go build 源码
golang build 代码
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package modload
import (
var (
infoStart, _ = hex.DecodeString("3077af0c9274080241e1c107e6d618e6")
infoEnd, _ = hex.DecodeString("f932433186182072008242104116d8f2")
func isStandardImportPath(path string) bool {
return findStandardImportPath(path) != ""
func findStandardImportPath(path string) string {
if path == "" {
panic("findStandardImportPath called with empty path")
if search.IsStandardImportPath(path) {
if modindex.IsStandardPackage(cfg.GOROOT, cfg.BuildContext.Compiler, path) {
return filepath.Join(cfg.GOROOT, "src", path)
return ""
// PackageModuleInfo returns information about the module that provides
// a given package. If modules are not enabled or if the package is in the
// standard library or if the package was not successfully loaded with
// LoadPackages or ImportFromFiles, nil is returned.
func PackageModuleInfo(ctx context.Context, pkgpath string) *modinfo.ModulePublic {
if isStandardImportPath(pkgpath) || !Enabled() {
return nil
m, ok := findModule(loaded, pkgpath)
if !ok {
return nil
rs := LoadModFile(ctx)
return moduleInfo(ctx, rs, m, 0, nil)
// PackageModRoot returns the module root directory for the module that provides
// a given package. If modules are not enabled or if the package is in the
// standard library or if the package was not successfully loaded with
// LoadPackages or ImportFromFiles, the empty string is returned.
func PackageModRoot(ctx context.Context, pkgpath string) string {
if isStandardImportPath(pkgpath) || !Enabled() || cfg.BuildMod == "vendor" {
return ""
m, ok := findModule(loaded, pkgpath)
if !ok {
return ""
const needSum = true
root, _, err := fetch(ctx, m, needSum)
if err != nil {
return ""
return root
func ModuleInfo(ctx context.Context, path string) *modinfo.ModulePublic {
if !Enabled() {
return nil
if i := strings.Index(path, "@"); i >= 0 {
m := module.Version{Path: path[:i], Version: path[i+1:]}
return moduleInfo(ctx, nil, m, 0, nil)
rs := LoadModFile(ctx)
var (
v string
ok bool
if rs.pruning == pruned {
v, ok = rs.rootSelected(path)
if !ok {
mg, err := rs.Graph(ctx)
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
v = mg.Selected(path)
if v == "none" {
return &modinfo.ModulePublic{
Path: path,
Error: &modinfo.ModuleError{
Err: "module not in current build",
return moduleInfo(ctx, rs, module.Version{Path: path, Version: v}, 0, nil)
// addUpdate fills in m.Update if an updated version is available.
func addUpdate(ctx context.Context, m *modinfo.ModulePublic) {
if m.Version == "" {
info, err := Query(ctx, m.Path, "upgrade", m.Version, CheckAllowed)
var noVersionErr *NoMatchingVersionError
if errors.Is(err, ErrDisallowed) ||
errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) ||
errors.As(err, &noVersionErr) {
// Ignore "not found" and "no matching version" errors.
// This means the proxy has no matching version or no versions at all.
// Ignore "disallowed" errors. This means the current version is
// excluded or retracted and there are no higher allowed versions.
// We should report other errors though. An attacker that controls the
// network shouldn't be able to hide versions by interfering with
// the HTTPS connection. An attacker that controls the proxy may still
// hide versions, since the "list" and "latest" endpoints are not
// authenticated.
} else if err != nil {
if m.Error == nil {
m.Error = &modinfo.ModuleError{Err: err.Error()}
if semver.Compare(info.Version, m.Version) > 0 {
m.Update = &modinfo.ModulePublic{
Path: m.Path,
Version: info.Version,
Time: &info.Time,
// mergeOrigin merges two origins,
// returning and possibly modifying one of its arguments.
// If the two origins conflict, mergeOrigin returns a non-specific one
// that will not pass CheckReuse.
// If m1 or m2 is nil, the other is returned unmodified.
// But if m1 or m2 is non-nil and uncheckable, the result is also uncheckable,
// to preserve uncheckability.
func mergeOrigin(m1, m2 *codehost.Origin) *codehost.Origin {
if m1 == nil {
return m2
if m2 == nil {
return m1
if !m1.Checkable() {
return m1
if !m2.Checkable() {
return m2
if m2.TagSum != "" {
if m1.TagSum != "" && (m1.TagSum != m2.TagSum || m1.TagPrefix != m2.TagPrefix) {
return m1
m1.TagSum = m2.TagSum
m1.TagPrefix = m2.TagPrefix
if m2.Hash != "" {
if m1.Hash != "" && (m1.Hash != m2.Hash || m1.Ref != m2.Ref) {
return m1
m1.Hash = m2.Hash
m1.Ref = m2.Ref
return m1
// addVersions fills in m.Versions with the list of known versions.
// Excluded versions will be omitted. If listRetracted is false, retracted
// versions will also be omitted.
func addVersions(ctx context.Context, m *modinfo.ModulePublic, listRetracted bool) {
allowed := CheckAllowed
if listRetracted {
allowed = CheckExclusions
v, origin, err := versions(ctx, m.Path, allowed)
if err != nil && m.Error == nil {
m.Error = &modinfo.ModuleError{Err: err.Error()}
m.Versions = v
m.Origin = mergeOrigin(m.Origin, origin)
// addRetraction fills in m.Retracted if the module was retracted by its author.
// m.Error is set if there's an error loading retraction information.
func addRetraction(ctx context.Context, m *modinfo.ModulePublic) {
if m.Version == "" {
err := CheckRetractions(ctx, module.Version{Path: m.Path, Version: m.Version})
var noVersionErr *NoMatchingVersionError
var retractErr *ModuleRetractedError
if err == nil || errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) || errors.As(err, &noVersionErr) {
// Ignore "not found" and "no matching version" errors.
// This means the proxy has no matching version or no versions at all.
// We should report other errors though. An attacker that controls the
// network shouldn't be able to hide versions by interfering with
// the HTTPS connection. An attacker that controls the proxy may still
// hide versions, since the "list" and "latest" endpoints are not
// authenticated.
} else if errors.As(err, &retractErr) {
if len(retractErr.Rationale) == 0 {
m.Retracted = []string{"retracted by module author"}
} else {
m.Retracted = retractErr.Rationale
} else if m.Error == nil {
m.Error = &modinfo.ModuleError{Err: err.Error()}
// addDeprecation fills in m.Deprecated if the module was deprecated by its
// author. m.Error is set if there's an error loading deprecation information.
func addDeprecation(ctx context.Context, m *modinfo.ModulePublic) {
deprecation, err := CheckDeprecation(ctx, module.Version{Path: m.Path, Version: m.Version})
var noVersionErr *NoMatchingVersionError
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) || errors.As(err, &noVersionErr) {
// Ignore "not found" and "no matching version" errors.
// This means the proxy has no matching version or no versions at all.
// We should report other errors though. An attacker that controls the
// network shouldn't be able to hide versions by interfering with
// the HTTPS connection. An attacker that controls the proxy may still
// hide versions, since the "list" and "latest" endpoints are not
// authenticated.
if err != nil {
if m.Error == nil {
m.Error = &modinfo.ModuleError{Err: err.Error()}
m.Deprecated = deprecation
// moduleInfo returns information about module m, loaded from the requirements
// in rs (which may be nil to indicate that m was not loaded from a requirement
// graph).
func moduleInfo(ctx context.Context, rs *Requirements, m module.Version, mode ListMode, reuse map[module.Version]*modinfo.ModulePublic) *modinfo.ModulePublic {
if m.Version == "" && MainModules.Contains(m.Path) {
info := &modinfo.ModulePublic{
Path: m.Path,
Version: m.Version,
Main: true,
if v, ok := rawGoVersion.Load(m); ok {
info.GoVersion = v.(string)
} else {
panic("internal error: GoVersion not set for main module")
if modRoot := MainModules.ModRoot(m); modRoot != "" {
info.Dir = modRoot
info.GoMod = modFilePath(modRoot)
return info
info := &modinfo.ModulePublic{
Path: m.Path,
Version: m.Version,
Indirect: rs != nil && !rs.direct[m.Path],
if v, ok := rawGoVersion.Load(m); ok {
info.GoVersion = v.(string)
// completeFromModCache fills in the extra fields in m using the module cache.
completeFromModCache := func(m *modinfo.ModulePublic) {
if old := reuse[module.Version{Path: m.Path, Version: m.Version}]; old != nil {
if err := checkReuse(ctx, m.Path, old.Origin); err == nil {
*m = *old
m.Query = ""
m.Dir = ""
checksumOk := func(suffix string) bool {
return rs == nil || m.Version == "" || cfg.BuildMod == "mod" ||
modfetch.HaveSum(module.Version{Path: m.Path, Version: m.Version + suffix})
if m.Version != "" {
if q, err := Query(ctx, m.Path, m.Version, "", nil); err != nil {
m.Error = &modinfo.ModuleError{Err: err.Error()}
} else {
m.Version = q.Version
m.Time = &q.Time
mod := module.Version{Path: m.Path, Version: m.Version}
if m.GoVersion == "" && checksumOk("/go.mod") {
// Load the go.mod file to determine the Go version, since it hasn't
// already been populated from rawGoVersion.
if summary, err := rawGoModSummary(mod); err == nil && summary.goVersion != "" {
m.GoVersion = summary.goVersion
if m.Version != "" {
if checksumOk("/go.mod") {
gomod, err := modfetch.CachePath(mod, "mod")
if err == nil {
if info, err := os.Stat(gomod); err == nil && info.Mode().IsRegular() {
m.GoMod = gomod
if checksumOk("") {
dir, err := modfetch.DownloadDir(mod)
if err == nil {
m.Dir = dir
if mode&ListRetracted != 0 {
addRetraction(ctx, m)
if rs == nil {
// If this was an explicitly-versioned argument to 'go mod download' or
// 'go list -m', report the actual requested version, not its replacement.
completeFromModCache(info) // Will set m.Error in vendor mode.
return info
r := Replacement(m)
if r.Path == "" {
if cfg.BuildMod == "vendor" {
// It's tempting to fill in the "Dir" field to point within the vendor
// directory, but that would be misleading: the vendor directory contains
// a flattened package tree, not complete modules, and it can even
// interleave packages from different modules if one module path is a
// prefix of the other.
} else {
return info
// Don't hit the network to fill in extra data for replaced modules.
// The original resolved Version and Time don't matter enough to be
// worth the cost, and we're going to overwrite the GoMod and Dir from the
// replacement anyway. See https://golang.org/issue/27859.
info.Replace = &modinfo.ModulePublic{
Path: r.Path,
Version: r.Version,
if v, ok := rawGoVersion.Load(m); ok {
info.Replace.GoVersion = v.(string)
if r.Version == "" {
if filepath.IsAbs(r.Path) {
info.Replace.Dir = r.Path
} else {
info.Replace.Dir = filepath.Join(replaceRelativeTo(), r.Path)
info.Replace.GoMod = filepath.Join(info.Replace.Dir, "go.mod")
if cfg.BuildMod != "vendor" {
info.Dir = info.Replace.Dir
info.GoMod = info.Replace.GoMod
info.Retracted = info.Replace.Retracted
info.GoVersion = info.Replace.GoVersion
return info
// findModule searches for the module that contains the package at path.
// If the package was loaded, its containing module and true are returned.
// Otherwise, module.Version{} and false are returned.
func findModule(ld *loader, path string) (module.Version, bool) {
if pkg, ok := ld.pkgCache.Get(path).(*loadPkg); ok {
return pkg.mod, pkg.mod != module.Version{}
return module.Version{}, false
func ModInfoProg(info string, isgccgo bool) []byte {
// Inject an init function to set runtime.modinfo.
// This is only used for gccgo - with gc we hand the info directly to the linker.
// The init function has the drawback that packages may want to
// look at the module info in their init functions (see issue 29628),
// which won't work. See also issue 30344.
if isgccgo {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`package main
import _ "unsafe"
//go:linkname __set_debug_modinfo__ runtime.setmodinfo
func __set_debug_modinfo__(string)
func init() { __set_debug_modinfo__(%q) }
`, ModInfoData(info)))
return nil
func ModInfoData(info string) []byte {
return []byte(string(infoStart) + info + string(infoEnd))
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