harmony 鸿蒙Rating

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (841)


The <Rating> component provides a rating bar.


This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components

Not supported


Rating(options?: { rating: number, indicator?: boolean })

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
rating number Yes Value to rate.
Default value: 0
Value range: [0, stars]
A value less than 0 evaluates to the value 0. A value greater than the value of stars evaluates to the value of stars.
Since API version 10, this parameter supports $$ for two-way binding of variables.
indicator boolean No Whether the component is used only as an indicator and cannot be operated.
Default value: false
When indicator is set to true, the default component height is 12.0 vp, and the component width is calculated as follows: Height x Value of stars.
When indicator is set to false, the default component height is 28.0 vp, and the component width is calculated as follows: Height x Value of stars.


Name Type Description
stars number Total number of ratings.
Default value: 5
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
A value less than or equal to 0 evaluates to the default value.
stepSize number Step of an operation.
Default value: 0.5
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
A value less than 0.1 evaluates to the default value.
Value range: [0.1, stars]
starStyle {
backgroundUri: string,
foregroundUri: string,
secondaryUri?: string
Star style.
backgroundUri: image path for the unselected star. You can use the default system image or a custom image.
foregroundUri: image path for the selected star. You can use the default system image or a custom image.
secondaryUri: image path for the partially selected star. You can use the default system image or a custom image.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
For details about the image types supported by the startStyle attribute, see Image.
Local and online images are supported, but not PixelMap and Resource objects.
By default, the image is loaded in asynchronous mode. Synchronous loading is not supported.
If this parameter is set to undefined or an empty string, the <Rating> component loads the default star image source.


The drawing area of each rating image is [width/stars, height], wherein width and height indicate the width and height of the <Rating> component, respectively.

To specify the drawing area as a square, you are advised to customize the width and height in this format: [height * stars, height], width = height * stars.


Name Description
onChange(callback:(value: number) =&gt; void) Triggered when the rating value changes.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Example 1

// xxx.ets
struct RatingExample {
  @State rating: number = 3.5

  build() {
    Column() {
      Column() {
        Rating({ rating: this.rating, indicator: false })
          .margin({ top: 24 })
          .onChange((value: number) => {
            this.rating = value
        Text('current score is ' + this.rating)
          .margin({ top: 16 })
      }.width(360).height(113).backgroundColor('#FFFFFF').margin({ top: 68 })

      Row() {
          .margin({ left: 24 })
        Column() {
          Row() {
            Rating({ rating: 3.5, indicator: false }).margin({ top: 1, right: 8 })
        }.margin({ left: 12 }).alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start)

        Text('1st Floor')
          .position({ x: 295, y: 8 })
      }.width(360).height(56).backgroundColor('#FFFFFF').margin({ top: 64 })


Example 2

// xxx.ets
struct RatingExample {
  @State rating: number = 3.5

  build() {
    Column() {
      Rating({ rating: this.rating, indicator: false })
          backgroundUri: '/common/imag1.png', // The common folder is at the same level as pages.
          foregroundUri: '/common/imag2.png',
          secondaryUri: '/common/imag3.png'
        .margin({ top: 24 })
        .onChange((value: number) => {
          this.rating = value
      Text('current score is ' + this.rating)
        .margin({ top: 16 })



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