go call 源码

  • 2022-07-15
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golang call 代码


// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package escape

import (

// call evaluates a call expressions, including builtin calls. ks
// should contain the holes representing where the function callee's
// results flows.
func (e *escape) call(ks []hole, call ir.Node) {
	var init ir.Nodes
	e.callCommon(ks, call, &init, nil)
	if len(init) != 0 {

func (e *escape) callCommon(ks []hole, call ir.Node, init *ir.Nodes, wrapper *ir.Func) {

	// argumentPragma handles escape analysis of argument *argp to the
	// given hole. If the function callee is known, pragma is the
	// function's pragma flags; otherwise 0.
	argumentFunc := func(fn *ir.Name, k hole, argp *ir.Node) {
		e.rewriteArgument(argp, init, call, fn, wrapper)

		e.expr(k.note(call, "call parameter"), *argp)

	argument := func(k hole, argp *ir.Node) {
		argumentFunc(nil, k, argp)

	switch call.Op() {
		ir.Dump("esc", call)
		base.Fatalf("unexpected call op: %v", call.Op())

		call := call.(*ir.CallExpr)

		// Pick out the function callee, if statically known.
		// TODO(mdempsky): Change fn from *ir.Name to *ir.Func, but some
		// functions (e.g., runtime builtins, method wrappers, generated
		// eq/hash functions) don't have it set. Investigate whether
		// that's a concern.
		var fn *ir.Name
		switch call.Op() {
		case ir.OCALLFUNC:
			// If we have a direct call to a closure (not just one we were
			// able to statically resolve with ir.StaticValue), mark it as
			// such so batch.outlives can optimize the flow results.
			if call.X.Op() == ir.OCLOSURE {

			switch v := ir.StaticValue(call.X); v.Op() {
			case ir.ONAME:
				if v := v.(*ir.Name); v.Class == ir.PFUNC {
					fn = v
			case ir.OCLOSURE:
				fn = v.(*ir.ClosureExpr).Func.Nname
			case ir.OMETHEXPR:
				fn = ir.MethodExprName(v)
		case ir.OCALLMETH:
			base.FatalfAt(call.Pos(), "OCALLMETH missed by typecheck")

		fntype := call.X.Type()
		if fn != nil {
			fntype = fn.Type()

		if ks != nil && fn != nil && e.inMutualBatch(fn) {
			for i, result := range fn.Type().Results().FieldSlice() {
				e.expr(ks[i], ir.AsNode(result.Nname))

		var recvp *ir.Node
		if call.Op() == ir.OCALLFUNC {
			// Evaluate callee function expression.
			// Note: We use argument and not argumentFunc, because while
			// call.X here may be an argument to runtime.{new,defer}proc,
			// it's not an argument to fn itself.
			argument(e.discardHole(), &call.X)
		} else {
			recvp = &call.X.(*ir.SelectorExpr).X

		args := call.Args
		if recv := fntype.Recv(); recv != nil {
			if recvp == nil {
				// Function call using method expression. Recevier argument is
				// at the front of the regular arguments list.
				recvp = &args[0]
				args = args[1:]

			argumentFunc(fn, e.tagHole(ks, fn, recv), recvp)

		for i, param := range fntype.Params().FieldSlice() {
			argumentFunc(fn, e.tagHole(ks, fn, param), &args[i])

	case ir.OINLCALL:
		call := call.(*ir.InlinedCallExpr)
		for i, result := range call.ReturnVars {
			k := e.discardHole()
			if ks != nil {
				k = ks[i]
			e.expr(k, result)

	case ir.OAPPEND:
		call := call.(*ir.CallExpr)
		args := call.Args

		// Appendee slice may flow directly to the result, if
		// it has enough capacity. Alternatively, a new heap
		// slice might be allocated, and all slice elements
		// might flow to heap.
		appendeeK := ks[0]
		if args[0].Type().Elem().HasPointers() {
			appendeeK = e.teeHole(appendeeK, e.heapHole().deref(call, "appendee slice"))
		argument(appendeeK, &args[0])

		if call.IsDDD {
			appendedK := e.discardHole()
			if args[1].Type().IsSlice() && args[1].Type().Elem().HasPointers() {
				appendedK = e.heapHole().deref(call, "appended slice...")
			argument(appendedK, &args[1])
		} else {
			for i := 1; i < len(args); i++ {
				argument(e.heapHole(), &args[i])

	case ir.OCOPY:
		call := call.(*ir.BinaryExpr)
		argument(e.discardHole(), &call.X)

		copiedK := e.discardHole()
		if call.Y.Type().IsSlice() && call.Y.Type().Elem().HasPointers() {
			copiedK = e.heapHole().deref(call, "copied slice")
		argument(copiedK, &call.Y)

	case ir.OPANIC:
		call := call.(*ir.UnaryExpr)
		argument(e.heapHole(), &call.X)

	case ir.OCOMPLEX:
		call := call.(*ir.BinaryExpr)
		argument(e.discardHole(), &call.X)
		argument(e.discardHole(), &call.Y)

		call := call.(*ir.CallExpr)
		for i := range call.Args {
			argument(e.discardHole(), &call.Args[i])

	case ir.OLEN, ir.OCAP, ir.OREAL, ir.OIMAG, ir.OCLOSE:
		call := call.(*ir.UnaryExpr)
		argument(e.discardHole(), &call.X)

		call := call.(*ir.BinaryExpr)
		argument(ks[0], &call.X)
		argument(e.discardHole(), &call.Y)

// goDeferStmt analyzes a "go" or "defer" statement.
// In the process, it also normalizes the statement to always use a
// simple function call with no arguments and no results. For example,
// it rewrites:
//	defer f(x, y)
// into:
//	x1, y1 := x, y
//	defer func() { f(x1, y1) }()
func (e *escape) goDeferStmt(n *ir.GoDeferStmt) {
	k := e.heapHole()
	if n.Op() == ir.ODEFER && e.loopDepth == 1 {
		// Top-level defer arguments don't escape to the heap,
		// but they do need to last until they're invoked.
		k = e.later(e.discardHole())

		// force stack allocation of defer record, unless
		// open-coded defers are used (see ssa.go)

	call := n.Call

	init := n.PtrInit()

	// If the function is already a zero argument/result function call,
	// just escape analyze it normally.
	if call, ok := call.(*ir.CallExpr); ok && call.Op() == ir.OCALLFUNC {
		if sig := call.X.Type(); sig.NumParams()+sig.NumResults() == 0 {
			if clo, ok := call.X.(*ir.ClosureExpr); ok && n.Op() == ir.OGO {
				clo.IsGoWrap = true
			e.expr(k, call.X)

	// Create a new no-argument function that we'll hand off to defer.
	fn := ir.NewClosureFunc(n.Pos(), true)
	fn.Nname.SetType(types.NewSignature(types.LocalPkg, nil, nil, nil, nil))
	fn.Body = []ir.Node{call}
	if call, ok := call.(*ir.CallExpr); ok && call.Op() == ir.OCALLFUNC {
		// If the callee is a named function, link to the original callee.
		x := call.X
		if x.Op() == ir.ONAME && x.(*ir.Name).Class == ir.PFUNC {
			fn.WrappedFunc = call.X.(*ir.Name).Func
		} else if x.Op() == ir.OMETHEXPR && ir.MethodExprFunc(x).Nname != nil {
			fn.WrappedFunc = ir.MethodExprName(x).Func

	clo := fn.OClosure
	if n.Op() == ir.OGO {
		clo.IsGoWrap = true

	e.callCommon(nil, call, init, fn)
	e.closures = append(e.closures, closure{e.spill(k, clo), clo})

	// Create new top level call to closure.
	n.Call = ir.NewCallExpr(call.Pos(), ir.OCALL, clo, nil)
	ir.WithFunc(e.curfn, func() {

// rewriteArgument rewrites the argument *argp of the given call expression.
// fn is the static callee function, if known.
// wrapper is the go/defer wrapper function for call, if any.
func (e *escape) rewriteArgument(argp *ir.Node, init *ir.Nodes, call ir.Node, fn *ir.Name, wrapper *ir.Func) {
	var pragma ir.PragmaFlag
	if fn != nil && fn.Func != nil {
		pragma = fn.Func.Pragma

	// unsafeUintptr rewrites "uintptr(ptr)" arguments to syscall-like
	// functions, so that ptr is kept alive and/or escaped as
	// appropriate. unsafeUintptr also reports whether it modified arg0.
	unsafeUintptr := func(arg0 ir.Node) bool {
		if pragma&(ir.UintptrKeepAlive|ir.UintptrEscapes) == 0 {
			return false

		// If the argument is really a pointer being converted to uintptr,
		// arrange for the pointer to be kept alive until the call returns,
		// by copying it into a temp and marking that temp
		// still alive when we pop the temp stack.
		if arg0.Op() != ir.OCONVNOP || !arg0.Type().IsUintptr() {
			return false
		arg := arg0.(*ir.ConvExpr)

		if !arg.X.Type().IsUnsafePtr() {
			return false

		// Create and declare a new pointer-typed temp variable.
		tmp := e.wrapExpr(arg.Pos(), &arg.X, init, call, wrapper)

		if pragma&ir.UintptrEscapes != 0 {
			e.flow(e.heapHole().note(arg, "//go:uintptrescapes"), e.oldLoc(tmp))

		if pragma&ir.UintptrKeepAlive != 0 {
			call := call.(*ir.CallExpr)

			// SSA implements CallExpr.KeepAlive using OpVarLive, which
			// doesn't support PAUTOHEAP variables. I tried changing it to
			// use OpKeepAlive, but that ran into issues of its own.
			// For now, the easy solution is to explicitly copy to (yet
			// another) new temporary variable.
			keep := tmp
			if keep.Class == ir.PAUTOHEAP {
				keep = e.copyExpr(arg.Pos(), tmp, call.PtrInit(), wrapper, false)

			keep.SetAddrtaken(true) // ensure SSA keeps the tmp variable
			call.KeepAlive = append(call.KeepAlive, keep)

		return true

	visit := func(pos src.XPos, argp *ir.Node) {
		// Optimize a few common constant expressions. By leaving these
		// untouched in the call expression, we let the wrapper handle
		// evaluating them, rather than taking up closure context space.
		switch arg := *argp; arg.Op() {
		case ir.OLITERAL, ir.ONIL, ir.OMETHEXPR:
		case ir.ONAME:
			if arg.(*ir.Name).Class == ir.PFUNC {

		if unsafeUintptr(*argp) {

		if wrapper != nil {
			e.wrapExpr(pos, argp, init, call, wrapper)

	// Peel away any slice literals for better escape analyze
	// them. For example:
	//     go F([]int{a, b})
	// If F doesn't escape its arguments, then the slice can
	// be allocated on the new goroutine's stack.
	// For variadic functions, the compiler has already rewritten:
	//     f(a, b, c)
	// to:
	//     f([]T{a, b, c}...)
	// So we need to look into slice elements to handle uintptr(ptr)
	// arguments to syscall-like functions correctly.
	if arg := *argp; arg.Op() == ir.OSLICELIT {
		list := arg.(*ir.CompLitExpr).List
		for i := range list {
			el := &list[i]
			if list[i].Op() == ir.OKEY {
				el = &list[i].(*ir.KeyExpr).Value
			visit(arg.Pos(), el)
	} else {
		visit(call.Pos(), argp)

// wrapExpr replaces *exprp with a temporary variable copy. If wrapper
// is non-nil, the variable will be captured for use within that
// function.
func (e *escape) wrapExpr(pos src.XPos, exprp *ir.Node, init *ir.Nodes, call ir.Node, wrapper *ir.Func) *ir.Name {
	tmp := e.copyExpr(pos, *exprp, init, e.curfn, true)

	if wrapper != nil {
		// Currently for "defer i.M()" if i is nil it panics at the point
		// of defer statement, not when deferred function is called.  We
		// need to do the nil check outside of the wrapper.
		if call.Op() == ir.OCALLINTER && exprp == &call.(*ir.CallExpr).X.(*ir.SelectorExpr).X {
			check := ir.NewUnaryExpr(pos, ir.OCHECKNIL, ir.NewUnaryExpr(pos, ir.OITAB, tmp))

		e.oldLoc(tmp).captured = true

		tmp = ir.NewClosureVar(pos, wrapper, tmp)

	*exprp = tmp
	return tmp

// copyExpr creates and returns a new temporary variable within fn;
// appends statements to init to declare and initialize it to expr;
// and escape analyzes the data flow if analyze is true.
func (e *escape) copyExpr(pos src.XPos, expr ir.Node, init *ir.Nodes, fn *ir.Func, analyze bool) *ir.Name {
	if ir.HasUniquePos(expr) {
		pos = expr.Pos()

	tmp := typecheck.TempAt(pos, fn, expr.Type())

	stmts := []ir.Node{
		ir.NewDecl(pos, ir.ODCL, tmp),
		ir.NewAssignStmt(pos, tmp, expr),

	if analyze {
		e.newLoc(tmp, false)

	return tmp

// tagHole returns a hole for evaluating an argument passed to param.
// ks should contain the holes representing where the function
// callee's results flows. fn is the statically-known callee function,
// if any.
func (e *escape) tagHole(ks []hole, fn *ir.Name, param *types.Field) hole {
	// If this is a dynamic call, we can't rely on param.Note.
	if fn == nil {
		return e.heapHole()

	if e.inMutualBatch(fn) {
		return e.addr(ir.AsNode(param.Nname))

	// Call to previously tagged function.

	var tagKs []hole

	esc := parseLeaks(param.Note)
	if x := esc.Heap(); x >= 0 {
		tagKs = append(tagKs, e.heapHole().shift(x))

	if ks != nil {
		for i := 0; i < numEscResults; i++ {
			if x := esc.Result(i); x >= 0 {
				tagKs = append(tagKs, ks[i].shift(x))

	return e.teeHole(tagKs...)


go 源码目录


go assign 源码

go desugar 源码

go escape 源码

go expr 源码

go graph 源码

go leaks 源码

go solve 源码

go stmt 源码

go utils 源码

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