go escape 源码

  • 2022-07-15
  • 浏览 (1274)


// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package escape

import (


// Escape analysis.
// Here we analyze functions to determine which Go variables
// (including implicit allocations such as calls to "new" or "make",
// composite literals, etc.) can be allocated on the stack. The two
// key invariants we have to ensure are: (1) pointers to stack objects
// cannot be stored in the heap, and (2) pointers to a stack object
// cannot outlive that object (e.g., because the declaring function
// returned and destroyed the object's stack frame, or its space is
// reused across loop iterations for logically distinct variables).
// We implement this with a static data-flow analysis of the AST.
// First, we construct a directed weighted graph where vertices
// (termed "locations") represent variables allocated by statements
// and expressions, and edges represent assignments between variables
// (with weights representing addressing/dereference counts).
// Next we walk the graph looking for assignment paths that might
// violate the invariants stated above. If a variable v's address is
// stored in the heap or elsewhere that may outlive it, then v is
// marked as requiring heap allocation.
// To support interprocedural analysis, we also record data-flow from
// each function's parameters to the heap and to its result
// parameters. This information is summarized as "parameter tags",
// which are used at static call sites to improve escape analysis of
// function arguments.

// Constructing the location graph.
// Every allocating statement (e.g., variable declaration) or
// expression (e.g., "new" or "make") is first mapped to a unique
// "location."
// We also model every Go assignment as a directed edges between
// locations. The number of dereference operations minus the number of
// addressing operations is recorded as the edge's weight (termed
// "derefs"). For example:
//     p = &q    // -1
//     p = q     //  0
//     p = *q    //  1
//     p = **q   //  2
//     p = **&**&q  // 2
// Note that the & operator can only be applied to addressable
// expressions, and the expression &x itself is not addressable, so
// derefs cannot go below -1.
// Every Go language construct is lowered into this representation,
// generally without sensitivity to flow, path, or context; and
// without distinguishing elements within a compound variable. For
// example:
//     var x struct { f, g *int }
//     var u []*int
//     x.f = u[0]
// is modeled simply as
//     x = *u
// That is, we don't distinguish x.f from x.g, or u[0] from u[1],
// u[2], etc. However, we do record the implicit dereference involved
// in indexing a slice.

// A batch holds escape analysis state that's shared across an entire
// batch of functions being analyzed at once.
type batch struct {
	allLocs  []*location
	closures []closure

	heapLoc  location
	blankLoc location

// A closure holds a closure expression and its spill hole (i.e.,
// where the hole representing storing into its closure record).
type closure struct {
	k   hole
	clo *ir.ClosureExpr

// An escape holds state specific to a single function being analyzed
// within a batch.
type escape struct {

	curfn *ir.Func // function being analyzed

	labels map[*types.Sym]labelState // known labels

	// loopDepth counts the current loop nesting depth within
	// curfn. It increments within each "for" loop and at each
	// label with a corresponding backwards "goto" (i.e.,
	// unstructured loop).
	loopDepth int

func Funcs(all []ir.Node) {
	ir.VisitFuncsBottomUp(all, Batch)

// Batch performs escape analysis on a minimal batch of
// functions.
func Batch(fns []*ir.Func, recursive bool) {
	for _, fn := range fns {
		if fn.Op() != ir.ODCLFUNC {
			base.Fatalf("unexpected node: %v", fn)

	var b batch
	b.heapLoc.escapes = true

	// Construct data-flow graph from syntax trees.
	for _, fn := range fns {
		if base.Flag.W > 1 {
			s := fmt.Sprintf("\nbefore escape %v", fn)
			ir.Dump(s, fn)
	for _, fn := range fns {
		if !fn.IsHiddenClosure() {

	// We've walked the function bodies, so we've seen everywhere a
	// variable might be reassigned or have it's address taken. Now we
	// can decide whether closures should capture their free variables
	// by value or reference.
	for _, closure := range b.closures {
		b.flowClosure(closure.k, closure.clo)
	b.closures = nil

	for _, loc := range b.allLocs {
		if why := HeapAllocReason(loc.n); why != "" {
			b.flow(b.heapHole().addr(loc.n, why), loc)


func (b *batch) with(fn *ir.Func) *escape {
	return &escape{
		batch:     b,
		curfn:     fn,
		loopDepth: 1,

func (b *batch) initFunc(fn *ir.Func) {
	e := b.with(fn)
	if fn.Esc() != escFuncUnknown {
		base.Fatalf("unexpected node: %v", fn)
	if base.Flag.LowerM > 3 {
		ir.Dump("escAnalyze", fn)

	// Allocate locations for local variables.
	for _, n := range fn.Dcl {
		e.newLoc(n, false)

	// Also for hidden parameters (e.g., the ".this" parameter to a
	// method value wrapper).
	if fn.OClosure == nil {
		for _, n := range fn.ClosureVars {
			e.newLoc(n.Canonical(), false)

	// Initialize resultIndex for result parameters.
	for i, f := range fn.Type().Results().FieldSlice() {
		e.oldLoc(f.Nname.(*ir.Name)).resultIndex = 1 + i

func (b *batch) walkFunc(fn *ir.Func) {
	e := b.with(fn)

	// Identify labels that mark the head of an unstructured loop.
	ir.Visit(fn, func(n ir.Node) {
		switch n.Op() {
		case ir.OLABEL:
			n := n.(*ir.LabelStmt)
			if n.Label.IsBlank() {
			if e.labels == nil {
				e.labels = make(map[*types.Sym]labelState)
			e.labels[n.Label] = nonlooping

		case ir.OGOTO:
			// If we visited the label before the goto,
			// then this is a looping label.
			n := n.(*ir.BranchStmt)
			if e.labels[n.Label] == nonlooping {
				e.labels[n.Label] = looping


	if len(e.labels) != 0 {
		base.FatalfAt(fn.Pos(), "leftover labels after walkFunc")

func (b *batch) flowClosure(k hole, clo *ir.ClosureExpr) {
	for _, cv := range clo.Func.ClosureVars {
		n := cv.Canonical()
		loc := b.oldLoc(cv)
		if !loc.captured {
			base.FatalfAt(cv.Pos(), "closure variable never captured: %v", cv)

		// Capture by value for variables <= 128 bytes that are never reassigned.
		n.SetByval(!loc.addrtaken && !loc.reassigned && n.Type().Size() <= 128)
		if !n.Byval() {
			if n.Sym().Name == typecheck.LocalDictName {
				base.FatalfAt(n.Pos(), "dictionary variable not captured by value")

		if base.Flag.LowerM > 1 {
			how := "ref"
			if n.Byval() {
				how = "value"
			base.WarnfAt(n.Pos(), "%v capturing by %s: %v (addr=%v assign=%v width=%d)", n.Curfn, how, n, loc.addrtaken, loc.reassigned, n.Type().Size())

		// Flow captured variables to closure.
		k := k
		if !cv.Byval() {
			k = k.addr(cv, "reference")
		b.flow(k.note(cv, "captured by a closure"), loc)

func (b *batch) finish(fns []*ir.Func) {
	// Record parameter tags for package export data.
	for _, fn := range fns {

		narg := 0
		for _, fs := range &types.RecvsParams {
			for _, f := range fs(fn.Type()).Fields().Slice() {
				f.Note = b.paramTag(fn, narg, f)

	for _, loc := range b.allLocs {
		n := loc.n
		if n == nil {
		if n.Op() == ir.ONAME {
			n := n.(*ir.Name)
			n.Opt = nil

		// Update n.Esc based on escape analysis results.

		// Omit escape diagnostics for go/defer wrappers, at least for now.
		// Historically, we haven't printed them, and test cases don't expect them.
		// TODO(mdempsky): Update tests to expect this.
		goDeferWrapper := n.Op() == ir.OCLOSURE && n.(*ir.ClosureExpr).Func.Wrapper()

		if loc.escapes {
			if n.Op() == ir.ONAME {
				if base.Flag.CompilingRuntime {
					base.ErrorfAt(n.Pos(), "%v escapes to heap, not allowed in runtime", n)
				if base.Flag.LowerM != 0 {
					base.WarnfAt(n.Pos(), "moved to heap: %v", n)
			} else {
				if base.Flag.LowerM != 0 && !goDeferWrapper {
					base.WarnfAt(n.Pos(), "%v escapes to heap", n)
				if logopt.Enabled() {
					var e_curfn *ir.Func // TODO(mdempsky): Fix.
					logopt.LogOpt(n.Pos(), "escape", "escape", ir.FuncName(e_curfn))
		} else {
			if base.Flag.LowerM != 0 && n.Op() != ir.ONAME && !goDeferWrapper {
				base.WarnfAt(n.Pos(), "%v does not escape", n)
			if loc.transient {
				switch n.Op() {
				case ir.OCLOSURE:
					n := n.(*ir.ClosureExpr)
				case ir.OMETHVALUE:
					n := n.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
				case ir.OSLICELIT:
					n := n.(*ir.CompLitExpr)

// inMutualBatch reports whether function fn is in the batch of
// mutually recursive functions being analyzed. When this is true,
// fn has not yet been analyzed, so its parameters and results
// should be incorporated directly into the flow graph instead of
// relying on its escape analysis tagging.
func (e *escape) inMutualBatch(fn *ir.Name) bool {
	if fn.Defn != nil && fn.Defn.Esc() < escFuncTagged {
		if fn.Defn.Esc() == escFuncUnknown {
			base.Fatalf("graph inconsistency: %v", fn)
		return true
	return false

const (
	escFuncUnknown = 0 + iota

// Mark labels that have no backjumps to them as not increasing e.loopdepth.
type labelState int

const (
	looping labelState = 1 + iota

func (b *batch) paramTag(fn *ir.Func, narg int, f *types.Field) string {
	name := func() string {
		if f.Sym != nil {
			return f.Sym.Name
		return fmt.Sprintf("arg#%d", narg)

	// Only report diagnostics for user code;
	// not for wrappers generated around them.
	// TODO(mdempsky): Generalize this.
	diagnose := base.Flag.LowerM != 0 && !(fn.Wrapper() || fn.Dupok())

	if len(fn.Body) == 0 {
		// Assume that uintptr arguments must be held live across the call.
		// This is most important for syscall.Syscall.
		// See golang.org/issue/13372.
		// This really doesn't have much to do with escape analysis per se,
		// but we are reusing the ability to annotate an individual function
		// argument and pass those annotations along to importing code.
		fn.Pragma |= ir.UintptrKeepAlive

		if f.Type.IsUintptr() {
			if diagnose {
				base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "assuming %v is unsafe uintptr", name())
			return ""

		if !f.Type.HasPointers() { // don't bother tagging for scalars
			return ""

		var esc leaks

		// External functions are assumed unsafe, unless
		// //go:noescape is given before the declaration.
		if fn.Pragma&ir.Noescape != 0 {
			if diagnose && f.Sym != nil {
				base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "%v does not escape", name())
		} else {
			if diagnose && f.Sym != nil {
				base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "leaking param: %v", name())

		return esc.Encode()

	if fn.Pragma&ir.UintptrEscapes != 0 {
		if f.Type.IsUintptr() {
			if diagnose {
				base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "marking %v as escaping uintptr", name())
			return ""
		if f.IsDDD() && f.Type.Elem().IsUintptr() {
			// final argument is ...uintptr.
			if diagnose {
				base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "marking %v as escaping ...uintptr", name())
			return ""

	if !f.Type.HasPointers() { // don't bother tagging for scalars
		return ""

	// Unnamed parameters are unused and therefore do not escape.
	if f.Sym == nil || f.Sym.IsBlank() {
		var esc leaks
		return esc.Encode()

	n := f.Nname.(*ir.Name)
	loc := b.oldLoc(n)
	esc := loc.paramEsc

	if diagnose && !loc.escapes {
		if esc.Empty() {
			base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "%v does not escape", name())
		if x := esc.Heap(); x >= 0 {
			if x == 0 {
				base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "leaking param: %v", name())
			} else {
				// TODO(mdempsky): Mention level=x like below?
				base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "leaking param content: %v", name())
		for i := 0; i < numEscResults; i++ {
			if x := esc.Result(i); x >= 0 {
				res := fn.Type().Results().Field(i).Sym
				base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "leaking param: %v to result %v level=%d", name(), res, x)

	return esc.Encode()

go 源码目录

go assign 源码

go call 源码

go desugar 源码

go expr 源码

go graph 源码

go leaks 源码

go solve 源码

go stmt 源码

go utils 源码

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