harmony 鸿蒙JS API Changes of the Testing Framework Subsystem

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (429)

JS API Changes of the Testing Framework Subsystem

The table below lists the APIs changes of the testing framework subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release over OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS.

API Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
ohos.uitest UiDriver screenCap(savePath:string):Promise<bool>; Added
ohos.uitest UiDriver swipe(startx:number,starty:number,endx:number,endy:number):Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest UiDriver longClick(x:number,y:number):Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest UiDriver doubleClick(x:number,y:number):Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest UiDriver click(x:number,y:number):Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest UiDriver triggerKey(keyCode:number):Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest UiDriver pressBack():Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest UiDriver assertComponentExist(by:By):Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest UiDriver findComponents(by:By):Promise<Array<UiComponent>>; Added
ohos.uitest UiDriver findComponent(by:By):Promise<UiComponent>; Added
ohos.uitest UiDriver delayMs(duration:number):Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest UiDriver static create():UiDriver; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent scrollSearch(by:By):Promise<UiComponent>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent inputText(text: string):Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent isSelected():Promise<bool>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent isFocused():Promise<bool>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent isEnabled():Promise<bool>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent isScrollable():Promise<bool>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent isClickable():Promise<bool>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent getType():Promise<string>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent getText():Promise<string>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent getKey():Promise<string>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent getId():Promise<number>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent longClick():Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent doubleClick():Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest UiComponent click():Promise<void>; Added
ohos.uitest By isAfter(by:By):By; Added
ohos.uitest By isBefore(by:By):By; Added
ohos.uitest By selected(b?:bool):By; Added
ohos.uitest By focused(b?:bool):By; Added
ohos.uitest By enabled(b?:bool):By; Added
ohos.uitest By scrollable(b?:bool):By; Added
ohos.uitest By clickable(b?:bool):By; Added
ohos.uitest By type(tp:string):By; Added
ohos.uitest By id(id:number):By; Added
ohos.uitest By key(key:string):By; Added
ohos.uitest By text(txt:string,pattern?:MatchPattern):By; Added
ohos.uitest MatchPattern ENDS_WITH = 3 Added
ohos.uitest MatchPattern STARTS_WITH = 2 Added
ohos.uitest MatchPattern CONTAINS = 1 Added
ohos.uitest MatchPattern EQUALS = 0 Added


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