go load 源码
golang load 代码
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package modload
// This file contains the module-mode package loader, as well as some accessory
// functions pertaining to the package import graph.
// There are two exported entry points into package loading — LoadPackages and
// ImportFromFiles — both implemented in terms of loadFromRoots, which itself
// manipulates an instance of the loader struct.
// Although most of the loading state is maintained in the loader struct,
// one key piece - the build list - is a global, so that it can be modified
// separate from the loading operation, such as during "go get"
// upgrades/downgrades or in "go mod" operations.
// TODO(#40775): It might be nice to make the loader take and return
// a buildList rather than hard-coding use of the global.
// Loading is an iterative process. On each iteration, we try to load the
// requested packages and their transitive imports, then try to resolve modules
// for any imported packages that are still missing.
// The first step of each iteration identifies a set of “root” packages.
// Normally the root packages are exactly those matching the named pattern
// arguments. However, for the "all" meta-pattern, the final set of packages is
// computed from the package import graph, and therefore cannot be an initial
// input to loading that graph. Instead, the root packages for the "all" pattern
// are those contained in the main module, and allPatternIsRoot parameter to the
// loader instructs it to dynamically expand those roots to the full "all"
// pattern as loading progresses.
// The pkgInAll flag on each loadPkg instance tracks whether that
// package is known to match the "all" meta-pattern.
// A package matches the "all" pattern if:
// - it is in the main module, or
// - it is imported by any test in the main module, or
// - it is imported by another package in "all", or
// - the main module specifies a go version ≤ 1.15, and the package is imported
// by a *test of* another package in "all".
// When graph pruning is in effect, we want to spot-check the graph-pruning
// invariants — which depend on which packages are known to be in "all" — even
// when we are only loading individual packages, so we set the pkgInAll flag
// regardless of the whether the "all" pattern is a root.
// (This is necessary to maintain the “import invariant” described in
// https://golang.org/design/36460-lazy-module-loading.)
// Because "go mod vendor" prunes out the tests of vendored packages, the
// behavior of the "all" pattern with -mod=vendor in Go 1.11–1.15 is the same
// as the "all" pattern (regardless of the -mod flag) in 1.16+.
// The loader uses the GoVersion parameter to determine whether the "all"
// pattern should close over tests (as in Go 1.11–1.15) or stop at only those
// packages transitively imported by the packages and tests in the main module
// ("all" in Go 1.16+ and "go mod vendor" in Go 1.11+).
// Note that it is possible for a loaded package NOT to be in "all" even when we
// are loading the "all" pattern. For example, packages that are transitive
// dependencies of other roots named on the command line must be loaded, but are
// not in "all". (The mod_notall test illustrates this behavior.)
// Similarly, if the LoadTests flag is set but the "all" pattern does not close
// over test dependencies, then when we load the test of a package that is in
// "all" but outside the main module, the dependencies of that test will not
// necessarily themselves be in "all". (That configuration does not arise in Go
// 1.11–1.15, but it will be possible in Go 1.16+.)
// Loading proceeds from the roots, using a parallel work-queue with a limit on
// the amount of active work (to avoid saturating disks, CPU cores, and/or
// network connections). Each package is added to the queue the first time it is
// imported by another package. When we have finished identifying the imports of
// a package, we add the test for that package if it is needed. A test may be
// needed if:
// - the package matches a root pattern and tests of the roots were requested, or
// - the package is in the main module and the "all" pattern is requested
// (because the "all" pattern includes the dependencies of tests in the main
// module), or
// - the package is in "all" and the definition of "all" we are using includes
// dependencies of tests (as is the case in Go ≤1.15).
// After all available packages have been loaded, we examine the results to
// identify any requested or imported packages that are still missing, and if
// so, which modules we could add to the module graph in order to make the
// missing packages available. We add those to the module graph and iterate,
// until either all packages resolve successfully or we cannot identify any
// module that would resolve any remaining missing package.
// If the main module is “tidy” (that is, if "go mod tidy" is a no-op for it)
// and all requested packages are in "all", then loading completes in a single
// iteration.
// TODO(bcmills): We should also be able to load in a single iteration if the
// requested packages all come from modules that are themselves tidy, regardless
// of whether those packages are in "all". Today, that requires two iterations
// if those packages are not found in existing dependencies of the main module.
import (
pathpkg "path"
// loaded is the most recently-used package loader.
// It holds details about individual packages.
// This variable should only be accessed directly in top-level exported
// functions. All other functions that require or produce a *loader should pass
// or return it as an explicit parameter.
var loaded *loader
// PackageOpts control the behavior of the LoadPackages function.
type PackageOpts struct {
// GoVersion is the Go version to which the go.mod file should be updated
// after packages have been loaded.
// An empty GoVersion means to use the Go version already specified in the
// main module's go.mod file, or the latest Go version if there is no main
// module.
GoVersion string
// Tags are the build tags in effect (as interpreted by the
// cmd/go/internal/imports package).
// If nil, treated as equivalent to imports.Tags().
Tags map[string]bool
// Tidy, if true, requests that the build list and go.sum file be reduced to
// the minimial dependencies needed to reproducibly reload the requested
// packages.
Tidy bool
// TidyCompatibleVersion is the oldest Go version that must be able to
// reproducibly reload the requested packages.
// If empty, the compatible version is the Go version immediately prior to the
// 'go' version listed in the go.mod file.
TidyCompatibleVersion string
// VendorModulesInGOROOTSrc indicates that if we are within a module in
// GOROOT/src, packages in the module's vendor directory should be resolved as
// actual module dependencies (instead of standard-library packages).
VendorModulesInGOROOTSrc bool
// ResolveMissingImports indicates that we should attempt to add module
// dependencies as needed to resolve imports of packages that are not found.
// For commands that support the -mod flag, resolving imports may still fail
// if the flag is set to "readonly" (the default) or "vendor".
ResolveMissingImports bool
// AssumeRootsImported indicates that the transitive dependencies of the root
// packages should be treated as if those roots will be imported by the main
// module.
AssumeRootsImported bool
// AllowPackage, if non-nil, is called after identifying the module providing
// each package. If AllowPackage returns a non-nil error, that error is set
// for the package, and the imports and test of that package will not be
// loaded.
// AllowPackage may be invoked concurrently by multiple goroutines,
// and may be invoked multiple times for a given package path.
AllowPackage func(ctx context.Context, path string, mod module.Version) error
// LoadTests loads the test dependencies of each package matching a requested
// pattern. If ResolveMissingImports is also true, test dependencies will be
// resolved if missing.
LoadTests bool
// UseVendorAll causes the "all" package pattern to be interpreted as if
// running "go mod vendor" (or building with "-mod=vendor").
// This is a no-op for modules that declare 'go 1.16' or higher, for which this
// is the default (and only) interpretation of the "all" pattern in module mode.
UseVendorAll bool
// AllowErrors indicates that LoadPackages should not terminate the process if
// an error occurs.
AllowErrors bool
// SilencePackageErrors indicates that LoadPackages should not print errors
// that occur while matching or loading packages, and should not terminate the
// process if such an error occurs.
// Errors encountered in the module graph will still be reported.
// The caller may retrieve the silenced package errors using the Lookup
// function, and matching errors are still populated in the Errs field of the
// associated search.Match.)
SilencePackageErrors bool
// SilenceMissingStdImports indicates that LoadPackages should not print
// errors or terminate the process if an imported package is missing, and the
// import path looks like it might be in the standard library (perhaps in a
// future version).
SilenceMissingStdImports bool
// SilenceNoGoErrors indicates that LoadPackages should not print
// imports.ErrNoGo errors.
// This allows the caller to invoke LoadPackages (and report other errors)
// without knowing whether the requested packages exist for the given tags.
// Note that if a requested package does not exist *at all*, it will fail
// during module resolution and the error will not be suppressed.
SilenceNoGoErrors bool
// SilenceUnmatchedWarnings suppresses the warnings normally emitted for
// patterns that did not match any packages.
SilenceUnmatchedWarnings bool
// Resolve the query against this module.
MainModule module.Version
// LoadPackages identifies the set of packages matching the given patterns and
// loads the packages in the import graph rooted at that set.
func LoadPackages(ctx context.Context, opts PackageOpts, patterns ...string) (matches []*search.Match, loadedPackages []string) {
if opts.Tags == nil {
opts.Tags = imports.Tags()
patterns = search.CleanPatterns(patterns)
matches = make([]*search.Match, 0, len(patterns))
allPatternIsRoot := false
for _, pattern := range patterns {
matches = append(matches, search.NewMatch(pattern))
if pattern == "all" {
allPatternIsRoot = true
updateMatches := func(rs *Requirements, ld *loader) {
for _, m := range matches {
switch {
case m.IsLocal():
// Evaluate list of file system directories on first iteration.
if m.Dirs == nil {
matchModRoots := modRoots
if opts.MainModule != (module.Version{}) {
matchModRoots = []string{MainModules.ModRoot(opts.MainModule)}
matchLocalDirs(ctx, matchModRoots, m, rs)
// Make a copy of the directory list and translate to import paths.
// Note that whether a directory corresponds to an import path
// changes as the build list is updated, and a directory can change
// from not being in the build list to being in it and back as
// the exact version of a particular module increases during
// the loader iterations.
m.Pkgs = m.Pkgs[:0]
for _, dir := range m.Dirs {
pkg, err := resolveLocalPackage(ctx, dir, rs)
if err != nil {
if !m.IsLiteral() && (err == errPkgIsBuiltin || err == errPkgIsGorootSrc) {
continue // Don't include "builtin" or GOROOT/src in wildcard patterns.
// If we're outside of a module, ensure that the failure mode
// indicates that.
if !HasModRoot() {
if ld != nil {
m.Pkgs = append(m.Pkgs, pkg)
case m.IsLiteral():
m.Pkgs = []string{m.Pattern()}
case strings.Contains(m.Pattern(), "..."):
m.Errs = m.Errs[:0]
mg, err := rs.Graph(ctx)
if err != nil {
// The module graph is (or may be) incomplete — perhaps we failed to
// load the requirements of some module. This is an error in matching
// the patterns to packages, because we may be missing some packages
// or we may erroneously match packages in the wrong versions of
// modules. However, for cases like 'go list -e', the error should not
// necessarily prevent us from loading the packages we could find.
m.Errs = append(m.Errs, err)
matchPackages(ctx, m, opts.Tags, includeStd, mg.BuildList())
case m.Pattern() == "all":
if ld == nil {
// The initial roots are the packages in the main module.
// loadFromRoots will expand that to "all".
m.Errs = m.Errs[:0]
matchModules := MainModules.Versions()
if opts.MainModule != (module.Version{}) {
matchModules = []module.Version{opts.MainModule}
matchPackages(ctx, m, opts.Tags, omitStd, matchModules)
} else {
// Starting with the packages in the main module,
// enumerate the full list of "all".
m.Pkgs = ld.computePatternAll()
case m.Pattern() == "std" || m.Pattern() == "cmd":
if m.Pkgs == nil {
m.MatchPackages() // Locate the packages within GOROOT/src.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: modload missing case for pattern %s", m.Pattern()))
initialRS := LoadModFile(ctx)
ld := loadFromRoots(ctx, loaderParams{
PackageOpts: opts,
requirements: initialRS,
allPatternIsRoot: allPatternIsRoot,
listRoots: func(rs *Requirements) (roots []string) {
updateMatches(rs, nil)
for _, m := range matches {
roots = append(roots, m.Pkgs...)
return roots
// One last pass to finalize wildcards.
updateMatches(ld.requirements, ld)
// List errors in matching patterns (such as directory permission
// errors for wildcard patterns).
if !ld.SilencePackageErrors {
for _, match := range matches {
for _, err := range match.Errs {
ld.errorf("%v\n", err)
if !opts.SilenceUnmatchedWarnings {
if opts.Tidy {
if cfg.BuildV {
mg, _ := ld.requirements.Graph(ctx)
for _, m := range initialRS.rootModules {
var unused bool
if ld.requirements.pruning == unpruned {
// m is unused if it was dropped from the module graph entirely. If it
// was only demoted from direct to indirect, it may still be in use via
// a transitive import.
unused = mg.Selected(m.Path) == "none"
} else {
// m is unused if it was dropped from the roots. If it is still present
// as a transitive dependency, that transitive dependency is not needed
// by any package or test in the main module.
_, ok := ld.requirements.rootSelected(m.Path)
unused = !ok
if unused {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unused %s\n", m.Path)
keep := keepSums(ctx, ld, ld.requirements, loadedZipSumsOnly)
if compatDepth := pruningForGoVersion(ld.TidyCompatibleVersion); compatDepth != ld.requirements.pruning {
compatRS := newRequirements(compatDepth, ld.requirements.rootModules, ld.requirements.direct)
ld.checkTidyCompatibility(ctx, compatRS)
for m := range keepSums(ctx, ld, compatRS, loadedZipSumsOnly) {
keep[m] = true
if !ExplicitWriteGoMod {
// commitRequirements below will also call WriteGoSum, but the "keep" map
// we have here could be strictly larger: commitRequirements only commits
// loaded.requirements, but here we may have also loaded (and want to
// preserve checksums for) additional entities from compatRS, which are
// only needed for compatibility with ld.TidyCompatibleVersion.
if err := modfetch.WriteGoSum(keep, mustHaveCompleteRequirements()); err != nil {
base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
// Update the go.mod file's Go version if necessary.
if modFile := ModFile(); modFile != nil && ld.GoVersion != "" {
// Success! Update go.mod and go.sum (if needed) and return the results.
// We'll skip updating if ExplicitWriteGoMod is true (the caller has opted
// to call WriteGoMod itself) or if ResolveMissingImports is false (the
// command wants to examine the package graph as-is).
loaded = ld
requirements = loaded.requirements
for _, pkg := range ld.pkgs {
if !pkg.isTest() {
loadedPackages = append(loadedPackages, pkg.path)
if !ExplicitWriteGoMod && opts.ResolveMissingImports {
if err := commitRequirements(ctx); err != nil {
base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
return matches, loadedPackages
// matchLocalDirs is like m.MatchDirs, but tries to avoid scanning directories
// outside of the standard library and active modules.
func matchLocalDirs(ctx context.Context, modRoots []string, m *search.Match, rs *Requirements) {
if !m.IsLocal() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: resolveLocalDirs on non-local pattern %s", m.Pattern()))
if i := strings.Index(m.Pattern(), "..."); i >= 0 {
// The pattern is local, but it is a wildcard. Its packages will
// only resolve to paths if they are inside of the standard
// library, the main module, or some dependency of the main
// module. Verify that before we walk the filesystem: a filesystem
// walk in a directory like /var or /etc can be very expensive!
dir := filepath.Dir(filepath.Clean(m.Pattern()[:i+3]))
absDir := dir
if !filepath.IsAbs(dir) {
absDir = filepath.Join(base.Cwd(), dir)
modRoot := findModuleRoot(absDir)
found := false
for _, mainModuleRoot := range modRoots {
if mainModuleRoot == modRoot {
found = true
if !found && search.InDir(absDir, cfg.GOROOTsrc) == "" && pathInModuleCache(ctx, absDir, rs) == "" {
m.Dirs = []string{}
scope := "main module or its selected dependencies"
if inWorkspaceMode() {
scope = "modules listed in go.work or their selected dependencies"
m.AddError(fmt.Errorf("directory prefix %s does not contain %s", base.ShortPath(absDir), scope))
// resolveLocalPackage resolves a filesystem path to a package path.
func resolveLocalPackage(ctx context.Context, dir string, rs *Requirements) (string, error) {
var absDir string
if filepath.IsAbs(dir) {
absDir = filepath.Clean(dir)
} else {
absDir = filepath.Join(base.Cwd(), dir)
bp, err := cfg.BuildContext.ImportDir(absDir, 0)
if err != nil && (bp == nil || len(bp.IgnoredGoFiles) == 0) {
// golang.org/issue/32917: We should resolve a relative path to a
// package path only if the relative path actually contains the code
// for that package.
// If the named directory does not exist or contains no Go files,
// the package does not exist.
// Other errors may affect package loading, but not resolution.
if _, err := fsys.Stat(absDir); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Canonicalize OS-specific errors to errDirectoryNotFound so that error
// messages will be easier for users to search for.
return "", &fs.PathError{Op: "stat", Path: absDir, Err: errDirectoryNotFound}
return "", err
if _, noGo := err.(*build.NoGoError); noGo {
// A directory that does not contain any Go source files — even ignored
// ones! — is not a Go package, and we can't resolve it to a package
// path because that path could plausibly be provided by some other
// module.
// Any other error indicates that the package “exists” (at least in the
// sense that it cannot exist in any other module), but has some other
// problem (such as a syntax error).
return "", err
for _, mod := range MainModules.Versions() {
modRoot := MainModules.ModRoot(mod)
if modRoot != "" && absDir == modRoot {
if absDir == cfg.GOROOTsrc {
return "", errPkgIsGorootSrc
return MainModules.PathPrefix(mod), nil
// Note: The checks for @ here are just to avoid misinterpreting
// the module cache directories (formerly GOPATH/src/mod/foo@v1.5.2/bar).
// It's not strictly necessary but helpful to keep the checks.
var pkgNotFoundErr error
pkgNotFoundLongestPrefix := ""
for _, mainModule := range MainModules.Versions() {
modRoot := MainModules.ModRoot(mainModule)
if modRoot != "" && strings.HasPrefix(absDir, modRoot+string(filepath.Separator)) && !strings.Contains(absDir[len(modRoot):], "@") {
suffix := filepath.ToSlash(absDir[len(modRoot):])
if strings.HasPrefix(suffix, "/vendor/") {
if cfg.BuildMod != "vendor" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("without -mod=vendor, directory %s has no package path", absDir)
pkg := strings.TrimPrefix(suffix, "/vendor/")
if _, ok := vendorPkgModule[pkg]; !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("directory %s is not a package listed in vendor/modules.txt", absDir)
return pkg, nil
mainModulePrefix := MainModules.PathPrefix(mainModule)
if mainModulePrefix == "" {
pkg := strings.TrimPrefix(suffix, "/")
if pkg == "builtin" {
// "builtin" is a pseudo-package with a real source file.
// It's not included in "std", so it shouldn't resolve from "."
// within module "std" either.
return "", errPkgIsBuiltin
return pkg, nil
pkg := mainModulePrefix + suffix
if _, ok, err := dirInModule(pkg, mainModulePrefix, modRoot, true); err != nil {
return "", err
} else if !ok {
// This main module could contain the directory but doesn't. Other main
// modules might contain the directory, so wait till we finish the loop
// to see if another main module contains directory. But if not,
// return an error.
if len(mainModulePrefix) > len(pkgNotFoundLongestPrefix) {
pkgNotFoundLongestPrefix = mainModulePrefix
pkgNotFoundErr = &PackageNotInModuleError{MainModules: []module.Version{mainModule}, Pattern: pkg}
return pkg, nil
if pkgNotFoundErr != nil {
return "", pkgNotFoundErr
if sub := search.InDir(absDir, cfg.GOROOTsrc); sub != "" && sub != "." && !strings.Contains(sub, "@") {
pkg := filepath.ToSlash(sub)
if pkg == "builtin" {
return "", errPkgIsBuiltin
return pkg, nil
pkg := pathInModuleCache(ctx, absDir, rs)
if pkg == "" {
if inWorkspaceMode() {
if mr := findModuleRoot(absDir); mr != "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("directory %s is contained in a module that is not one of the workspace modules listed in go.work. You can add the module to the workspace using go work use %s", base.ShortPath(absDir), base.ShortPath(mr))
return "", fmt.Errorf("directory %s outside modules listed in go.work or their selected dependencies", base.ShortPath(absDir))
return "", fmt.Errorf("directory %s outside main module or its selected dependencies", base.ShortPath(absDir))
return pkg, nil
var (
errDirectoryNotFound = errors.New("directory not found")
errPkgIsGorootSrc = errors.New("GOROOT/src is not an importable package")
errPkgIsBuiltin = errors.New(`"builtin" is a pseudo-package, not an importable package`)
// pathInModuleCache returns the import path of the directory dir,
// if dir is in the module cache copy of a module in our build list.
func pathInModuleCache(ctx context.Context, dir string, rs *Requirements) string {
tryMod := func(m module.Version) (string, bool) {
var root string
var err error
if repl := Replacement(m); repl.Path != "" && repl.Version == "" {
root = repl.Path
if !filepath.IsAbs(root) {
root = filepath.Join(replaceRelativeTo(), root)
} else if repl.Path != "" {
root, err = modfetch.DownloadDir(repl)
} else {
root, err = modfetch.DownloadDir(m)
if err != nil {
return "", false
sub := search.InDir(dir, root)
if sub == "" {
return "", false
sub = filepath.ToSlash(sub)
if strings.Contains(sub, "/vendor/") || strings.HasPrefix(sub, "vendor/") || strings.Contains(sub, "@") {
return "", false
return path.Join(m.Path, filepath.ToSlash(sub)), true
if rs.pruning == pruned {
for _, m := range rs.rootModules {
if v, _ := rs.rootSelected(m.Path); v != m.Version {
continue // m is a root, but we have a higher root for the same path.
if importPath, ok := tryMod(m); ok {
// checkMultiplePaths ensures that a module can be used for at most one
// requirement, so this must be it.
return importPath
// None of the roots contained dir, or the graph is unpruned (so we don't want
// to distinguish between roots and transitive dependencies). Either way,
// check the full graph to see if the directory is a non-root dependency.
// If the roots are not consistent with the full module graph, the selected
// versions of root modules may differ from what we already checked above.
// Re-check those paths too.
mg, _ := rs.Graph(ctx)
var importPath string
for _, m := range mg.BuildList() {
var found bool
importPath, found = tryMod(m)
if found {
return importPath
// ImportFromFiles adds modules to the build list as needed
// to satisfy the imports in the named Go source files.
// Errors in missing dependencies are silenced.
// TODO(bcmills): Silencing errors seems off. Take a closer look at this and
// figure out what the error-reporting actually ought to be.
func ImportFromFiles(ctx context.Context, gofiles []string) {
rs := LoadModFile(ctx)
tags := imports.Tags()
imports, testImports, err := imports.ScanFiles(gofiles, tags)
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
loaded = loadFromRoots(ctx, loaderParams{
PackageOpts: PackageOpts{
Tags: tags,
ResolveMissingImports: true,
SilencePackageErrors: true,
requirements: rs,
listRoots: func(*Requirements) (roots []string) {
roots = append(roots, imports...)
roots = append(roots, testImports...)
return roots
requirements = loaded.requirements
if !ExplicitWriteGoMod {
if err := commitRequirements(ctx); err != nil {
base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
// DirImportPath returns the effective import path for dir,
// provided it is within a main module, or else returns ".".
func (mms *MainModuleSet) DirImportPath(ctx context.Context, dir string) (path string, m module.Version) {
if !HasModRoot() {
return ".", module.Version{}
LoadModFile(ctx) // Sets targetPrefix.
if !filepath.IsAbs(dir) {
dir = filepath.Join(base.Cwd(), dir)
} else {
dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
var longestPrefix string
var longestPrefixPath string
var longestPrefixVersion module.Version
for _, v := range mms.Versions() {
modRoot := mms.ModRoot(v)
if dir == modRoot {
return mms.PathPrefix(v), v
if strings.HasPrefix(dir, modRoot+string(filepath.Separator)) {
pathPrefix := MainModules.PathPrefix(v)
if pathPrefix > longestPrefix {
longestPrefix = pathPrefix
longestPrefixVersion = v
suffix := filepath.ToSlash(dir[len(modRoot):])
if strings.HasPrefix(suffix, "/vendor/") {
longestPrefixPath = strings.TrimPrefix(suffix, "/vendor/")
longestPrefixPath = mms.PathPrefix(v) + suffix
if len(longestPrefix) > 0 {
return longestPrefixPath, longestPrefixVersion
return ".", module.Version{}
// ImportMap returns the actual package import path
// for an import path found in source code.
// If the given import path does not appear in the source code
// for the packages that have been loaded, ImportMap returns the empty string.
func ImportMap(path string) string {
pkg, ok := loaded.pkgCache.Get(path).(*loadPkg)
if !ok {
return ""
return pkg.path
// PackageDir returns the directory containing the source code
// for the package named by the import path.
func PackageDir(path string) string {
pkg, ok := loaded.pkgCache.Get(path).(*loadPkg)
if !ok {
return ""
return pkg.dir
// PackageModule returns the module providing the package named by the import path.
func PackageModule(path string) module.Version {
pkg, ok := loaded.pkgCache.Get(path).(*loadPkg)
if !ok {
return module.Version{}
return pkg.mod
// Lookup returns the source directory, import path, and any loading error for
// the package at path as imported from the package in parentDir.
// Lookup requires that one of the Load functions in this package has already
// been called.
func Lookup(parentPath string, parentIsStd bool, path string) (dir, realPath string, err error) {
if path == "" {
panic("Lookup called with empty package path")
if parentIsStd {
path = loaded.stdVendor(parentPath, path)
pkg, ok := loaded.pkgCache.Get(path).(*loadPkg)
if !ok {
// The loader should have found all the relevant paths.
// There are a few exceptions, though:
// - during go list without -test, the p.Resolve calls to process p.TestImports and p.XTestImports
// end up here to canonicalize the import paths.
// - during any load, non-loaded packages like "unsafe" end up here.
// - during any load, build-injected dependencies like "runtime/cgo" end up here.
// - because we ignore appengine/* in the module loader,
// the dependencies of any actual appengine/* library end up here.
dir := findStandardImportPath(path)
if dir != "" {
return dir, path, nil
return "", "", errMissing
return pkg.dir, pkg.path, pkg.err
// A loader manages the process of loading information about
// the required packages for a particular build,
// checking that the packages are available in the module set,
// and updating the module set if needed.
type loader struct {
// allClosesOverTests indicates whether the "all" pattern includes
// dependencies of tests outside the main module (as in Go 1.11–1.15).
// (Otherwise — as in Go 1.16+ — the "all" pattern includes only the packages
// transitively *imported by* the packages and tests in the main module.)
allClosesOverTests bool
work *par.Queue
// reset on each iteration
roots []*loadPkg
pkgCache *par.Cache // package path (string) → *loadPkg
pkgs []*loadPkg // transitive closure of loaded packages and tests; populated in buildStacks
// loaderParams configure the packages loaded by, and the properties reported
// by, a loader instance.
type loaderParams struct {
requirements *Requirements
allPatternIsRoot bool // Is the "all" pattern an additional root?
listRoots func(rs *Requirements) []string
func (ld *loader) reset() {
select {
case <-ld.work.Idle():
panic("loader.reset when not idle")
ld.roots = nil
ld.pkgCache = new(par.Cache)
ld.pkgs = nil
// errorf reports an error via either os.Stderr or base.Errorf,
// according to whether ld.AllowErrors is set.
func (ld *loader) errorf(format string, args ...any) {
if ld.AllowErrors {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, args...)
} else {
base.Errorf(format, args...)
// A loadPkg records information about a single loaded package.
type loadPkg struct {
// Populated at construction time:
path string // import path
testOf *loadPkg
// Populated at construction time and updated by (*loader).applyPkgFlags:
flags atomicLoadPkgFlags
// Populated by (*loader).load:
mod module.Version // module providing package
dir string // directory containing source code
err error // error loading package
imports []*loadPkg // packages imported by this one
testImports []string // test-only imports, saved for use by pkg.test.
inStd bool
altMods []module.Version // modules that could have contained the package but did not
// Populated by (*loader).pkgTest:
testOnce sync.Once
test *loadPkg
// Populated by postprocessing in (*loader).buildStacks:
stack *loadPkg // package importing this one in minimal import stack for this pkg
// loadPkgFlags is a set of flags tracking metadata about a package.
type loadPkgFlags int8
const (
// pkgInAll indicates that the package is in the "all" package pattern,
// regardless of whether we are loading the "all" package pattern.
// When the pkgInAll flag and pkgImportsLoaded flags are both set, the caller
// who set the last of those flags must propagate the pkgInAll marking to all
// of the imports of the marked package.
// A test is marked with pkgInAll if that test would promote the packages it
// imports to be in "all" (such as when the test is itself within the main
// module, or when ld.allClosesOverTests is true).
pkgInAll loadPkgFlags = 1 << iota
// pkgIsRoot indicates that the package matches one of the root package
// patterns requested by the caller.
// If LoadTests is set, then when pkgIsRoot and pkgImportsLoaded are both set,
// the caller who set the last of those flags must populate a test for the
// package (in the pkg.test field).
// If the "all" pattern is included as a root, then non-test packages in "all"
// are also roots (and must be marked pkgIsRoot).
// pkgFromRoot indicates that the package is in the transitive closure of
// imports starting at the roots. (Note that every package marked as pkgIsRoot
// is also trivially marked pkgFromRoot.)
// pkgImportsLoaded indicates that the imports and testImports fields of a
// loadPkg have been populated.
// has reports whether all of the flags in cond are set in f.
func (f loadPkgFlags) has(cond loadPkgFlags) bool {
return f&cond == cond
// An atomicLoadPkgFlags stores a loadPkgFlags for which individual flags can be
// added atomically.
type atomicLoadPkgFlags struct {
bits int32
// update sets the given flags in af (in addition to any flags already set).
// update returns the previous flag state so that the caller may determine which
// flags were newly-set.
func (af *atomicLoadPkgFlags) update(flags loadPkgFlags) (old loadPkgFlags) {
for {
old := atomic.LoadInt32(&af.bits)
new := old | int32(flags)
if new == old || atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&af.bits, old, new) {
return loadPkgFlags(old)
// has reports whether all of the flags in cond are set in af.
func (af *atomicLoadPkgFlags) has(cond loadPkgFlags) bool {
return loadPkgFlags(atomic.LoadInt32(&af.bits))&cond == cond
// isTest reports whether pkg is a test of another package.
func (pkg *loadPkg) isTest() bool {
return pkg.testOf != nil
// fromExternalModule reports whether pkg was loaded from a module other than
// the main module.
func (pkg *loadPkg) fromExternalModule() bool {
if pkg.mod.Path == "" {
return false // loaded from the standard library, not a module
return !MainModules.Contains(pkg.mod.Path)
var errMissing = errors.New("cannot find package")
// loadFromRoots attempts to load the build graph needed to process a set of
// root packages and their dependencies.
// The set of root packages is returned by the params.listRoots function, and
// expanded to the full set of packages by tracing imports (and possibly tests)
// as needed.
func loadFromRoots(ctx context.Context, params loaderParams) *loader {
ld := &loader{
loaderParams: params,
work: par.NewQueue(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)),
if ld.GoVersion == "" {
ld.GoVersion = MainModules.GoVersion()
if ld.Tidy && semver.Compare("v"+ld.GoVersion, "v"+LatestGoVersion()) > 0 {
ld.errorf("go: go.mod file indicates go %s, but maximum version supported by tidy is %s\n", ld.GoVersion, LatestGoVersion())
if ld.Tidy {
if ld.TidyCompatibleVersion == "" {
ld.TidyCompatibleVersion = priorGoVersion(ld.GoVersion)
} else if semver.Compare("v"+ld.TidyCompatibleVersion, "v"+ld.GoVersion) > 0 {
// Each version of the Go toolchain knows how to interpret go.mod and
// go.sum files produced by all previous versions, so a compatibility
// version higher than the go.mod version adds nothing.
ld.TidyCompatibleVersion = ld.GoVersion
if semver.Compare("v"+ld.GoVersion, narrowAllVersionV) < 0 && !ld.UseVendorAll {
// The module's go version explicitly predates the change in "all" for graph
// pruning, so continue to use the older interpretation.
ld.allClosesOverTests = true
var err error
desiredPruning := pruningForGoVersion(ld.GoVersion)
if ld.requirements.pruning == workspace {
desiredPruning = workspace
ld.requirements, err = convertPruning(ctx, ld.requirements, desiredPruning)
if err != nil {
ld.errorf("go: %v\n", err)
if ld.requirements.pruning == unpruned {
// If the module graph does not support pruning, we assume that we will need
// the full module graph in order to load package dependencies.
// This might not be strictly necessary, but it matches the historical
// behavior of the 'go' command and keeps the go.mod file more consistent in
// case of erroneous hand-edits — which are less likely to be detected by
// spot-checks in modules that do not maintain the expanded go.mod
// requirements needed for graph pruning.
var err error
ld.requirements, _, err = expandGraph(ctx, ld.requirements)
if err != nil {
ld.errorf("go: %v\n", err)
for {
// Load the root packages and their imports.
// Note: the returned roots can change on each iteration,
// since the expansion of package patterns depends on the
// build list we're using.
rootPkgs := ld.listRoots(ld.requirements)
if ld.requirements.pruning == pruned && cfg.BuildMod == "mod" {
// Before we start loading transitive imports of packages, locate all of
// the root packages and promote their containing modules to root modules
// dependencies. If their go.mod files are tidy (the common case) and the
// set of root packages does not change then we can select the correct
// versions of all transitive imports on the first try and complete
// loading in a single iteration.
changedBuildList := ld.preloadRootModules(ctx, rootPkgs)
if changedBuildList {
// The build list has changed, so the set of root packages may have also
// changed. Start over to pick up the changes. (Preloading roots is much
// cheaper than loading the full import graph, so we would rather pay
// for an extra iteration of preloading than potentially end up
// discarding the result of a full iteration of loading.)
inRoots := map[*loadPkg]bool{}
for _, path := range rootPkgs {
root := ld.pkg(ctx, path, pkgIsRoot)
if !inRoots[root] {
ld.roots = append(ld.roots, root)
inRoots[root] = true
// ld.pkg adds imported packages to the work queue and calls applyPkgFlags,
// which adds tests (and test dependencies) as needed.
// When all of the work in the queue has completed, we'll know that the
// transitive closure of dependencies has been loaded.
changed, err := ld.updateRequirements(ctx)
if err != nil {
ld.errorf("go: %v\n", err)
if changed {
// Don't resolve missing imports until the module graph has stabilized.
// If the roots are still changing, they may turn out to specify a
// requirement on the missing package(s), and we would rather use a
// version specified by a new root than add a new dependency on an
// unrelated version.
if !ld.ResolveMissingImports || (!HasModRoot() && !allowMissingModuleImports) {
// We've loaded as much as we can without resolving missing imports.
modAddedBy := ld.resolveMissingImports(ctx)
if len(modAddedBy) == 0 {
// The roots are stable, and we've resolved all of the missing packages
// that we can.
toAdd := make([]module.Version, 0, len(modAddedBy))
for m, _ := range modAddedBy {
toAdd = append(toAdd, m)
module.Sort(toAdd) // to make errors deterministic
// We ran updateRequirements before resolving missing imports and it didn't
// make any changes, so we know that the requirement graph is already
// consistent with ld.pkgs: we don't need to pass ld.pkgs to updateRoots
// again. (That would waste time looking for changes that we have already
// applied.)
var noPkgs []*loadPkg
// We also know that we're going to call updateRequirements again next
// iteration so we don't need to also update it here. (That would waste time
// computing a "direct" map that we'll have to recompute later anyway.)
direct := ld.requirements.direct
rs, err := updateRoots(ctx, direct, ld.requirements, noPkgs, toAdd, ld.AssumeRootsImported)
if err != nil {
// If an error was found in a newly added module, report the package
// import stack instead of the module requirement stack. Packages
// are more descriptive.
if err, ok := err.(*mvs.BuildListError); ok {
if pkg := modAddedBy[err.Module()]; pkg != nil {
ld.errorf("go: %s: %v\n", pkg.stackText(), err.Err)
ld.errorf("go: %v\n", err)
if reflect.DeepEqual(rs.rootModules, ld.requirements.rootModules) {
// Something is deeply wrong. resolveMissingImports gave us a non-empty
// set of modules to add to the graph, but adding those modules had no
// effect — either they were already in the graph, or updateRoots did not
// add them as requested.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: adding %v to module graph had no effect on root requirements (%v)", toAdd, rs.rootModules))
ld.requirements = rs
base.ExitIfErrors() // TODO(bcmills): Is this actually needed?
// Tidy the build list, if applicable, before we report errors.
// (The process of tidying may remove errors from irrelevant dependencies.)
if ld.Tidy {
rs, err := tidyRoots(ctx, ld.requirements, ld.pkgs)
if err != nil {
ld.errorf("go: %v\n", err)
if ld.requirements.pruning == pruned {
// We continuously add tidy roots to ld.requirements during loading, so at
// this point the tidy roots should be a subset of the roots of
// ld.requirements, ensuring that no new dependencies are brought inside
// the graph-pruning horizon.
// If that is not the case, there is a bug in the loading loop above.
for _, m := range rs.rootModules {
if v, ok := ld.requirements.rootSelected(m.Path); !ok || v != m.Version {
ld.errorf("go: internal error: a requirement on %v is needed but was not added during package loading\n", m)
ld.requirements = rs
// Report errors, if any.
for _, pkg := range ld.pkgs {
if pkg.err == nil {
// Add importer information to checksum errors.
if sumErr := (*ImportMissingSumError)(nil); errors.As(pkg.err, &sumErr) {
if importer := pkg.stack; importer != nil {
sumErr.importer = importer.path
sumErr.importerVersion = importer.mod.Version
sumErr.importerIsTest = importer.testOf != nil
if ld.SilencePackageErrors {
if stdErr := (*ImportMissingError)(nil); errors.As(pkg.err, &stdErr) &&
stdErr.isStd && ld.SilenceMissingStdImports {
if ld.SilenceNoGoErrors && errors.Is(pkg.err, imports.ErrNoGo) {
ld.errorf("%s: %v\n", pkg.stackText(), pkg.err)
return ld
// updateRequirements ensures that ld.requirements is consistent with the
// information gained from ld.pkgs.
// In particular:
// - Modules that provide packages directly imported from the main module are
// marked as direct, and are promoted to explicit roots. If a needed root
// cannot be promoted due to -mod=readonly or -mod=vendor, the importing
// package is marked with an error.
// - If ld scanned the "all" pattern independent of build constraints, it is
// guaranteed to have seen every direct import. Module dependencies that did
// not provide any directly-imported package are then marked as indirect.
// - Root dependencies are updated to their selected versions.
// The "changed" return value reports whether the update changed the selected
// version of any module that either provided a loaded package or may now
// provide a package that was previously unresolved.
func (ld *loader) updateRequirements(ctx context.Context) (changed bool, err error) {
rs := ld.requirements
// direct contains the set of modules believed to provide packages directly
// imported by the main module.
var direct map[string]bool
// If we didn't scan all of the imports from the main module, or didn't use
// imports.AnyTags, then we didn't necessarily load every package that
// contributes “direct” imports — so we can't safely mark existing direct
// dependencies in ld.requirements as indirect-only. Propagate them as direct.
loadedDirect := ld.allPatternIsRoot && reflect.DeepEqual(ld.Tags, imports.AnyTags())
if loadedDirect {
direct = make(map[string]bool)
} else {
// TODO(bcmills): It seems like a shame to allocate and copy a map here when
// it will only rarely actually vary from rs.direct. Measure this cost and
// maybe avoid the copy.
direct = make(map[string]bool, len(rs.direct))
for mPath := range rs.direct {
direct[mPath] = true
for _, pkg := range ld.pkgs {
if pkg.mod.Version != "" || !MainModules.Contains(pkg.mod.Path) {
for _, dep := range pkg.imports {
if !dep.fromExternalModule() {
if inWorkspaceMode() {
// In workspace mode / workspace pruning mode, the roots are the main modules
// rather than the main module's direct dependencies. The check below on the selected
// roots does not apply.
if mg, err := rs.Graph(ctx); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if _, ok := mg.RequiredBy(dep.mod); !ok {
// dep.mod is not an explicit dependency, but needs to be.
// See comment on error returned below.
pkg.err = &DirectImportFromImplicitDependencyError{
ImporterPath: pkg.path,
ImportedPath: dep.path,
Module: dep.mod,
if pkg.err == nil && cfg.BuildMod != "mod" {
if v, ok := rs.rootSelected(dep.mod.Path); !ok || v != dep.mod.Version {
// dep.mod is not an explicit dependency, but needs to be.
// Because we are not in "mod" mode, we will not be able to update it.
// Instead, mark the importing package with an error.
// TODO(#41688): The resulting error message fails to include the file
// position of the import statement (because that information is not
// tracked by the module loader). Figure out how to plumb the import
// position through.
pkg.err = &DirectImportFromImplicitDependencyError{
ImporterPath: pkg.path,
ImportedPath: dep.path,
Module: dep.mod,
// cfg.BuildMod does not allow us to change dep.mod to be a direct
// dependency, so don't mark it as such.
// dep is a package directly imported by a package or test in the main
// module and loaded from some other module (not the standard library).
// Mark its module as a direct dependency.
direct[dep.mod.Path] = true
var addRoots []module.Version
if ld.Tidy {
// When we are tidying a module with a pruned dependency graph, we may need
// to add roots to preserve the versions of indirect, test-only dependencies
// that are upgraded above or otherwise missing from the go.mod files of
// direct dependencies. (For example, the direct dependency might be a very
// stable codebase that predates modules and thus lacks a go.mod file, or
// the author of the direct dependency may have forgotten to commit a change
// to the go.mod file, or may have made an erroneous hand-edit that causes
// it to be untidy.)
// Promoting an indirect dependency to a root adds the next layer of its
// dependencies to the module graph, which may increase the selected
// versions of other modules from which we have already loaded packages.
// So after we promote an indirect dependency to a root, we need to reload
// packages, which means another iteration of loading.
// As an extra wrinkle, the upgrades due to promoting a root can cause
// previously-resolved packages to become unresolved. For example, the
// module providing an unstable package might be upgraded to a version
// that no longer contains that package. If we then resolve the missing
// package, we might add yet another root that upgrades away some other
// dependency. (The tests in mod_tidy_convergence*.txt illustrate some
// particularly worrisome cases.)
// To ensure that this process of promoting, adding, and upgrading roots
// eventually terminates, during iteration we only ever add modules to the
// root set — we only remove irrelevant roots at the very end of
// iteration, after we have already added every root that we plan to need
// in the (eventual) tidy root set.
// Since we do not remove any roots during iteration, even if they no
// longer provide any imported packages, the selected versions of the
// roots can only increase and the set of roots can only expand. The set
// of extant root paths is finite and the set of versions of each path is
// finite, so the iteration *must* reach a stable fixed-point.
tidy, err := tidyRoots(ctx, rs, ld.pkgs)
if err != nil {
return false, err
addRoots = tidy.rootModules
rs, err = updateRoots(ctx, direct, rs, ld.pkgs, addRoots, ld.AssumeRootsImported)
if err != nil {
// We don't actually know what even the root requirements are supposed to be,
// so we can't proceed with loading. Return the error to the caller
return false, err
if rs != ld.requirements && !reflect.DeepEqual(rs.rootModules, ld.requirements.rootModules) {
// The roots of the module graph have changed in some way (not just the
// "direct" markings). Check whether the changes affected any of the loaded
// packages.
mg, err := rs.Graph(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, pkg := range ld.pkgs {
if pkg.fromExternalModule() && mg.Selected(pkg.mod.Path) != pkg.mod.Version {
changed = true
if pkg.err != nil {
// Promoting a module to a root may resolve an import that was
// previously missing (by pulling in a previously-prune dependency that
// provides it) or ambiguous (by promoting exactly one of the
// alternatives to a root and ignoring the second-level alternatives) or
// otherwise errored out (by upgrading from a version that cannot be
// fetched to one that can be).
// Instead of enumerating all of the possible errors, we'll just check
// whether importFromModules returns nil for the package.
// False-positives are ok: if we have a false-positive here, we'll do an
// extra iteration of package loading this time, but we'll still
// converge when the root set stops changing.
// In some sense, we can think of this as ‘upgraded the module providing
// pkg.path from "none" to a version higher than "none"’.
if _, _, _, _, err = importFromModules(ctx, pkg.path, rs, nil); err == nil {
changed = true
ld.requirements = rs
return changed, nil
// resolveMissingImports returns a set of modules that could be added as
// dependencies in order to resolve missing packages from pkgs.
// The newly-resolved packages are added to the addedModuleFor map, and
// resolveMissingImports returns a map from each new module version to
// the first missing package that module would resolve.
func (ld *loader) resolveMissingImports(ctx context.Context) (modAddedBy map[module.Version]*loadPkg) {
type pkgMod struct {
pkg *loadPkg
mod *module.Version
var pkgMods []pkgMod
for _, pkg := range ld.pkgs {
if pkg.err == nil {
if pkg.isTest() {
// If we are missing a test, we are also missing its non-test version, and
// we should only add the missing import once.
if !errors.As(pkg.err, new(*ImportMissingError)) {
// Leave other errors for Import or load.Packages to report.
pkg := pkg
var mod module.Version
ld.work.Add(func() {
var err error
mod, err = queryImport(ctx, pkg.path, ld.requirements)
if err != nil {
var ime *ImportMissingError
if errors.As(err, &ime) {
for curstack := pkg.stack; curstack != nil; curstack = curstack.stack {
if MainModules.Contains(curstack.mod.Path) {
ime.ImportingMainModule = curstack.mod
// pkg.err was already non-nil, so we can reasonably attribute the error
// for pkg to either the original error or the one returned by
// queryImport. The existing error indicates only that we couldn't find
// the package, whereas the query error also explains why we didn't fix
// the problem — so we prefer the latter.
pkg.err = err
// err is nil, but we intentionally leave pkg.err non-nil and pkg.mod
// unset: we still haven't satisfied other invariants of a
// successfully-loaded package, such as scanning and loading the imports
// of that package. If we succeed in resolving the new dependency graph,
// the caller can reload pkg and update the error at that point.
// Even then, the package might not be loaded from the version we've
// identified here. The module may be upgraded by some other dependency,
// or by a transitive dependency of mod itself, or — less likely — the
// package may be rejected by an AllowPackage hook or rendered ambiguous
// by some other newly-added or newly-upgraded dependency.
pkgMods = append(pkgMods, pkgMod{pkg: pkg, mod: &mod})
modAddedBy = map[module.Version]*loadPkg{}
for _, pm := range pkgMods {
pkg, mod := pm.pkg, *pm.mod
if mod.Path == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: found %s in %s %s\n", pkg.path, mod.Path, mod.Version)
if modAddedBy[mod] == nil {
modAddedBy[mod] = pkg
return modAddedBy
// pkg locates the *loadPkg for path, creating and queuing it for loading if
// needed, and updates its state to reflect the given flags.
// The imports of the returned *loadPkg will be loaded asynchronously in the
// ld.work queue, and its test (if requested) will also be populated once
// imports have been resolved. When ld.work goes idle, all transitive imports of
// the requested package (and its test, if requested) will have been loaded.
func (ld *loader) pkg(ctx context.Context, path string, flags loadPkgFlags) *loadPkg {
if flags.has(pkgImportsLoaded) {
panic("internal error: (*loader).pkg called with pkgImportsLoaded flag set")
pkg := ld.pkgCache.Do(path, func() any {
pkg := &loadPkg{
path: path,
ld.applyPkgFlags(ctx, pkg, flags)
ld.work.Add(func() { ld.load(ctx, pkg) })
return pkg
ld.applyPkgFlags(ctx, pkg, flags)
return pkg
// applyPkgFlags updates pkg.flags to set the given flags and propagate the
// (transitive) effects of those flags, possibly loading or enqueueing further
// packages as a result.
func (ld *loader) applyPkgFlags(ctx context.Context, pkg *loadPkg, flags loadPkgFlags) {
if flags == 0 {
if flags.has(pkgInAll) && ld.allPatternIsRoot && !pkg.isTest() {
// This package matches a root pattern by virtue of being in "all".
flags |= pkgIsRoot
if flags.has(pkgIsRoot) {
flags |= pkgFromRoot
old := pkg.flags.update(flags)
new := old | flags
if new == old || !new.has(pkgImportsLoaded) {
// We either didn't change the state of pkg, or we don't know anything about
// its dependencies yet. Either way, we can't usefully load its test or
// update its dependencies.
if !pkg.isTest() {
// Check whether we should add (or update the flags for) a test for pkg.
// ld.pkgTest is idempotent and extra invocations are inexpensive,
// so it's ok if we call it more than is strictly necessary.
wantTest := false
switch {
case ld.allPatternIsRoot && MainModules.Contains(pkg.mod.Path):
// We are loading the "all" pattern, which includes packages imported by
// tests in the main module. This package is in the main module, so we
// need to identify the imports of its test even if LoadTests is not set.
// (We will filter out the extra tests explicitly in computePatternAll.)
wantTest = true
case ld.allPatternIsRoot && ld.allClosesOverTests && new.has(pkgInAll):
// This variant of the "all" pattern includes imports of tests of every
// package that is itself in "all", and pkg is in "all", so its test is
// also in "all" (as above).
wantTest = true
case ld.LoadTests && new.has(pkgIsRoot):
// LoadTest explicitly requests tests of “the root packages”.
wantTest = true
if wantTest {
var testFlags loadPkgFlags
if MainModules.Contains(pkg.mod.Path) || (ld.allClosesOverTests && new.has(pkgInAll)) {
// Tests of packages in the main module are in "all", in the sense that
// they cause the packages they import to also be in "all". So are tests
// of packages in "all" if "all" closes over test dependencies.
testFlags |= pkgInAll
ld.pkgTest(ctx, pkg, testFlags)
if new.has(pkgInAll) && !old.has(pkgInAll|pkgImportsLoaded) {
// We have just marked pkg with pkgInAll, or we have just loaded its
// imports, or both. Now is the time to propagate pkgInAll to the imports.
for _, dep := range pkg.imports {
ld.applyPkgFlags(ctx, dep, pkgInAll)
if new.has(pkgFromRoot) && !old.has(pkgFromRoot|pkgImportsLoaded) {
for _, dep := range pkg.imports {
ld.applyPkgFlags(ctx, dep, pkgFromRoot)
// preloadRootModules loads the module requirements needed to identify the
// selected version of each module providing a package in rootPkgs,
// adding new root modules to the module graph if needed.
func (ld *loader) preloadRootModules(ctx context.Context, rootPkgs []string) (changedBuildList bool) {
needc := make(chan map[module.Version]bool, 1)
needc <- map[module.Version]bool{}
for _, path := range rootPkgs {
path := path
ld.work.Add(func() {
// First, try to identify the module containing the package using only roots.
// If the main module is tidy and the package is in "all" — or if we're
// lucky — we can identify all of its imports without actually loading the
// full module graph.
m, _, _, _, err := importFromModules(ctx, path, ld.requirements, nil)
if err != nil {
var missing *ImportMissingError
if errors.As(err, &missing) && ld.ResolveMissingImports {
// This package isn't provided by any selected module.
// If we can find it, it will be a new root dependency.
m, err = queryImport(ctx, path, ld.requirements)
if err != nil {
// We couldn't identify the root module containing this package.
// Leave it unresolved; we will report it during loading.
if m.Path == "" {
// The package is in std or cmd. We don't need to change the root set.
v, ok := ld.requirements.rootSelected(m.Path)
if !ok || v != m.Version {
// We found the requested package in m, but m is not a root, so
// loadModGraph will not load its requirements. We need to promote the
// module to a root to ensure that any other packages this package
// imports are resolved from correct dependency versions.
// (This is the “argument invariant” from
// https://golang.org/design/36460-lazy-module-loading.)
need := <-needc
need[m] = true
needc <- need
need := <-needc
if len(need) == 0 {
return false // No roots to add.
toAdd := make([]module.Version, 0, len(need))
for m := range need {
toAdd = append(toAdd, m)
rs, err := updateRoots(ctx, ld.requirements.direct, ld.requirements, nil, toAdd, ld.AssumeRootsImported)
if err != nil {
// We are missing some root dependency, and for some reason we can't load
// enough of the module dependency graph to add the missing root. Package
// loading is doomed to fail, so fail quickly.
ld.errorf("go: %v\n", err)
return false
if reflect.DeepEqual(rs.rootModules, ld.requirements.rootModules) {
// Something is deeply wrong. resolveMissingImports gave us a non-empty
// set of modules to add to the graph, but adding those modules had no
// effect — either they were already in the graph, or updateRoots did not
// add them as requested.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: adding %v to module graph had no effect on root requirements (%v)", toAdd, rs.rootModules))
ld.requirements = rs
return true
// load loads an individual package.
func (ld *loader) load(ctx context.Context, pkg *loadPkg) {
var mg *ModuleGraph
if ld.requirements.pruning == unpruned {
var err error
mg, err = ld.requirements.Graph(ctx)
if err != nil {
// We already checked the error from Graph in loadFromRoots and/or
// updateRequirements, so we ignored the error on purpose and we should
// keep trying to push past it.
// However, because mg may be incomplete (and thus may select inaccurate
// versions), we shouldn't use it to load packages. Instead, we pass a nil
// *ModuleGraph, which will cause mg to first try loading from only the
// main module and root dependencies.
mg = nil
var modroot string
pkg.mod, modroot, pkg.dir, pkg.altMods, pkg.err = importFromModules(ctx, pkg.path, ld.requirements, mg)
if pkg.dir == "" {
if MainModules.Contains(pkg.mod.Path) {
// Go ahead and mark pkg as in "all". This provides the invariant that a
// package that is *only* imported by other packages in "all" is always
// marked as such before loading its imports.
// We don't actually rely on that invariant at the moment, but it may
// improve efficiency somewhat and makes the behavior a bit easier to reason
// about (by reducing churn on the flag bits of dependencies), and costs
// essentially nothing (these atomic flag ops are essentially free compared
// to scanning source code for imports).
ld.applyPkgFlags(ctx, pkg, pkgInAll)
if ld.AllowPackage != nil {
if err := ld.AllowPackage(ctx, pkg.path, pkg.mod); err != nil {
pkg.err = err
pkg.inStd = (search.IsStandardImportPath(pkg.path) && search.InDir(pkg.dir, cfg.GOROOTsrc) != "")
var imports, testImports []string
if cfg.BuildContext.Compiler == "gccgo" && pkg.inStd {
// We can't scan standard packages for gccgo.
} else {
var err error
imports, testImports, err = scanDir(modroot, pkg.dir, ld.Tags)
if err != nil {
pkg.err = err
pkg.imports = make([]*loadPkg, 0, len(imports))
var importFlags loadPkgFlags
if pkg.flags.has(pkgInAll) {
importFlags = pkgInAll
for _, path := range imports {
if pkg.inStd {
// Imports from packages in "std" and "cmd" should resolve using
// GOROOT/src/vendor even when "std" is not the main module.
path = ld.stdVendor(pkg.path, path)
pkg.imports = append(pkg.imports, ld.pkg(ctx, path, importFlags))
pkg.testImports = testImports
ld.applyPkgFlags(ctx, pkg, pkgImportsLoaded)
// pkgTest locates the test of pkg, creating it if needed, and updates its state
// to reflect the given flags.
// pkgTest requires that the imports of pkg have already been loaded (flagged
// with pkgImportsLoaded).
func (ld *loader) pkgTest(ctx context.Context, pkg *loadPkg, testFlags loadPkgFlags) *loadPkg {
if pkg.isTest() {
panic("pkgTest called on a test package")
createdTest := false
pkg.testOnce.Do(func() {
pkg.test = &loadPkg{
path: pkg.path,
testOf: pkg,
mod: pkg.mod,
dir: pkg.dir,
err: pkg.err,
inStd: pkg.inStd,
ld.applyPkgFlags(ctx, pkg.test, testFlags)
createdTest = true
test := pkg.test
if createdTest {
test.imports = make([]*loadPkg, 0, len(pkg.testImports))
var importFlags loadPkgFlags
if test.flags.has(pkgInAll) {
importFlags = pkgInAll
for _, path := range pkg.testImports {
if pkg.inStd {
path = ld.stdVendor(test.path, path)
test.imports = append(test.imports, ld.pkg(ctx, path, importFlags))
pkg.testImports = nil
ld.applyPkgFlags(ctx, test, pkgImportsLoaded)
} else {
ld.applyPkgFlags(ctx, test, testFlags)
return test
// stdVendor returns the canonical import path for the package with the given
// path when imported from the standard-library package at parentPath.
func (ld *loader) stdVendor(parentPath, path string) string {
if search.IsStandardImportPath(path) {
return path
if str.HasPathPrefix(parentPath, "cmd") {
if !ld.VendorModulesInGOROOTSrc || !MainModules.Contains("cmd") {
vendorPath := pathpkg.Join("cmd", "vendor", path)
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(cfg.GOROOTsrc, filepath.FromSlash(vendorPath))); err == nil {
return vendorPath
} else if !ld.VendorModulesInGOROOTSrc || !MainModules.Contains("std") || str.HasPathPrefix(parentPath, "vendor") {
// If we are outside of the 'std' module, resolve imports from within 'std'
// to the vendor directory.
// Do the same for importers beginning with the prefix 'vendor/' even if we
// are *inside* of the 'std' module: the 'vendor/' packages that resolve
// globally from GOROOT/src/vendor (and are listed as part of 'go list std')
// are distinct from the real module dependencies, and cannot import
// internal packages from the real module.
// (Note that although the 'vendor/' packages match the 'std' *package*
// pattern, they are not part of the std *module*, and do not affect
// 'go mod tidy' and similar module commands when working within std.)
vendorPath := pathpkg.Join("vendor", path)
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(cfg.GOROOTsrc, filepath.FromSlash(vendorPath))); err == nil {
return vendorPath
// Not vendored: resolve from modules.
return path
// computePatternAll returns the list of packages matching pattern "all",
// starting with a list of the import paths for the packages in the main module.
func (ld *loader) computePatternAll() (all []string) {
for _, pkg := range ld.pkgs {
if pkg.flags.has(pkgInAll) && !pkg.isTest() {
all = append(all, pkg.path)
return all
// checkMultiplePaths verifies that a given module path is used as itself
// or as a replacement for another module, but not both at the same time.
// (See https://golang.org/issue/26607 and https://golang.org/issue/34650.)
func (ld *loader) checkMultiplePaths() {
mods := ld.requirements.rootModules
if cached := ld.requirements.graph.Load(); cached != nil {
if mg := cached.(cachedGraph).mg; mg != nil {
mods = mg.BuildList()
firstPath := map[module.Version]string{}
for _, mod := range mods {
src := resolveReplacement(mod)
if prev, ok := firstPath[src]; !ok {
firstPath[src] = mod.Path
} else if prev != mod.Path {
ld.errorf("go: %s@%s used for two different module paths (%s and %s)\n", src.Path, src.Version, prev, mod.Path)
// checkTidyCompatibility emits an error if any package would be loaded from a
// different module under rs than under ld.requirements.
func (ld *loader) checkTidyCompatibility(ctx context.Context, rs *Requirements) {
suggestUpgrade := false
suggestEFlag := false
suggestFixes := func() {
if ld.AllowErrors {
// The user is explicitly ignoring these errors, so don't bother them with
// other options.
// We print directly to os.Stderr because this information is advice about
// how to fix errors, not actually an error itself.
// (The actual errors should have been logged already.)
goFlag := ""
if ld.GoVersion != MainModules.GoVersion() {
goFlag = " -go=" + ld.GoVersion
compatFlag := ""
if ld.TidyCompatibleVersion != priorGoVersion(ld.GoVersion) {
compatFlag = " -compat=" + ld.TidyCompatibleVersion
if suggestUpgrade {
eDesc := ""
eFlag := ""
if suggestEFlag {
eDesc = ", leaving some packages unresolved"
eFlag = " -e"
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "To upgrade to the versions selected by go %s%s:\n\tgo mod tidy%s -go=%s && go mod tidy%s -go=%s%s\n", ld.TidyCompatibleVersion, eDesc, eFlag, ld.TidyCompatibleVersion, eFlag, ld.GoVersion, compatFlag)
} else if suggestEFlag {
// If some packages are missing but no package is upgraded, then we
// shouldn't suggest upgrading to the Go 1.16 versions explicitly — that
// wouldn't actually fix anything for Go 1.16 users, and *would* break
// something for Go 1.17 users.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "To proceed despite packages unresolved in go %s:\n\tgo mod tidy -e%s%s\n", ld.TidyCompatibleVersion, goFlag, compatFlag)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "If reproducibility with go %s is not needed:\n\tgo mod tidy%s -compat=%s\n", ld.TidyCompatibleVersion, goFlag, ld.GoVersion)
// TODO(#46141): Populate the linked wiki page.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "For other options, see:\n\thttps://golang.org/doc/modules/pruning\n")
mg, err := rs.Graph(ctx)
if err != nil {
ld.errorf("go: error loading go %s module graph: %v\n", ld.TidyCompatibleVersion, err)
// Re-resolve packages in parallel.
// We re-resolve each package — rather than just checking versions — to ensure
// that we have fetched module source code (and, importantly, checksums for
// that source code) for all modules that are necessary to ensure that imports
// are unambiguous. That also produces clearer diagnostics, since we can say
// exactly what happened to the package if it became ambiguous or disappeared
// entirely.
// We re-resolve the packages in parallel because this process involves disk
// I/O to check for package sources, and because the process of checking for
// ambiguous imports may require us to download additional modules that are
// otherwise pruned out in Go 1.17 — we don't want to block progress on other
// packages while we wait for a single new download.
type mismatch struct {
mod module.Version
err error
mismatchMu := make(chan map[*loadPkg]mismatch, 1)
mismatchMu <- map[*loadPkg]mismatch{}
for _, pkg := range ld.pkgs {
if pkg.mod.Path == "" && pkg.err == nil {
// This package is from the standard library (which does not vary based on
// the module graph).
pkg := pkg
ld.work.Add(func() {
mod, _, _, _, err := importFromModules(ctx, pkg.path, rs, mg)
if mod != pkg.mod {
mismatches := <-mismatchMu
mismatches[pkg] = mismatch{mod: mod, err: err}
mismatchMu <- mismatches
mismatches := <-mismatchMu
if len(mismatches) == 0 {
// Since we're running as part of 'go mod tidy', the roots of the module
// graph should contain only modules that are relevant to some package in
// the package graph. We checked every package in the package graph and
// didn't find any mismatches, so that must mean that all of the roots of
// the module graph are also consistent.
// If we're wrong, Go 1.16 in -mod=readonly mode will error out with
// "updates to go.mod needed", which would be very confusing. So instead,
// we'll double-check that our reasoning above actually holds — if it
// doesn't, we'll emit an internal error and hopefully the user will report
// it as a bug.
for _, m := range ld.requirements.rootModules {
if v := mg.Selected(m.Path); v != m.Version {
base.Fatalf("go: internal error: failed to diagnose selected-version mismatch for module %s: go %s selects %s, but go %s selects %s\n\tPlease report this at https://golang.org/issue.", m.Path, ld.GoVersion, m.Version, ld.TidyCompatibleVersion, v)
// Iterate over the packages (instead of the mismatches map) to emit errors in
// deterministic order.
for _, pkg := range ld.pkgs {
mismatch, ok := mismatches[pkg]
if !ok {
if pkg.isTest() {
// We already did (or will) report an error for the package itself,
// so don't report a duplicate (and more vebose) error for its test.
if _, ok := mismatches[pkg.testOf]; !ok {
base.Fatalf("go: internal error: mismatch recorded for test %s, but not its non-test package", pkg.path)
switch {
case mismatch.err != nil:
// pkg resolved successfully, but errors out using the requirements in rs.
// This could occur because the import is provided by a single root (and
// is thus unambiguous in a main module with a pruned module graph) and
// also one or more transitive dependencies (and is ambiguous with an
// unpruned graph).
// It could also occur because some transitive dependency upgrades the
// module that previously provided the package to a version that no
// longer does, or to a version for which the module source code (but
// not the go.mod file in isolation) has a checksum error.
if missing := (*ImportMissingError)(nil); errors.As(mismatch.err, &missing) {
selected := module.Version{
Path: pkg.mod.Path,
Version: mg.Selected(pkg.mod.Path),
ld.errorf("%s loaded from %v,\n\tbut go %s would fail to locate it in %s\n", pkg.stackText(), pkg.mod, ld.TidyCompatibleVersion, selected)
} else {
if ambiguous := (*AmbiguousImportError)(nil); errors.As(mismatch.err, &ambiguous) {
// TODO: Is this check needed?
ld.errorf("%s loaded from %v,\n\tbut go %s would fail to locate it:\n\t%v\n", pkg.stackText(), pkg.mod, ld.TidyCompatibleVersion, mismatch.err)
suggestEFlag = true
// Even if we press ahead with the '-e' flag, the older version will
// error out in readonly mode if it thinks the go.mod file contains
// any *explicit* dependency that is not at its selected version,
// even if that dependency is not relevant to any package being loaded.
// We check for that condition here. If all of the roots are consistent
// the '-e' flag suffices, but otherwise we need to suggest an upgrade.
if !suggestUpgrade {
for _, m := range ld.requirements.rootModules {
if v := mg.Selected(m.Path); v != m.Version {
suggestUpgrade = true
case pkg.err != nil:
// pkg had an error in with a pruned module graph (presumably suppressed
// with the -e flag), but the error went away using an unpruned graph.
// This is possible, if, say, the import is unresolved in the pruned graph
// (because the "latest" version of each candidate module either is
// unavailable or does not contain the package), but is resolved in the
// unpruned graph due to a newer-than-latest dependency that is normally
// pruned out.
// This could also occur if the source code for the module providing the
// package in the pruned graph has a checksum error, but the unpruned
// graph upgrades that module to a version with a correct checksum.
// pkg.err should have already been logged elsewhere — along with a
// stack trace — so log only the import path and non-error info here.
suggestUpgrade = true
ld.errorf("%s failed to load from any module,\n\tbut go %s would load it from %v\n", pkg.path, ld.TidyCompatibleVersion, mismatch.mod)
case pkg.mod != mismatch.mod:
// The package is loaded successfully by both Go versions, but from a
// different module in each. This could lead to subtle (and perhaps even
// unnoticed!) variations in behavior between builds with different
// toolchains.
suggestUpgrade = true
ld.errorf("%s loaded from %v,\n\tbut go %s would select %v\n", pkg.stackText(), pkg.mod, ld.TidyCompatibleVersion, mismatch.mod.Version)
base.Fatalf("go: internal error: mismatch recorded for package %s, but no differences found", pkg.path)
// scanDir is like imports.ScanDir but elides known magic imports from the list,
// so that we do not go looking for packages that don't really exist.
// The standard magic import is "C", for cgo.
// The only other known magic imports are appengine and appengine/*.
// These are so old that they predate "go get" and did not use URL-like paths.
// Most code today now uses google.golang.org/appengine instead,
// but not all code has been so updated. When we mostly ignore build tags
// during "go vendor", we look into "// +build appengine" files and
// may see these legacy imports. We drop them so that the module
// search does not look for modules to try to satisfy them.
func scanDir(modroot string, dir string, tags map[string]bool) (imports_, testImports []string, err error) {
if ip, mierr := modindex.GetPackage(modroot, dir); mierr == nil {
imports_, testImports, err = ip.ScanDir(tags)
goto Happy
} else if !errors.Is(mierr, modindex.ErrNotIndexed) {
return nil, nil, mierr
imports_, testImports, err = imports.ScanDir(dir, tags)
filter := func(x []string) []string {
w := 0
for _, pkg := range x {
if pkg != "C" && pkg != "appengine" && !strings.HasPrefix(pkg, "appengine/") &&
pkg != "appengine_internal" && !strings.HasPrefix(pkg, "appengine_internal/") {
x[w] = pkg
return x[:w]
return filter(imports_), filter(testImports), err
// buildStacks computes minimal import stacks for each package,
// for use in error messages. When it completes, packages that
// are part of the original root set have pkg.stack == nil,
// and other packages have pkg.stack pointing at the next
// package up the import stack in their minimal chain.
// As a side effect, buildStacks also constructs ld.pkgs,
// the list of all packages loaded.
func (ld *loader) buildStacks() {
if len(ld.pkgs) > 0 {
for _, pkg := range ld.roots {
pkg.stack = pkg // sentinel to avoid processing in next loop
ld.pkgs = append(ld.pkgs, pkg)
for i := 0; i < len(ld.pkgs); i++ { // not range: appending to ld.pkgs in loop
pkg := ld.pkgs[i]
for _, next := range pkg.imports {
if next.stack == nil {
next.stack = pkg
ld.pkgs = append(ld.pkgs, next)
if next := pkg.test; next != nil && next.stack == nil {
next.stack = pkg
ld.pkgs = append(ld.pkgs, next)
for _, pkg := range ld.roots {
pkg.stack = nil
// stackText builds the import stack text to use when
// reporting an error in pkg. It has the general form
// root imports
// other imports
// other2 tested by
// other2.test imports
// pkg
func (pkg *loadPkg) stackText() string {
var stack []*loadPkg
for p := pkg; p != nil; p = p.stack {
stack = append(stack, p)
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i := len(stack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
p := stack[i]
fmt.Fprint(&buf, p.path)
if p.testOf != nil {
fmt.Fprint(&buf, ".test")
if i > 0 {
if stack[i-1].testOf == p {
fmt.Fprint(&buf, " tested by\n\t")
} else {
fmt.Fprint(&buf, " imports\n\t")
return buf.String()
// why returns the text to use in "go mod why" output about the given package.
// It is less ornate than the stackText but contains the same information.
func (pkg *loadPkg) why() string {
var buf strings.Builder
var stack []*loadPkg
for p := pkg; p != nil; p = p.stack {
stack = append(stack, p)
for i := len(stack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
p := stack[i]
if p.testOf != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s.test\n", p.testOf.path)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s\n", p.path)
return buf.String()
// Why returns the "go mod why" output stanza for the given package,
// without the leading # comment.
// The package graph must have been loaded already, usually by LoadPackages.
// If there is no reason for the package to be in the current build,
// Why returns an empty string.
func Why(path string) string {
pkg, ok := loaded.pkgCache.Get(path).(*loadPkg)
if !ok {
return ""
return pkg.why()
// WhyDepth returns the number of steps in the Why listing.
// If there is no reason for the package to be in the current build,
// WhyDepth returns 0.
func WhyDepth(path string) int {
n := 0
pkg, _ := loaded.pkgCache.Get(path).(*loadPkg)
for p := pkg; p != nil; p = p.stack {
return n
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