harmony 鸿蒙State Management with Application-level Variables

  • 2022-12-05
  • 浏览 (896)

State Management with Application-level Variables

The state management module provides data storage, persistent data management, UIAbility data storage, and environment state required by applications.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

The meanings of T and S in this topic are as follows:

Type Description
T Class, number, boolean, string, and arras of these types.
S number, boolean, string.


For details about how to use AppStorage on the UI, see AppStorage: Application-wide UI State Storage.


static link<T>(propName: string): SubscribedAbstractProperty<T>

Establishes two-way data binding with the given attribute (specified by propName) in AppStorage. If the given attribute exists in AppStorage, the two-way bound data of the attribute in AppStorage is returned.

Any update of the data is synchronized back to AppStorage, which then synchronizes the update to all data and custom components bound to the attribute.

If the given attribute does not exist in AppStorage, undefined is returned.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt; Returns two-way bound data if specified attribute exists in AppStorage; returns undefined otherwise.
AppStorage.setOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let linkToPropA1:SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.link('PropA');
let linkToPropA2:SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.link('PropA'); // linkToPropA2.get() == 47
linkToPropA1.set(48); // Two-way synchronization: linkToPropA1.get() == linkToPropA2.get() == 48


static setAndLink&lt;T&gt;(propName: string, defaultValue: T): SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt;

Works in a way similar to the Link API. If the given attribute exists in AppStorage, the two-way bound data of the attribute in AppStorage is returned. If the given attribute does not exist, it is created and initialized with defaultValue in AppStorage, and two-way bound data is returned.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.
defaultValue T Yes Default value used to initialize the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt; Instance of SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt; and two-way bound data of the given attribute in AppStorage
AppStorage.setOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let link1: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.setAndLink('PropB', 49); // Create PropB 49
let link2: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.setAndLink('PropA', 50); // PropA exists, remains 47


static prop&lt;T&gt;(propName: string): SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt;

Establishes one-way data binding with the given attribute (specified by propName) in AppStorage. If the given attribute exists in AppStorage, the one-way bound data of the attribute in AppStorage is returned. If the given attribute does not exist in AppStorage, undefined is returned. Updates of the one-way bound data are not synchronized back to AppStorage.


Prop supports only simple types.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt; Returns one-way bound data if specified attribute exists in AppStorage; returns undefined otherwise.
AppStorage.setOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let prop1: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.prop('PropA');
let prop2: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.prop('PropA');
prop1.set(1); // one-way sync: prop1.get()=1; but prop2.get() == 47


static setAndProp&lt;T&gt;(propName: string, defaultValue: T): SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt;

Works in a way similar to the Prop API. If the given attribute exists in AppStorage, the one-way bound data of the attribute in AppStorage is returned. If the given attribute does not exist, it is created and initialized with defaultValue in AppStorage, and one-way bound data is returned.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.
defaultValue T Yes Default value used to initialize the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt; Instance of SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt;.
AppStorage.setOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let prop: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.setAndProp('PropB', 49); // PropA -> 47, PropB -> 49


static has(propName: string): boolean

Checks whether the attribute with the specified attribute name exists in AppStorage.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the attribute with the specified attribute name exists in AppStorage; returns false otherwise.


static get&lt;T&gt;(propName: string): T|undefined

Obtains the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage. If the attribute does not exist, undefined is returned.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
T |undefined Returns the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage; returns undefined if the attribute does not exist.
AppStorage.setOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let value: number = AppStorage.get('PropA') as number; // 47


static set&lt;T&gt;(propName: string, newValue: T): boolean

Sets the value for the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage. If the value of newValue is the same as the value of the attribute with the specified attribute name, that is, no value needs to be assigned, the state variable will not instruct the UI to update the value of attribute.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.
newValue T Yes Attribute value, which cannot be undefined or null.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the operation is successful; return false if the attribute with the specified attribute name does not exist in AppStorage, or the value to set is undefined or null.
AppStorage.setOrCreate('PropA', 48);
let res: boolean = AppStorage.set('PropA', 47) // true
let res1: boolean = AppStorage.set('PropB', 47) // false


static setOrCreate&lt;T&gt;(propName: string, newValue: T): void

Sets a new value for the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage or, if the attribute does not exist, creates one with the specified attribute name and the set value.

If the new value is the same as the existing value of the attribute with the specified attribute name, the state variable will not instruct the UI to update the value of the attribute.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.
newValue T Yes Attribute value, which cannot be undefined or null.
AppStorage.setOrCreate('simpleProp', 121);


static delete(propName: string): boolean

Deletes the attribute with the specified attribute name from AppStorage under the prerequisite that the attribute does not have a subscriber. If there is a subscriber, false is returned. If the deletion is successful, true is returned.

The subscribers of the attribute are attributes with the same name bound to APIs such as Link and Prop, \@StorageLink(‘propName’), and \@StorageProp(‘propName’). This means that if \@StorageLink(‘propName’) and \@StorageProp(‘propName’) are used in a custom component or if there is still a SubscribedAbstractProperty instance in sync with the attribute, the attribute cannot be deleted from AppStorage.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the operation is successful; returns false otherwise.
AppStorage.setOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let res: boolean = AppStorage.delete('PropA'); // false, PropA still has a subscriber

AppStorage.setOrCreate('PropB', 48);
let res1: boolean = AppStorage.delete('PropB'); // true, PropB is deleted from AppStorage successfully


static keys(): IterableIterator&lt;string&gt;

Obtains all attribute names in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
IterableIterator&lt;string&gt; All attribute names in AppStorage.
AppStorage.setOrCreate('PropB', 48);
let keys: IterableIterator<string> = AppStorage.keys();


static clear(): boolean

Deletes all attributes from AppStorage under the prerequisite that none of the attributes has a subscriber. If any of the attributes has a subscriber, false is returned. If the deletion is successful, true is returned.

For details about the subscriber, see Delete.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the operation is successful; returns false otherwise.
AppStorage.setOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let res: boolean = AppStorage.clear(); // true, there are no subscribers


static size(): number

Obtains the number of attributes in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
number Number of attributes in AppStorage.
AppStorage.setOrCreate('PropB', 48);
let res: number = AppStorage.size(); // 1


static Link(propName: string): any

Establishes two-way data binding with the given attribute (specified by propName) in AppStorage. If the given attribute exists in AppStorage, the two-way bound data of the attribute in AppStorage is returned.

Any update of the data is synchronized back to AppStorage, which then synchronizes the update to all data and custom components bound to the attribute.

If the given attribute does not exist in AppStorage, undefined is returned.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use link10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
any Returns two-way bound data if specified attribute exists in AppStorage; returns undefined otherwise.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let linkToPropA1:SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.Link('PropA');
let linkToPropA2:SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.Link('PropA'); // linkToPropA2.get() == 47
linkToPropA1.set(48); // Two-way synchronization: linkToPropA1.get() == linkToPropA2.get() == 48


static SetAndLink&lt;T&gt;(propName: string, defaultValue: T): SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt;

Works in a way similar to the Link API. If the given attribute exists in AppStorage, the two-way bound data of the attribute in AppStorage is returned. If the given attribute does not exist, it is created and initialized with defaultValue in AppStorage, and two-way bound data is returned.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use setAndLink10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.
defaultValue T Yes Default value used to initialize the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt; Instance of SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt; and two-way bound data of the given attribute in AppStorage
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let link1: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.SetAndLink('PropB', 49); // Create PropB 49
let link2: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.SetAndLink('PropA', 50); // PropA exists, remains 47


static Prop(propName: string): any

Establishes one-way data binding with the given attribute (specified by propName) in AppStorage. If the given attribute exists in AppStorage, the one-way bound data of the attribute in AppStorage is returned. If the given attribute does not exist in AppStorage, undefined is returned. Updates of the one-way bound data are not synchronized back to AppStorage.

NOTE Prop supports only simple types. This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use prop10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
any Returns one-way bound data if specified attribute exists in AppStorage; returns undefined otherwise.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let prop1:SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.Prop('PropA');
let prop2:SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.Prop('PropA');
prop1.set(1); // one-way sync: prop1.get()=1; but prop2.get() == 47


static SetAndProp&lt;S&gt;(propName: string, defaultValue: S): SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;S&gt;

Works in a way similar to the Prop API. If the given attribute exists in AppStorage, the one-way bound data of the attribute in AppStorage is returned. If the given attribute does not exist, it is created and initialized with defaultValue in AppStorage, and one-way bound data is returned.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use setAndProp10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.
defaultValue S Yes Default value used to initialize the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;S&gt; Instance of SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;S&gt;.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let prop: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.SetAndProp('PropB', 49); // PropA -> 47, PropB -> 49


static Has(propName: string): boolean

Checks whether the attribute with the specified attribute name exists in AppStorage.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use has10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the attribute with the specified attribute name exists in AppStorage; returns false otherwise.


static Get&lt;T&gt;(propName: string): T|undefined

Obtains the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage. If the attribute does not exist, undefined is returned.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use get10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
T |undefined Returns the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage; returns undefined if the attribute does not exist.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let value: number = AppStorage.Get('PropA') as number; // 47


static Set&lt;T&gt;(propName: string, newValue: T): boolean

Sets the value for the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use set10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.
newValue T Yes Attribute value, which cannot be undefined or null.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the operation is successful; return false if the attribute with the specified attribute name does not exist in AppStorage, or the value to set is undefined or null.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 48);
let res: boolean = AppStorage.Set('PropA', 47) // true
let res1: boolean = AppStorage.Set('PropB', 47) // false


static SetOrCreate&lt;T&gt;(propName: string, newValue: T): void

Sets a new value for the attribute with the specified attribute name in AppStorage or, if the attribute does not exist, creates one with the specified attribute name and default value.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use setOrCreate10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.
newValue T Yes Attribute value, which cannot be undefined or null.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('simpleProp', 121);


static Delete(propName: string): boolean

Deletes the attribute with the specified attribute name from AppStorage under the prerequisite that the attribute does not have a subscriber. If there is a subscriber, false is returned. If the deletion is successful, true is returned.

The subscribers of the attribute are attributes with the same name bound to APIs such as Link and Prop, \@StorageLink(‘propName’), and \@StorageProp(‘propName’). This means that if \@StorageLink(‘propName’) and \@StorageProp(‘propName’) are used in a custom component or if there is still a SubscribedAbstractProperty instance in sync with the attribute, the attribute cannot be deleted from AppStorage.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use delete10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the operation is successful; returns false otherwise.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let res: boolean = AppStorage.Delete('PropA'); // false, PropA still has a subscriber

AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropB', 48);
let res1: boolean = AppStorage.Delete('PropB'); // true, PropB is deleted from AppStorage successfully


static Keys(): IterableIterator&lt;string&gt;

Obtains all attribute names in AppStorage.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use keys10+ instead.

Return value

Type Description
IterableIterator&lt;string&gt; All attribute names in AppStorage.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropB', 48);
let keys: IterableIterator<string> = AppStorage.Keys();


static staticClear(): boolean

Deletes all attributes.

This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use Clear9+ instead.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if all attributes are deleted; returns false if any of the attributes is being referenced by a state variable.
let simple = AppStorage.staticClear();


static Clear(): boolean

Deletes all attributes from AppStorage under the prerequisite that none of the attributes has a subscriber. If any of the attributes has a subscriber, false is returned. If the deletion is successful, true is returned.

For details about the subscriber, see Delete.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use clear10+ instead.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the operation is successful; returns false otherwise.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let res: boolean = AppStorage.Clear(); // true, there are no subscribers


static IsMutable(propName: string): boolean

Checks whether the given attribute in AppStorage name is mutable.

This API is deprecated since API version 10.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Whether the given attribute in AppStorage name is mutable.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let res: boolean = AppStorage.IsMutable('simpleProp');


static Size(): number

Obtains the number of attributes in AppStorage.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use size10+ instead.

Return value

Type Description
number Number of attributes in AppStorage.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropB', 48);
let res: number = AppStorage.Size(); // 1


For details about how to use LocalStorage on the UI, see LocalStorage: UI State Storage.


constructor(initializingProperties?: Object)

Creates a LocalStorage instance and initializes it using the attributes and values returned by Object.keys(initializingProperties).

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
initializingProperties Object No Attributes and values used to initialize the LocalStorage instance. The value cannot be undefined.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);


static getShared(): LocalStorage

Obtains the LocalStorage instance shared by the current stage.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Model restriction: This API can be used only in the stage model.

Return value

Type Description
LocalStorage LocalStorage instance.

For details about how to use getShared, see Sharing a LocalStorage Instance from UIAbility to One or More Pages.


has(propName: string): boolean

Checks whether the attribute with the specified attribute name exists in LocalStorage.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in LocalStorage.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the attribute with the specified attribute name exists in AppStorage; returns false otherwise.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
storage.has('PropA'); // true


get&lt;T&gt;(propName: string): T|undefined

Obtains the attribute with the specified attribute name in LocalStorage.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in LocalStorage.

Return value

Type Description
T |undefined Returns the attribute with the specified attribute name in LocalStorage; returns undefined if the attribute does not exist.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
let value: number = storage.get('PropA') as number; // 47


set&lt;T&gt;(propName: string, newValue: T): boolean

Sets a value for the attribute with the specified attribute name in LocalStorage. If the value of newValue is the same as the value of the attribute with the specified attribute name, that is, no value needs to be assigned, the state variable will not instruct the UI to update the value of attribute.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in LocalStorage.
newValue T Yes Attribute value, which cannot be undefined or null.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the operation is successful; return false if the attribute with the specified attribute name does not exist in LocalStorage, or the value to set is undefined or null.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
let res: boolean = storage.set('PropA', 47); // true
let res1: boolean = storage.set('PropB', 47); // false


setOrCreate&lt;T&gt;(propName: string, newValue: T): boolean

Sets a new value for the attribute with the specified attribute name in LocalStorage or, if the attribute does not exist, creates one with the specified attribute name and the set value. If the new value is the same as the existing value of the attribute with the specified attribute name, the state variable will not instruct the UI to update the value of the attribute.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in LocalStorage.
newValue T Yes Attribute value, which cannot be undefined or null.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns false if newValue is set to undefined or null.
Updates the target attribute with the new value and returns true if the attribute exists in LocalStorage.
Creates an attribute with the specified attribute name and default value if the attribute does not exist in LocalStorage.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
let res: boolean =storage.setOrCreate('PropA', 121); // true
let res1: boolean =storage.setOrCreate('PropB', 111); // true
let res2: boolean =storage.setOrCreate('PropB', null); // false


link&lt;T&gt;(propName: string): SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt;

Establishes two-way data binding with the given attribute in this LocalStorage instance. If the given attribute exists, the two-way bound data of the attribute in LocalStorage is returned.

Any update of the data is synchronized back to LocalStorage, which then synchronizes the update to all data and custom components bound to the attribute.

If the given attribute does not exist in LocalStorage, undefined is returned.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in LocalStorage.

Return value

Type Description
SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt; Returns the SubscribedAbstractProperty instance if the given attribute exists in AppStorage; returns undefined otherwise.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
let linkToPropA1: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = storage.link('PropA');
let linkToPropA2: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = storage.link('PropA'); // linkToPropA2.get() == 47
linkToPropA1.set(48); // Two-way synchronization: linkToPropA1.get() == linkToPropA2.get() == 48


setAndLink&lt;T&gt;(propName: string, defaultValue: T): SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt;

Works in a way similar to the Link API. If the given attribute exists in LocalStorage, the two-way bound data of the attribute in LocalStorage is returned. If the given attribute does not exist, it is created and initialized with defaultValue in LocalStorage, and two-way bound data is returned.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in LocalStorage.
defaultValue T Yes Default value used to initialize the attribute with the specified attribute name in LocalStorage.

Return value

Type Description
SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt; Returns the SubscribedAbstractProperty instance if the given attribute exists in AppStorage; returns undefined otherwise.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
let link1: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = storage.setAndLink('PropB', 49); // Create PropB 49
let link2: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = storage.setAndLink('PropA', 50); // PropA exists, remains 47


prop&lt;S&gt;(propName: string): SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;S&gt;

Establishes one-way data binding with the given attribute in this LocalStorage instance. If the given attribute exists, the one-way bound data of the attribute in LocalStorage is returned. If the given attribute does not exist in LocalStorage, undefined is returned. Updates of the one-way bound data are not synchronized back to LocalStorage.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in LocalStorage.

Return value

Type Description
SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;S&gt; Returns the SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;S&gt; instance if the given attribute exists in LocalStorage; returns undefined otherwise.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
let prop1: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = storage.prop('PropA');
let prop2: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = storage.prop('PropA');
prop1.set(1); // one-way sync: prop1.get()=1; but prop2.get() == 47


setAndProp&lt;S&gt;(propName: string, defaultValue: S): SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;S&gt;

Establishes one-way data binding with the given attribute in this LocalStorage instance. If the given attribute exists, the one-way bound data of the attribute in LocalStorage is returned. If the given attribute does not exist, it is created and initialized with defaultValue in LocalStorage, and one-way bound data is returned.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in LocalStorage.
defaultValue S Yes Default value used to initialize the attribute with the specified attribute name in LocalStorage.

Return value

Type Description
SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;S&gt; Instance of SubscribedAbstractProperty&lt;T&gt; and one-way bound data of the given attribute in LocalStorage.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
let prop: SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = storage.setAndProp('PropB', 49); // PropA -> 47, PropB -> 49


delete(propName: string): boolean

Deletes the attribute with the specified attribute name from LocalStorage under the prerequisite that the attribute does not have a subscriber. If the deletion is successful, true is returned.

The subscribers of the attribute are attributes with the same name bound to the Link and Prop APIs, \@LocalStorageLink(‘propName’), and \@LocalStorageProp(‘propName’). This means that if \@LocalStorageLink(‘propName’) and \@LocalStorageProp(‘propName’) are used in a custom component or if there is still a SubscribedAbstractProperty instance (return type of the link and prop APIs) in sync with the attribute, the attribute cannot be deleted from LocalStorage.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
propName string Yes Attribute name in LocalStorage.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the operation is successful; returns false otherwise.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
let res: boolean = storage.delete('PropA'); // false, PropA still has a subscriber
let res1: boolean = storage.delete('PropB'); // false, PropB is not in storage
storage.setOrCreate('PropB', 48);
let res2: boolean = storage.delete('PropB'); // true, PropB is deleted from storage successfully


keys(): IterableIterator&lt;string&gt;

Obtains all attribute names in LocalStorage.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Return value

Type Description
IterableIterator&lt;string&gt; All attribute names in LocalStorage.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
let keys: IterableIterator<string> = storage.keys();


size(): number

Obtains the number of attributes in LocalStorage.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Return value

Type Description
number Number of attributes in LocalStorage.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
let res: number = storage.size(); // 1


clear(): boolean

Deletes all attributes from LocalStorage under the prerequisite that none of the attributes has a subscriber. If any of the attributes has a subscriber, false is returned. If the deletion is successful, true is returned.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the operation is successful; returns false otherwise.
let para:Record<string,number> = { 'PropA': 47 };
let storage: LocalStorage = new LocalStorage(para);
let res: boolean = storage.clear(); // true, there are no subscribers


static GetShared(): LocalStorage

Obtains the LocalStorage instance shared by the current stage.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use getShared10+ instead.

Model restriction: This API can be used only in the stage model.

Return value

Type Description
LocalStorage LocalStorage instance.
let storage: LocalStorage = LocalStorage.GetShared();



abstract get(): T

Obtains attribute data synchronized from AppStorage or LocalStorage.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Return value

Type Description
T Attribute data synchronized from AppStorage or LocalStorage.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 47); 
let prop1:SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.Prop('PropA');    
prop1.get(); //  prop1.get()=47


abstract set(newValue: T): void

Sets the attribute data synchronized from AppStorage or LocalStorage.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
newValue T Yes Data to set.
AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let prop1:SubscribedAbstractProperty<number> = AppStorage.Prop('PropA');
prop1.set(1); //  prop1.get()=1


abstract aboutToBeDeleted(): void

Cancels one-way or two-way synchronization between the SubscribedAbstractProperty instance and AppStorage or LocalStorage.

AppStorage.SetOrCreate('PropA', 47);
let link = AppStorage.SetAndLink('PropB', 49); // PropA -> 47, PropB -> 49
link.set(50); // PropB -> 49, link.get() --> undefined


For details about how to use PersistentStorage on the UI, see PersistentStorage: Application State Persistence.


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Attribute name.
defaultValue number|string|boolean Yes Default value used to initialize the created attribute. The value cannot be undefined or null.


static persistProp&lt;T&gt;(key: string, defaultValue: T): void

Persists the attribute with the specified key in AppStorage to a file. This API is usually called before access to AppStorage.

The sequence of determining the type and value of an attribute is as follows:

  1. If the PersistentStorage file contains the attribute with the specified key, an attribute with the key as the name is created in AppStorage and initialized with the attribute of the key found in PersistentStorage.

  2. If the attribute with the specified key is not found in the PersistentStorage file, AppStorage is searched for the attribute corresponding to the key. If the matching attribute is found, it is persisted.

  3. If no matching attribute is found in AppStorage, it is created in AppStorage, initialized with the value of defaultValue, and persisted.

According to the preceding initialization process, if AppStorage contains the matching attribute, the value of this attribute is used to overwrite the value in the PersistentStorage file. Because AppStorage stores data in the memory, the attribute value becomes impersistent.


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Attribute name.
defaultValue T Yes Default value used to initialize the created attribute. The value cannot be undefined or null.


For details about how to use persistProp, see Accessing PersistentStorage Initialized Attribute from AppStorage.


static deleteProp(key: string): void

Performs the reverse operation of PersistProp. Specifically, this API deletes the attribute corresponding to the key from PersistentStorage. Subsequent AppStorage operations do not affect data in PersistentStorage.


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Attribute name in PersistentStorage.


static persistProps(props: PersistPropsOptions[]): void

Works in a way similar to the PersistProp API, with the difference that it allows for persistence in batches and is therefore ideal for initialization during application startup.


Name Type Mandatory Description
props PersistPropsOptions[] Yes Array of persistent attributes.
PersistentStorage.persistProps([{ key: 'highScore', defaultValue: '0' }, { key: 'wightScore', defaultValue: '1' }]);


static keys(): Array&lt;string&gt;

Obtains an array of keys for all persistent attributes.

Return value

Type Description
Array&lt;string&gt; Array of keys of all persistent attributes.
let keys: Array<string> = PersistentStorage.keys();


static PersistProp&lt;T&gt;(key: string, defaultValue: T): void

Persists the attribute with the specified key in AppStorage to a file. This API is usually called before access to AppStorage.

The sequence of determining the type and value of an attribute is as follows:

  1. If the PersistentStorage file contains the attribute with the specified key, an attribute with the key as the name is created in AppStorage and initialized with the attribute of the key found in PersistentStorage.

  2. If the attribute with the specified key is not found in the PersistentStorage file, AppStorage is searched for the attribute corresponding to the key. If the matching attribute is found, it is persisted.

  3. If no matching attribute is found in AppStorage, it is created in AppStorage, initialized with the value of defaultValue, and persisted.

According to the preceding initialization process, if AppStorage contains the matching attribute, the value of this attribute is used to overwrite the value in the PersistentStorage file. Because AppStorage stores data in the memory, the attribute value becomes impersistent.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use persistProp10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Attribute name.
defaultValue T Yes Default value used to initialize the created attribute. The value cannot be undefined or null.


PersistentStorage.PersistProp('highScore', '0');


static DeleteProp(key: string): void

Performs the reverse operation of PersistProp. Specifically, this API deletes the attribute corresponding to the key from PersistentStorage. Subsequent AppStorage operations do not affect data in PersistentStorage.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use deleteProp10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Attribute name in PersistentStorage.


static PersistProps(properties: {key: string, defaultValue: any;}[]): void

Works in a way similar to the PersistProp API, with the difference that it allows for persistence in batches and is therefore ideal for initialization during application startup.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use persistProps10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
properties {key: string, defaultValue: any}[] Yes Array of attributes to persist.
key: attribute name.
defaultValue: default value. The rules are the same as those of PersistProp.
PersistentStorage.PersistProps([{ key: 'highScore', defaultValue: '0' }, { key: 'wightScore', defaultValue: '1' }]);


static Keys(): Array&lt;string&gt;

Obtains an array of keys for all persistent attributes.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use keys10+ instead.

Return value

Type Description
Array&lt;string&gt; Array of keys of all persistent attributes.
let keys: Array<string> = PersistentStorage.Keys();


For details about how to use Environment, see Environment: Device Environment Query.


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Environment variable name. For details about the value range, see Built-in Environment Variables.
defaultValue number|string|boolean Yes Default value used if the value of the environment variable key is not found in AppStorage.


static envProp&lt;S&gt;(key: string, value: S): boolean

Saves the built-in environment variable key in environment to AppStorage. If the value of the environment variable key is not found in AppStorage, the default value is used. If the value is successfully saved, true is returned. If the value of the environment variable key is found in AppStorage, false is returned.

You are advised to call this API when the application is started.

It is incorrect to use AppStorage to read environment variables without invoking EnvProp.


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Environment variable name. For details about the value range, see Built-in Environment Variables.
value S Yes Default value used if the value of the environment variable key is not found in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns false if the attribute corresponding to the key exists in AppStorage; returns false otherwise.


For details about how to use envProp, see Accessing Environment Parameters from UI.


static envProps(props: EnvPropsOptions[]): void

Works in a way similar to the EnvProp API, with the difference that it allows for initialization of multiple attributes in batches. You are advised to call this API during application startup to save system environment variables to AppStorage in batches.


Name Type Mandatory Description
props EnvPropsOptions[] Yes Array of key-value pairs consisting of system environment variables and default values.
Environment.envProps([{ key: 'accessibilityEnabled', defaultValue: 'default' }, {
  key: 'languageCode',
  defaultValue: 'en'
}, { key: 'prop', defaultValue: 'hhhh' }]);


static keys(): Array&lt;string&gt;

Array of keys of environment variables.

Return value

Type Description
Array&lt;string&gt; Returns an array of associated system attributes.
Environment.envProps([{ key: 'accessibilityEnabled', defaultValue: 'default' }, {
  key: 'languageCode',
  defaultValue: 'en'
}, { key: 'prop', defaultValue: 'hhhh' }]);

let keys: Array<string> = Environment.keys(); // accessibilityEnabled, languageCode, prop


static EnvProp&lt;S&gt;(key: string, value: S): boolean

Saves the built-in environment variable key in environment to AppStorage. If the value of the environment variable key is not found in AppStorage, the default value is used. If the value is successfully saved, true is returned. If the value of the environment variable key is found in AppStorage, false is returned.

You are advised to call this API when the application is started.

It is incorrect to use AppStorage to read environment variables without invoking EnvProp.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use envProp10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Environment variable name. For details about the value range, see Built-in Environment Variables.
value S Yes Default value used if the value of the environment variable key is not found in AppStorage.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns false if the attribute corresponding to the key exists in AppStorage; returns false otherwise.


Environment.EnvProp('accessibilityEnabled', 'default');


static EnvProps(props: {key: string; defaultValue: any;}[]): void

Works in a way similar to the EnvProp API, with the difference that it allows for initialization of multiple attributes in batches. You are advised to call this API during application startup to save system environment variables to AppStorage in batches.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use envProps10+ instead.


Name Type Mandatory Description
props {key: string, defaultValue: any}[] Yes Array of key-value pairs consisting of system environment variables and default values.
Environment.EnvProps([{ key: 'accessibilityEnabled', defaultValue: 'default' }, {
  key: 'languageCode',
  defaultValue: 'en'
}, { key: 'prop', defaultValue: 'hhhh' }]);


static Keys(): Array&lt;string&gt;

Array of keys of environment variables.

This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use keys10+ instead.

Return value

Type Description
Array&lt;string&gt; Returns an array of associated system attributes.
Environment.EnvProps([{ key: 'accessibilityEnabled', defaultValue: 'default' }, {
  key: 'languageCode',
  defaultValue: 'en'
}, { key: 'prop', defaultValue: 'hhhh' }]);

let keys: Array<string> = Environment.Keys(); // accessibilityEnabled, languageCode, prop

Built-in Environment Variables

key Type Description
accessibilityEnabled string Whether to enable accessibility.
colorMode ColorMode Color mode. The options are as follows:
- ColorMode.LIGHT: light mode.
- ColorMode.DARK: dark mode.
fontScale number Font scale.
fontWeightScale number Font weight scale.
layoutDirection LayoutDirection Layout direction. The options are as follows:
- LayoutDirection.LTR: from left to right.
- LayoutDirection.RTL: from right to left.
languageCode string Current system language. The value is in lowercase, for example, zh.


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