Frame rate (frame/ms).
playSpeed number Playback speed. The value is a floating-point number. If the value is greater than 0, the animation plays forward. If the value is less than 0, the animation plays backward. If the value is 0, the animation is paused. If the value is 1.0 or -1.0, the animation plays at the normal speed.
playDirection number Playback direction.
1: forward.
-1: backward.
playCount number Number of times the animation plays.
isPaused boolean Whether the current animation is paused. The value true means that the animation is paused.
autoplay boolean Whether to automatically play the animation upon completion of the loading. The value false means that the play() API needs to be called to start playing.
loop boolean |number If the value is of the Boolean type, this parameter indicates whether to repeat the animation cyclically after the animation ends. If the value is of the number type and is greater than or equal to 1, this parameter indicates the number of times the animation plays.
renderer any Animation rendering object, which depends on the rendering type.
animationID string Animation ID.
timeCompleted number Number of frames that are played for an animation sequence. The value is affected by the setting of AnimationSegment and is the same as the value of totalFrames.
segmentPos number ID of the current animation segment. The value is a positive integer greater than or equal to 0.
isSubframeEnabled boolean Whether the precision of currentFrame is a floating point number.
segments AnimationSegment |AnimationSegment[] Current segment of the animation.


play(name?: string): void

Plays an animation.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string No Name of the target animation. By default, the value is null.




destroy(name?: string): void

Destroys an animation.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string No Name of the target animation. By default, the value is null.




pause(name?: string): void

Pauses an animation. When the play API is called next time, the animation is played from the current frame.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string No Name of the target animation. By default, the value is null.




togglePause(name?: string): void

Pauses or plays an animation. This API is equivalent to the switching between play and pause.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string No Name of the target animation. By default, the value is null.




stop(name?: string): void

Stops an animation. When the play API is called next time, the animation is played from the first frame.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string No Name of the target animation. By default, the value is null.




setSpeed(speed: number): void

Sets the playback speed of an animation.


Name Type Mandatory Description
speed number Yes Playback speed. The value is a floating-point number. If the value is greater than 0, the animation plays forward. If the value is less than 0, the animation plays backward. If the value is 0, the animation is paused. If the value is 1.0 or -1.0, the animation plays at the normal speed.




setDirection(direction: AnimationDirection): void

Sets the playback direction of an animation.


Name Type Mandatory Description
direction AnimationDirection Yes Direction in which the animation plays. 1: forwards; -1: backwards. When set to play backwards, the animation plays from the current playback progress to the first frame. When this setting is combined with loop being set to true, the animation plays backwards continuously. When the value of speed is less than 0, the animation also plays backwards.
AnimationDirection: 1 |-1.




goToAndStop(value: number, isFrame?: boolean): void

Sets the animation to stop at the specified frame or time.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value number Yes Frame ID (greater than or equal to 0) or time progress (ms) at which the animation will stop.
isFrame boolean No Whether to set the animation to stop at the specified frame. The value true means to set the animation to stop at the specified frame, and false means to set the animation to stop at the specified time progress.
Default value: false
name string No Name of the target animation. By default, the value is null.


  // Set the animation to stop at the specified frame.
  this.animateItem.goToAndStop(25, true)
  // Set the animation to stop at the specified time progress.
  this.animateItem.goToAndStop(300, false, this.animateName)


goToAndPlay(value: number, isFrame: boolean, name?: string): void

Sets the animation to start from the specified frame or time progress.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value number Yes Frame ID (greater than or equal to 0) or time progress (ms) at which the animation will start.
isFrame boolean Yes Whether to set the animation to start from the specified frame. The value true means to set the animation to start from the specified frame, and false means to set the animation to start from the specified time progress.
Default value: false
name string No Name of the target animation.
Default value: null


  // Set the animation to stop at the specified frame.
  this.animateItem.goToAndPlay(25, true)
  // Set the animation to stop at the specified time progress.
  this.animateItem.goToAndPlay(300, false, this.animateName)


playSegments(segments: AnimationSegment|AnimationSegment[], forceFlag: boolean): void

Sets the animation to play only the specified segment.


Name Type Mandatory Description
segments AnimationSegment = [number, number] |AnimationSegment[] Yes Segment or segment list.
If all segments in the segment list are played, only the last segment is played in the next cycle.
forceFlag boolean Yes Whether the settings take effect immediately. The value true means the settings take effect immediately, and false means the settings take effect until the current cycle of playback is completed.


  // Set the animation to play the specified segment.
  this.animateItem.playSegments([10, 20], false)
  // Set the animation to play the specified segment list.
  this.animateItem.playSegments([[0, 5], [20, 30]], true)


resetSegments(forceFlag: boolean): void

Resets the settings configured by the playSegments API to play all the frames.


Name Type Mandatory Description
forceFlag boolean Yes Whether the settings take effect immediately. The value true means the settings take effect immediately, and false means the settings take effect until the current cycle of playback is completed.




resize(): void

Resizes the animation layout.




setSubframe(useSubFrame: boolean): void

Sets the precision of the currentFrame attribute to display floating-point numbers.


Name Type Mandatory Description
useSubFrames boolean Yes Whether the currentFrame attribute displays floating-point numbers. By default, the attribute displays floating-point numbers.
true: The currentFrame attribute displays floating-point numbers.
false: The currentFrame attribute displays an integer and does not display floating-point numbers.




getDuration(inFrames?: boolean): void

Obtains the duration (irrelevant to the playback speed) or number of frames for playing an animation sequence. The settings are related to the input parameter initialSegment of the Lottie.loadAnimation API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
inFrames boolean No Whether to obtain the duration or number of frames.
true: number of frames.
false: duration, in ms.
Default value: false




addEventListener<T = any>(name: AnimationEventName, callback: AnimationEventCallback<T>): () => void

Adds an event listener. After the event is complete, the specified callback is triggered. This API returns the function object that can delete the event listener.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name AnimationEventName Yes Animation event type. The available options are as follows:
‘enterFrame’, ‘loopComplete’, ‘complete’, ‘segmentStart’, ‘destroy’, ‘config_ready’, ‘data_ready’, ‘DOMLoaded’, ‘error’, ‘data_failed’, ‘loaded_images’
callback AnimationEventCallback<T> Yes Custom callback.


  private callbackItem: any = function() {
      console.log("grunt loopComplete")
  let delFunction = this.animateItem.addEventListener('loopComplete', this.animateName)

  // Delete the event listener.


removeEventListener<T = any>(name: AnimationEventName, callback?: AnimationEventCallback<T>): void

Removes an event listener.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name AnimationEventName Yes Animation event type. The available options are as follows:
‘enterFrame’, ‘loopComplete’, ‘complete’, ‘segmentStart’, ‘destroy’, ‘config_ready’, ‘data_ready’, ‘DOMLoaded’, ‘error’, ‘data_failed’, ‘loaded_images’
callback AnimationEventCallback<T> No Custom callback. By default, the value is null, meaning that all callbacks of the event will be removed.


  this.animateItem.removeEventListener('loopComplete', this.animateName)


triggerEvent<T = any>(name: AnimationEventName, args: T): void

Directly triggers all configured callbacks of a specified event.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name AnimationEventName Yes Animation event type.
args any Yes Custom callback parameters.


  private triggerCallBack: any = function(item) {
      console.log("trigger loopComplete, name:" + item.name)

  this.animateItem.addEventListener('loopComplete', this.triggerCallBack)
  this.animateItem.triggerEvent('loopComplete', this.animateItem)
  this.animateItem.removeEventListener('loopComplete', this.triggerCallBack)


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