harmony 鸿蒙JS API Changes of the Globalization Subsystem

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (600)

JS API Changes of the Globalization Subsystem

The table below lists the APIs changes of the globalization subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release over OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS.

API Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
rawFileDescriptor RawFileDescriptor length: number; Added
rawFileDescriptor RawFileDescriptor offset: number; Added
rawFileDescriptor RawFileDescriptor fd: number; Added
ohos.resourceManager ResourceManager release(); Added
ohos.resourceManager ResourceManager closeRawFileDescriptor(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
closeRawFileDescriptor(path: string): Promise<void>;
ohos.resourceManager ResourceManager getRawFileDescriptor(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback<RawFileDescriptor>): void;
getRawFileDescriptor(path: string): Promise<RawFileDescriptor>;
ohos.resourceManager ResourceManager getRawFile(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Uint8Array>): void;
getRawFile(path: string): Promise<Uint8Array>;
ohos.resourceManager resourceManager getResourceManager(callback: AsyncCallback<ResourceManager>): void;
getResourceManager(bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<ResourceManager>): void;
getResourceManager(): Promise<ResourceManager>;
getResourceManager(bundleName: string): Promise<ResourceManager>;
ohos.intl RelativeTimeFormat resolvedOptions(): RelativeTimeFormatResolvedOptions; Added
ohos.intl RelativeTimeFormat formatToParts(value: number, unit: string): Array<object>; Added
ohos.intl RelativeTimeFormat format(value: number, unit: string): string; Added
ohos.intl RelativeTimeFormat constructor(); Added
ohos.intl RelativeTimeFormatResolvedOptions numberingSystem: string; Added
ohos.intl RelativeTimeFormatResolvedOptions numeric: string; Added
ohos.intl RelativeTimeFormatResolvedOptions style: string; Added
ohos.intl RelativeTimeFormatResolvedOptions locale: string; Added
ohos.intl RelativeTimeFormatInputOptions style: string; Added
ohos.intl RelativeTimeFormatInputOptions numeric: string; Added
ohos.intl RelativeTimeFormatInputOptions localeMatcher: string; Added
ohos.intl PluralRules select(n: number): string; Added
ohos.intl PluralRules constructor(); Added
ohos.intl PluralRulesOptions maximumSignificantDigits: number; Added
ohos.intl PluralRulesOptions minimumSignificantDigits: number; Added
ohos.intl PluralRulesOptions maximumFractionDigits: number; Added
ohos.intl PluralRulesOptions minimumFractionDigits: number; Added
ohos.intl PluralRulesOptions minimumIntegerDigits: number; Added
ohos.intl PluralRulesOptions type: string; Added
ohos.intl PluralRulesOptions localeMatcher: string; Added
ohos.intl Collator resolvedOptions(): CollatorOptions; Added
ohos.intl Collator compare(first: string, second: string): number; Added
ohos.intl Collator constructor(); Added
ohos.intl CollatorOptions caseFirst: string; Added
ohos.intl CollatorOptions numeric: boolean; Added
ohos.intl CollatorOptions collation: string; Added
ohos.intl CollatorOptions ignorePunctuation: boolean; Added
ohos.intl CollatorOptions sensitivity: string; Added
ohos.intl CollatorOptions usage: string; Added
ohos.intl CollatorOptions localeMatcher: string; Added
ohos.intl NumberOptions unitUsage: string Added
ohos.intl LocaleOptions caseFirst: string; Added
ohos.intl LocaleOptions numeric: boolean; Added
ohos.intl LocaleOptions numberingSystem: string; Added
ohos.intl LocaleOptions hourCycle: string; Added
ohos.intl LocaleOptions collation: string; Added
ohos.intl LocaleOptions calendar: string; Added
ohos.i18n TimeZone getOffset(date?: number): number; Added
ohos.i18n TimeZone getRawOffset(): number; Added
ohos.i18n TimeZone getDisplayName(locale?: string, isDST?: boolean): string; Added
ohos.i18n TimeZone getID(): string; Added
ohos.i18n i18n getTimeZone(zoneID?: string): TimeZone; Added
ohos.i18n i18n getFirstPreferredLanguage(): string; Added
ohos.i18n i18n getPreferredLanguageList(): Array<string>; Added
ohos.i18n i18n removePreferredLanguage(index: number): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n i18n addPreferredLanguage(language: string, index?: number): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n i18n set24HourClock(option: boolean): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n i18n is24HourClock(): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n Character getType(char: string): string; Added
ohos.i18n Character isUpperCase(char: string): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n Character isLowerCase(char: string): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n Character isLetter(char: string): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n Character isIdeograph(char: string): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n Character isRTL(char: string): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n Character isWhitespace(char: string): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n Character isSpaceChar(char: string): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n Character isDigit(char: string): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n IndexUtil getIndex(text: string): string; Added
ohos.i18n IndexUtil addLocale(locale: string): void; Added
ohos.i18n IndexUtil getIndexList(): Array<string>; Added
ohos.i18n i18n getInstance(locale?:string): IndexUtil; Added
ohos.i18n BreakIterator isBoundary(offset: number): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n BreakIterator getLineBreakText(): string; Added
ohos.i18n BreakIterator following(offset: number): number; Added
ohos.i18n BreakIterator setLineBreakText(text: string): void; Added
ohos.i18n BreakIterator previous(): number; Added
ohos.i18n BreakIterator next(index?: number): number; Added
ohos.i18n BreakIterator last(): number; Added
ohos.i18n BreakIterator first(): number; Added
ohos.i18n BreakIterator current(): number; Added
ohos.i18n i18n getLineInstance(locale: string): BreakIterator; Added
ohos.i18n i18n isRTL(locale: string): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n Calendar isWeekend(date?: Date): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n Calendar getDisplayName(locale: string): string; Added
ohos.i18n Calendar get(field: string): number; Added
ohos.i18n Calendar setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(value: number): void; Added
ohos.i18n Calendar getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(): number; Added
ohos.i18n Calendar setFirstDayOfWeek(value: number): void; Added
ohos.i18n Calendar getFirstDayOfWeek(): number; Added
ohos.i18n Calendar getTimeZone(): string; Added
ohos.i18n Calendar setTimeZone(timezone: string): void; Added
ohos.i18n Calendar set(year: number, month: number, date:number, hour?: number, minute?: number, second?: number): void; Added
ohos.i18n Calendar setTime(date: Date): void;
setTime(time: number): void;
ohos.i18n i18n getCalendar(locale: string, type?: string): Calendar; Added
ohos.i18n PhoneNumberFormat format(number: string): string; Added
ohos.i18n PhoneNumberFormat isValidNumber(number: string): boolean; Added
ohos.i18n PhoneNumberFormat constructor(country: string, options?: PhoneNumberFormatOptions); Added
ohos.i18n PhoneNumberFormatOptions type: string; Added
ohos.i18n UnitInfo measureSystem: string Added
ohos.i18n UnitInfo unit: string Added
ohos.i18n Util unitConvert(fromUnit: UnitInfo, toUnit: UnitInfo, value: number, locale: string, style?: string): string; Added


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