go modfile 源码
golang modfile 代码
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package modload
import (
const (
// narrowAllVersionV is the Go version (plus leading "v") at which the
// module-module "all" pattern no longer closes over the dependencies of
// tests outside of the main module.
narrowAllVersionV = "v1.16"
// ExplicitIndirectVersionV is the Go version (plus leading "v") at which a
// module's go.mod file is expected to list explicit requirements on every
// module that provides any package transitively imported by that module.
// Other indirect dependencies of such a module can be safely pruned out of
// the module graph; see https://golang.org/ref/mod#graph-pruning.
ExplicitIndirectVersionV = "v1.17"
// separateIndirectVersionV is the Go version (plus leading "v") at which
// "// indirect" dependencies are added in a block separate from the direct
// ones. See https://golang.org/issue/45965.
separateIndirectVersionV = "v1.17"
// ReadModFile reads and parses the mod file at gomod. ReadModFile properly applies the
// overlay, locks the file while reading, and applies fix, if applicable.
func ReadModFile(gomod string, fix modfile.VersionFixer) (data []byte, f *modfile.File, err error) {
if gomodActual, ok := fsys.OverlayPath(gomod); ok {
// Don't lock go.mod if it's part of the overlay.
// On Plan 9, locking requires chmod, and we don't want to modify any file
// in the overlay. See #44700.
data, err = os.ReadFile(gomodActual)
} else {
data, err = lockedfile.Read(gomodActual)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
f, err = modfile.Parse(gomod, data, fix)
if err != nil {
// Errors returned by modfile.Parse begin with file:line.
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("errors parsing go.mod:\n%s\n", err)
if f.Module == nil {
// No module declaration. Must add module path.
return nil, nil, errors.New("no module declaration in go.mod. To specify the module path:\n\tgo mod edit -module=example.com/mod")
return data, f, err
// modFileGoVersion returns the (non-empty) Go version at which the requirements
// in modFile are interpreted, or the latest Go version if modFile is nil.
func modFileGoVersion(modFile *modfile.File) string {
if modFile == nil {
return LatestGoVersion()
if modFile.Go == nil || modFile.Go.Version == "" {
// The main module necessarily has a go.mod file, and that file lacks a
// 'go' directive. The 'go' command has been adding that directive
// automatically since Go 1.12, so this module either dates to Go 1.11 or
// has been erroneously hand-edited.
// The semantics of the go.mod file are more-or-less the same from Go 1.11
// through Go 1.16, changing at 1.17 to support module graph pruning.
// So even though a go.mod file without a 'go' directive is theoretically a
// Go 1.11 file, scripts may assume that it ends up as a Go 1.16 module.
return "1.16"
return modFile.Go.Version
// A modFileIndex is an index of data corresponding to a modFile
// at a specific point in time.
type modFileIndex struct {
data []byte
dataNeedsFix bool // true if fixVersion applied a change while parsing data
module module.Version
goVersionV string // GoVersion with "v" prefix
require map[module.Version]requireMeta
replace map[module.Version]module.Version
exclude map[module.Version]bool
type requireMeta struct {
indirect bool
// A modPruning indicates whether transitive dependencies of Go 1.17 dependencies
// are pruned out of the module subgraph rooted at a given module.
// (See https://golang.org/ref/mod#graph-pruning.)
type modPruning uint8
const (
pruned modPruning = iota // transitive dependencies of modules at go 1.17 and higher are pruned out
unpruned // no transitive dependencies are pruned out
workspace // pruned to the union of modules in the workspace
func pruningForGoVersion(goVersion string) modPruning {
if semver.Compare("v"+goVersion, ExplicitIndirectVersionV) < 0 {
// The go.mod file does not duplicate relevant information about transitive
// dependencies, so they cannot be pruned out.
return unpruned
return pruned
// CheckAllowed returns an error equivalent to ErrDisallowed if m is excluded by
// the main module's go.mod or retracted by its author. Most version queries use
// this to filter out versions that should not be used.
func CheckAllowed(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) error {
if err := CheckExclusions(ctx, m); err != nil {
return err
if err := CheckRetractions(ctx, m); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ErrDisallowed is returned by version predicates passed to Query and similar
// functions to indicate that a version should not be considered.
var ErrDisallowed = errors.New("disallowed module version")
// CheckExclusions returns an error equivalent to ErrDisallowed if module m is
// excluded by the main module's go.mod file.
func CheckExclusions(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) error {
for _, mainModule := range MainModules.Versions() {
if index := MainModules.Index(mainModule); index != nil && index.exclude[m] {
return module.VersionError(m, errExcluded)
return nil
var errExcluded = &excludedError{}
type excludedError struct{}
func (e *excludedError) Error() string { return "excluded by go.mod" }
func (e *excludedError) Is(err error) bool { return err == ErrDisallowed }
// CheckRetractions returns an error if module m has been retracted by
// its author.
func CheckRetractions(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) (err error) {
defer func() {
if retractErr := (*ModuleRetractedError)(nil); err == nil || errors.As(err, &retractErr) {
// Attribute the error to the version being checked, not the version from
// which the retractions were to be loaded.
if mErr := (*module.ModuleError)(nil); errors.As(err, &mErr) {
err = mErr.Err
err = &retractionLoadingError{m: m, err: err}
if m.Version == "" {
// Main module, standard library, or file replacement module.
// Cannot be retracted.
return nil
if repl := Replacement(module.Version{Path: m.Path}); repl.Path != "" {
// All versions of the module were replaced.
// Don't load retractions, since we'd just load the replacement.
return nil
// Find the latest available version of the module, and load its go.mod. If
// the latest version is replaced, we'll load the replacement.
// If there's an error loading the go.mod, we'll return it here. These errors
// should generally be ignored by callers since they happen frequently when
// we're offline. These errors are not equivalent to ErrDisallowed, so they
// may be distinguished from retraction errors.
// We load the raw file here: the go.mod file may have a different module
// path that we expect if the module or its repository was renamed.
// We still want to apply retractions to other aliases of the module.
rm, err := queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions(ctx, m.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
summary, err := rawGoModSummary(rm)
if err != nil {
return err
var rationale []string
isRetracted := false
for _, r := range summary.retract {
if semver.Compare(r.Low, m.Version) <= 0 && semver.Compare(m.Version, r.High) <= 0 {
isRetracted = true
if r.Rationale != "" {
rationale = append(rationale, r.Rationale)
if isRetracted {
return module.VersionError(m, &ModuleRetractedError{Rationale: rationale})
return nil
type ModuleRetractedError struct {
Rationale []string
func (e *ModuleRetractedError) Error() string {
msg := "retracted by module author"
if len(e.Rationale) > 0 {
// This is meant to be a short error printed on a terminal, so just
// print the first rationale.
msg += ": " + ShortMessage(e.Rationale[0], "retracted by module author")
return msg
func (e *ModuleRetractedError) Is(err error) bool {
return err == ErrDisallowed
type retractionLoadingError struct {
m module.Version
err error
func (e *retractionLoadingError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("loading module retractions for %v: %v", e.m, e.err)
func (e *retractionLoadingError) Unwrap() error {
return e.err
// ShortMessage returns a string from go.mod (for example, a retraction
// rationale or deprecation message) that is safe to print in a terminal.
// If the given string is empty, ShortMessage returns the given default. If the
// given string is too long or contains non-printable characters, ShortMessage
// returns a hard-coded string.
func ShortMessage(message, emptyDefault string) string {
const maxLen = 500
if i := strings.Index(message, "\n"); i >= 0 {
message = message[:i]
message = strings.TrimSpace(message)
if message == "" {
return emptyDefault
if len(message) > maxLen {
return "(message omitted: too long)"
for _, r := range message {
if !unicode.IsGraphic(r) && !unicode.IsSpace(r) {
return "(message omitted: contains non-printable characters)"
// NOTE: the go.mod parser rejects invalid UTF-8, so we don't check that here.
return message
// CheckDeprecation returns a deprecation message from the go.mod file of the
// latest version of the given module. Deprecation messages are comments
// before or on the same line as the module directives that start with
// "Deprecated:" and run until the end of the paragraph.
// CheckDeprecation returns an error if the message can't be loaded.
// CheckDeprecation returns "", nil if there is no deprecation message.
func CheckDeprecation(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) (deprecation string, err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("loading deprecation for %s: %w", m.Path, err)
if m.Version == "" {
// Main module, standard library, or file replacement module.
// Don't look up deprecation.
return "", nil
if repl := Replacement(module.Version{Path: m.Path}); repl.Path != "" {
// All versions of the module were replaced.
// We'll look up deprecation separately for the replacement.
return "", nil
latest, err := queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions(ctx, m.Path)
if err != nil {
return "", err
summary, err := rawGoModSummary(latest)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return summary.deprecated, nil
func replacement(mod module.Version, replace map[module.Version]module.Version) (fromVersion string, to module.Version, ok bool) {
if r, ok := replace[mod]; ok {
return mod.Version, r, true
if r, ok := replace[module.Version{Path: mod.Path}]; ok {
return "", r, true
return "", module.Version{}, false
// Replacement returns the replacement for mod, if any. If the path in the
// module.Version is relative it's relative to the single main module outside
// workspace mode, or the workspace's directory in workspace mode.
func Replacement(mod module.Version) module.Version {
foundFrom, found, foundModRoot := "", module.Version{}, ""
if MainModules == nil {
return module.Version{}
} else if MainModules.Contains(mod.Path) && mod.Version == "" {
// Don't replace the workspace version of the main module.
return module.Version{}
if _, r, ok := replacement(mod, MainModules.WorkFileReplaceMap()); ok {
return r
for _, v := range MainModules.Versions() {
if index := MainModules.Index(v); index != nil {
if from, r, ok := replacement(mod, index.replace); ok {
modRoot := MainModules.ModRoot(v)
if foundModRoot != "" && foundFrom != from && found != r {
base.Errorf("conflicting replacements found for %v in workspace modules defined by %v and %v",
mod, modFilePath(foundModRoot), modFilePath(modRoot))
return canonicalizeReplacePath(found, foundModRoot)
found, foundModRoot = r, modRoot
return canonicalizeReplacePath(found, foundModRoot)
func replaceRelativeTo() string {
if workFilePath := WorkFilePath(); workFilePath != "" {
return filepath.Dir(workFilePath)
return MainModules.ModRoot(MainModules.mustGetSingleMainModule())
// canonicalizeReplacePath ensures that relative, on-disk, replaced module paths
// are relative to the workspace directory (in workspace mode) or to the module's
// directory (in module mode, as they already are).
func canonicalizeReplacePath(r module.Version, modRoot string) module.Version {
if filepath.IsAbs(r.Path) || r.Version != "" {
return r
workFilePath := WorkFilePath()
if workFilePath == "" {
return r
abs := filepath.Join(modRoot, r.Path)
if rel, err := filepath.Rel(filepath.Dir(workFilePath), abs); err == nil {
return module.Version{Path: rel, Version: r.Version}
// We couldn't make the version's path relative to the workspace's path,
// so just return the absolute path. It's the best we can do.
return module.Version{Path: abs, Version: r.Version}
// resolveReplacement returns the module actually used to load the source code
// for m: either m itself, or the replacement for m (iff m is replaced).
// It also returns the modroot of the module providing the replacement if
// one was found.
func resolveReplacement(m module.Version) module.Version {
if r := Replacement(m); r.Path != "" {
return r
return m
func toReplaceMap(replacements []*modfile.Replace) map[module.Version]module.Version {
replaceMap := make(map[module.Version]module.Version, len(replacements))
for _, r := range replacements {
if prev, dup := replaceMap[r.Old]; dup && prev != r.New {
base.Fatalf("go: conflicting replacements for %v:\n\t%v\n\t%v", r.Old, prev, r.New)
replaceMap[r.Old] = r.New
return replaceMap
// indexModFile rebuilds the index of modFile.
// If modFile has been changed since it was first read,
// modFile.Cleanup must be called before indexModFile.
func indexModFile(data []byte, modFile *modfile.File, mod module.Version, needsFix bool) *modFileIndex {
i := new(modFileIndex)
i.data = data
i.dataNeedsFix = needsFix
i.module = module.Version{}
if modFile.Module != nil {
i.module = modFile.Module.Mod
i.goVersionV = ""
if modFile.Go == nil {
rawGoVersion.Store(mod, "")
} else {
// We're going to use the semver package to compare Go versions, so go ahead
// and add the "v" prefix it expects once instead of every time.
i.goVersionV = "v" + modFile.Go.Version
rawGoVersion.Store(mod, modFile.Go.Version)
i.require = make(map[module.Version]requireMeta, len(modFile.Require))
for _, r := range modFile.Require {
i.require[r.Mod] = requireMeta{indirect: r.Indirect}
i.replace = toReplaceMap(modFile.Replace)
i.exclude = make(map[module.Version]bool, len(modFile.Exclude))
for _, x := range modFile.Exclude {
i.exclude[x.Mod] = true
return i
// modFileIsDirty reports whether the go.mod file differs meaningfully
// from what was indexed.
// If modFile has been changed (even cosmetically) since it was first read,
// modFile.Cleanup must be called before modFileIsDirty.
func (i *modFileIndex) modFileIsDirty(modFile *modfile.File) bool {
if i == nil {
return modFile != nil
if i.dataNeedsFix {
return true
if modFile.Module == nil {
if i.module != (module.Version{}) {
return true
} else if modFile.Module.Mod != i.module {
return true
if modFile.Go == nil {
if i.goVersionV != "" {
return true
} else if "v"+modFile.Go.Version != i.goVersionV {
if i.goVersionV == "" && cfg.BuildMod != "mod" {
// go.mod files did not always require a 'go' version, so do not error out
// if one is missing — we may be inside an older module in the module
// cache, and should bias toward providing useful behavior.
} else {
return true
if len(modFile.Require) != len(i.require) ||
len(modFile.Replace) != len(i.replace) ||
len(modFile.Exclude) != len(i.exclude) {
return true
for _, r := range modFile.Require {
if meta, ok := i.require[r.Mod]; !ok {
return true
} else if r.Indirect != meta.indirect {
if cfg.BuildMod == "readonly" {
// The module's requirements are consistent; only the "// indirect"
// comments that are wrong. But those are only guaranteed to be accurate
// after a "go mod tidy" — it's a good idea to run those before
// committing a change, but it's certainly not mandatory.
} else {
return true
for _, r := range modFile.Replace {
if r.New != i.replace[r.Old] {
return true
for _, x := range modFile.Exclude {
if !i.exclude[x.Mod] {
return true
return false
// rawGoVersion records the Go version parsed from each module's go.mod file.
// If a module is replaced, the version of the replacement is keyed by the
// replacement module.Version, not the version being replaced.
var rawGoVersion sync.Map // map[module.Version]string
// A modFileSummary is a summary of a go.mod file for which we do not need to
// retain complete information — for example, the go.mod file of a dependency
// module.
type modFileSummary struct {
module module.Version
goVersion string
pruning modPruning
require []module.Version
retract []retraction
deprecated string
// A retraction consists of a retracted version interval and rationale.
// retraction is like modfile.Retract, but it doesn't point to the syntax tree.
type retraction struct {
Rationale string
// goModSummary returns a summary of the go.mod file for module m,
// taking into account any replacements for m, exclusions of its dependencies,
// and/or vendoring.
// m must be a version in the module graph, reachable from the Target module.
// In readonly mode, the go.sum file must contain an entry for m's go.mod file
// (or its replacement). goModSummary must not be called for the Target module
// itself, as its requirements may change. Use rawGoModSummary for other
// module versions.
// The caller must not modify the returned summary.
func goModSummary(m module.Version) (*modFileSummary, error) {
if m.Version == "" && !inWorkspaceMode() && MainModules.Contains(m.Path) {
panic("internal error: goModSummary called on a main module")
if cfg.BuildMod == "vendor" {
summary := &modFileSummary{
module: module.Version{Path: m.Path},
if vendorVersion[m.Path] != m.Version {
// This module is not vendored, so packages cannot be loaded from it and
// it cannot be relevant to the build.
return summary, nil
// For every module other than the target,
// return the full list of modules from modules.txt.
// We don't know what versions the vendored module actually relies on,
// so assume that it requires everything.
summary.require = vendorList
return summary, nil
actual := resolveReplacement(m)
if HasModRoot() && cfg.BuildMod == "readonly" && !inWorkspaceMode() && actual.Version != "" {
key := module.Version{Path: actual.Path, Version: actual.Version + "/go.mod"}
if !modfetch.HaveSum(key) {
suggestion := fmt.Sprintf("; to add it:\n\tgo mod download %s", m.Path)
return nil, module.VersionError(actual, &sumMissingError{suggestion: suggestion})
summary, err := rawGoModSummary(actual)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if actual.Version == "" {
// The actual module is a filesystem-local replacement, for which we have
// unfortunately not enforced any sort of invariants about module lines or
// matching module paths. Anything goes.
// TODO(bcmills): Remove this special-case, update tests, and add a
// release note.
} else {
if summary.module.Path == "" {
return nil, module.VersionError(actual, errors.New("parsing go.mod: missing module line"))
// In theory we should only allow mpath to be unequal to m.Path here if the
// version that we fetched lacks an explicit go.mod file: if the go.mod file
// is explicit, then it should match exactly (to ensure that imports of other
// packages within the module are interpreted correctly). Unfortunately, we
// can't determine that information from the module proxy protocol: we'll have
// to leave that validation for when we load actual packages from within the
// module.
if mpath := summary.module.Path; mpath != m.Path && mpath != actual.Path {
return nil, module.VersionError(actual, fmt.Errorf(`parsing go.mod:
module declares its path as: %s
but was required as: %s`, mpath, m.Path))
for _, mainModule := range MainModules.Versions() {
if index := MainModules.Index(mainModule); index != nil && len(index.exclude) > 0 {
// Drop any requirements on excluded versions.
// Don't modify the cached summary though, since we might need the raw
// summary separately.
haveExcludedReqs := false
for _, r := range summary.require {
if index.exclude[r] {
haveExcludedReqs = true
if haveExcludedReqs {
s := new(modFileSummary)
*s = *summary
s.require = make([]module.Version, 0, len(summary.require))
for _, r := range summary.require {
if !index.exclude[r] {
s.require = append(s.require, r)
summary = s
return summary, nil
// rawGoModSummary returns a new summary of the go.mod file for module m,
// ignoring all replacements that may apply to m and excludes that may apply to
// its dependencies.
// rawGoModSummary cannot be used on the Target module.
func rawGoModSummary(m module.Version) (*modFileSummary, error) {
if m.Path == "" && MainModules.Contains(m.Path) {
panic("internal error: rawGoModSummary called on the Target module")
type key struct {
m module.Version
type cached struct {
summary *modFileSummary
err error
c := rawGoModSummaryCache.Do(key{m}, func() any {
summary := new(modFileSummary)
name, data, err := rawGoModData(m)
if err != nil {
return cached{nil, err}
f, err := modfile.ParseLax(name, data, nil)
if err != nil {
return cached{nil, module.VersionError(m, fmt.Errorf("parsing %s: %v", base.ShortPath(name), err))}
if f.Module != nil {
summary.module = f.Module.Mod
summary.deprecated = f.Module.Deprecated
if f.Go != nil && f.Go.Version != "" {
rawGoVersion.LoadOrStore(m, f.Go.Version)
summary.goVersion = f.Go.Version
summary.pruning = pruningForGoVersion(f.Go.Version)
} else {
summary.pruning = unpruned
if len(f.Require) > 0 {
summary.require = make([]module.Version, 0, len(f.Require))
for _, req := range f.Require {
summary.require = append(summary.require, req.Mod)
if len(f.Retract) > 0 {
summary.retract = make([]retraction, 0, len(f.Retract))
for _, ret := range f.Retract {
summary.retract = append(summary.retract, retraction{
VersionInterval: ret.VersionInterval,
Rationale: ret.Rationale,
return cached{summary, nil}
return c.summary, c.err
var rawGoModSummaryCache par.Cache // module.Version → rawGoModSummary result
// rawGoModData returns the content of the go.mod file for module m, ignoring
// all replacements that may apply to m.
// rawGoModData cannot be used on the Target module.
// Unlike rawGoModSummary, rawGoModData does not cache its results in memory.
// Use rawGoModSummary instead unless you specifically need these bytes.
func rawGoModData(m module.Version) (name string, data []byte, err error) {
if m.Version == "" {
// m is a replacement module with only a file path.
dir := m.Path
if !filepath.IsAbs(dir) {
if inWorkspaceMode() && MainModules.Contains(m.Path) {
dir = MainModules.ModRoot(m)
} else {
dir = filepath.Join(replaceRelativeTo(), dir)
name = filepath.Join(dir, "go.mod")
if gomodActual, ok := fsys.OverlayPath(name); ok {
// Don't lock go.mod if it's part of the overlay.
// On Plan 9, locking requires chmod, and we don't want to modify any file
// in the overlay. See #44700.
data, err = os.ReadFile(gomodActual)
} else {
data, err = lockedfile.Read(gomodActual)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, module.VersionError(m, fmt.Errorf("reading %s: %v", base.ShortPath(name), err))
} else {
if !semver.IsValid(m.Version) {
// Disallow the broader queries supported by fetch.Lookup.
base.Fatalf("go: internal error: %s@%s: unexpected invalid semantic version", m.Path, m.Version)
name = "go.mod"
data, err = modfetch.GoMod(m.Path, m.Version)
return name, data, err
// queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions looks up the latest version of the
// module with the given path without considering retracted or excluded
// versions.
// If all versions of the module are replaced,
// queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions returns the replacement without making
// a query.
// If the queried latest version is replaced,
// queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions returns the replacement.
func queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions(ctx context.Context, path string) (latest module.Version, err error) {
type entry struct {
latest module.Version
err error
e := latestVersionIgnoringRetractionsCache.Do(path, func() any {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions "+path)
defer span.Done()
if repl := Replacement(module.Version{Path: path}); repl.Path != "" {
// All versions of the module were replaced.
// No need to query.
return &entry{latest: repl}
// Find the latest version of the module.
// Ignore exclusions from the main module's go.mod.
const ignoreSelected = ""
var allowAll AllowedFunc
rev, err := Query(ctx, path, "latest", ignoreSelected, allowAll)
if err != nil {
return &entry{err: err}
latest := module.Version{Path: path, Version: rev.Version}
if repl := resolveReplacement(latest); repl.Path != "" {
latest = repl
return &entry{latest: latest}
return e.latest, e.err
var latestVersionIgnoringRetractionsCache par.Cache // path → queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions result
// ToDirectoryPath adds a prefix if necessary so that path in unambiguously
// an absolute path or a relative path starting with a '.' or '..'
// path component.
func ToDirectoryPath(path string) string {
if path == "." || modfile.IsDirectoryPath(path) {
return path
// The path is not a relative path or an absolute path, so make it relative
// to the current directory.
return "./" + filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(path))
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