go graph 源码

  • 2022-07-15
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golang graph 代码


// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package escape

import (

// Below we implement the methods for walking the AST and recording
// data flow edges. Note that because a sub-expression might have
// side-effects, it's important to always visit the entire AST.
// For example, write either:
//     if x {
//         e.discard(n.Left)
//     } else {
//         e.value(k, n.Left)
//     }
// or
//     if x {
//         k = e.discardHole()
//     }
//     e.value(k, n.Left)
// Do NOT write:
//    // BAD: possibly loses side-effects within n.Left
//    if !x {
//        e.value(k, n.Left)
//    }

// An location represents an abstract location that stores a Go
// variable.
type location struct {
	n         ir.Node  // represented variable or expression, if any
	curfn     *ir.Func // enclosing function
	edges     []edge   // incoming edges
	loopDepth int      // loopDepth at declaration

	// resultIndex records the tuple index (starting at 1) for
	// PPARAMOUT variables within their function's result type.
	// For non-PPARAMOUT variables it's 0.
	resultIndex int

	// derefs and walkgen are used during walkOne to track the
	// minimal dereferences from the walk root.
	derefs  int // >= -1
	walkgen uint32

	// dst and dstEdgeindex track the next immediate assignment
	// destination location during walkone, along with the index
	// of the edge pointing back to this location.
	dst        *location
	dstEdgeIdx int

	// queued is used by walkAll to track whether this location is
	// in the walk queue.
	queued bool

	// escapes reports whether the represented variable's address
	// escapes; that is, whether the variable must be heap
	// allocated.
	escapes bool

	// transient reports whether the represented expression's
	// address does not outlive the statement; that is, whether
	// its storage can be immediately reused.
	transient bool

	// paramEsc records the represented parameter's leak set.
	paramEsc leaks

	captured   bool // has a closure captured this variable?
	reassigned bool // has this variable been reassigned?
	addrtaken  bool // has this variable's address been taken?

// An edge represents an assignment edge between two Go variables.
type edge struct {
	src    *location
	derefs int // >= -1
	notes  *note

func (l *location) asHole() hole {
	return hole{dst: l}

// leak records that parameter l leaks to sink.
func (l *location) leakTo(sink *location, derefs int) {
	// If sink is a result parameter that doesn't escape (#44614)
	// and we can fit return bits into the escape analysis tag,
	// then record as a result leak.
	if !sink.escapes && sink.isName(ir.PPARAMOUT) && sink.curfn == l.curfn {
		ri := sink.resultIndex - 1
		if ri < numEscResults {
			// Leak to result parameter.
			l.paramEsc.AddResult(ri, derefs)

	// Otherwise, record as heap leak.

func (l *location) isName(c ir.Class) bool {
	return l.n != nil && l.n.Op() == ir.ONAME && l.n.(*ir.Name).Class == c

// A hole represents a context for evaluation of a Go
// expression. E.g., when evaluating p in "x = **p", we'd have a hole
// with dst==x and derefs==2.
type hole struct {
	dst    *location
	derefs int // >= -1
	notes  *note

	// addrtaken indicates whether this context is taking the address of
	// the expression, independent of whether the address will actually
	// be stored into a variable.
	addrtaken bool

type note struct {
	next  *note
	where ir.Node
	why   string

func (k hole) note(where ir.Node, why string) hole {
	if where == nil || why == "" {
		base.Fatalf("note: missing where/why")
	if base.Flag.LowerM >= 2 || logopt.Enabled() {
		k.notes = &note{
			next:  k.notes,
			where: where,
			why:   why,
	return k

func (k hole) shift(delta int) hole {
	k.derefs += delta
	if k.derefs < -1 {
		base.Fatalf("derefs underflow: %v", k.derefs)
	k.addrtaken = delta < 0
	return k

func (k hole) deref(where ir.Node, why string) hole { return k.shift(1).note(where, why) }
func (k hole) addr(where ir.Node, why string) hole  { return k.shift(-1).note(where, why) }

func (k hole) dotType(t *types.Type, where ir.Node, why string) hole {
	if !t.IsInterface() && !types.IsDirectIface(t) {
		k = k.shift(1)
	return k.note(where, why)

func (b *batch) flow(k hole, src *location) {
	if k.addrtaken {
		src.addrtaken = true

	dst := k.dst
	if dst == &b.blankLoc {
	if dst == src && k.derefs >= 0 { // dst = dst, dst = *dst, ...
	if dst.escapes && k.derefs < 0 { // dst = &src
		if base.Flag.LowerM >= 2 || logopt.Enabled() {
			pos := base.FmtPos(src.n.Pos())
			if base.Flag.LowerM >= 2 {
				fmt.Printf("%s: %v escapes to heap:\n", pos, src.n)
			explanation := b.explainFlow(pos, dst, src, k.derefs, k.notes, []*logopt.LoggedOpt{})
			if logopt.Enabled() {
				var e_curfn *ir.Func // TODO(mdempsky): Fix.
				logopt.LogOpt(src.n.Pos(), "escapes", "escape", ir.FuncName(e_curfn), fmt.Sprintf("%v escapes to heap", src.n), explanation)

		src.escapes = true

	// TODO(mdempsky): Deduplicate edges?
	dst.edges = append(dst.edges, edge{src: src, derefs: k.derefs, notes: k.notes})

func (b *batch) heapHole() hole    { return b.heapLoc.asHole() }
func (b *batch) discardHole() hole { return b.blankLoc.asHole() }

func (b *batch) oldLoc(n *ir.Name) *location {
	if n.Canonical().Opt == nil {
		base.Fatalf("%v has no location", n)
	return n.Canonical().Opt.(*location)

func (e *escape) newLoc(n ir.Node, transient bool) *location {
	if e.curfn == nil {
		base.Fatalf("e.curfn isn't set")
	if n != nil && n.Type() != nil && n.Type().NotInHeap() {
		base.ErrorfAt(n.Pos(), "%v is incomplete (or unallocatable); stack allocation disallowed", n.Type())

	if n != nil && n.Op() == ir.ONAME {
		if canon := n.(*ir.Name).Canonical(); n != canon {
			base.Fatalf("newLoc on non-canonical %v (canonical is %v)", n, canon)
	loc := &location{
		n:         n,
		curfn:     e.curfn,
		loopDepth: e.loopDepth,
		transient: transient,
	e.allLocs = append(e.allLocs, loc)
	if n != nil {
		if n.Op() == ir.ONAME {
			n := n.(*ir.Name)
			if n.Class == ir.PPARAM && n.Curfn == nil {
				// ok; hidden parameter
			} else if n.Curfn != e.curfn {
				base.Fatalf("curfn mismatch: %v != %v for %v", n.Curfn, e.curfn, n)

			if n.Opt != nil {
				base.Fatalf("%v already has a location", n)
			n.Opt = loc
	return loc

// teeHole returns a new hole that flows into each hole of ks,
// similar to the Unix tee(1) command.
func (e *escape) teeHole(ks ...hole) hole {
	if len(ks) == 0 {
		return e.discardHole()
	if len(ks) == 1 {
		return ks[0]
	// TODO(mdempsky): Optimize if there's only one non-discard hole?

	// Given holes "l1 = _", "l2 = **_", "l3 = *_", ..., create a
	// new temporary location ltmp, wire it into place, and return
	// a hole for "ltmp = _".
	loc := e.newLoc(nil, true)
	for _, k := range ks {
		// N.B., "p = &q" and "p = &tmp; tmp = q" are not
		// semantically equivalent. To combine holes like "l1
		// = _" and "l2 = &_", we'd need to wire them as "l1 =
		// *ltmp" and "l2 = ltmp" and return "ltmp = &_"
		// instead.
		if k.derefs < 0 {
			base.Fatalf("teeHole: negative derefs")

		e.flow(k, loc)
	return loc.asHole()

// later returns a new hole that flows into k, but some time later.
// Its main effect is to prevent immediate reuse of temporary
// variables introduced during Order.
func (e *escape) later(k hole) hole {
	loc := e.newLoc(nil, false)
	e.flow(k, loc)
	return loc.asHole()

// Fmt is called from node printing to print information about escape analysis results.
func Fmt(n ir.Node) string {
	text := ""
	switch n.Esc() {
	case ir.EscUnknown:

	case ir.EscHeap:
		text = "esc(h)"

	case ir.EscNone:
		text = "esc(no)"

	case ir.EscNever:
		text = "esc(N)"

		text = fmt.Sprintf("esc(%d)", n.Esc())

	if n.Op() == ir.ONAME {
		n := n.(*ir.Name)
		if loc, ok := n.Opt.(*location); ok && loc.loopDepth != 0 {
			if text != "" {
				text += " "
			text += fmt.Sprintf("ld(%d)", loc.loopDepth)

	return text


go 源码目录


go assign 源码

go call 源码

go desugar 源码

go escape 源码

go expr 源码

go leaks 源码

go solve 源码

go stmt 源码

go utils 源码

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