harmony 鸿蒙ListItemGroup

  • 2022-10-28
  • 浏览 (952)


The <ListItemGroup> component is used to display list item groups. It must be used with the <List> component and, if not otherwise specified, takes up the entire width of the <List>.


  • This component is supported since API version 9. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
  • This component can be used only as a child of <List>.

Usage Guidelines

If the listDirection attribute of the parent <List> component is set to Axis.Vertical, the height attribute of the <ListItemGroup> component is fixed at the sum of the component’s header height, footer height, and total height of the list items. If the listDirection attribute of the parent <List> component is set to Axis.Horizontal, the width attribute of the <ListItemGroup> component is fixed at the sum of the component’s header width, footer width, and total width of the list items.

The list items in the <ListItemGroup> component cannot be edited or dragged. That is, their editable attribute does not take effect.

Child Components

This component supports the <ListItem> child component.


ListItemGroup(options?: {header?: CustomBuilder, footer?: CustomBuilder, space?: number|string, style?: ListItemGroupStyle})


Name Type Mandatory Description
header CustomBuilder No Header of the list item group.
footer CustomBuilder No Footer of the list item group.
space number |string No Spacing between list items. This parameter is valid only between list items, but not between the header and list item or between the footer and list item.
style10+ ListItemGroupStyle No Style of the list item group.
Default value: ListItemGroupStyle.NONE
If this parameter is set to ListItemGroupStyle.NONE, no style is applied.
If this parameter is set to ListItemGroupStyle.CARD, the default card style is applied, but only when ListItemStyle.CARD is set for <ListItem>.
In the default card style, list items can be in focus, hover, press, selected, or disable style depending on their state.
In the default card style, the parent <List> component has its listDirection attribute fixed at Axis.Vertical and its alignListItem attribute defaulted at ListItemAlign.Center; the header and footer parameters cannot be set for the list item group.
If ListItemGroupStyle.CARD is set and ListItemStyle.CARD is not, only some card styles and functions are available.


Name Type Description
divider {
strokeWidth: Length,
color?: ResourceColor,
startMargin?: Length,
endMargin?: Length
} |null
Style of the divider for the list items. By default, there is no divider.
- strokeWidth: stroke width of the divider.
- color: color of the divider.
- startMargin: distance between the divider and the start of the list.
- endMargin: distance between the divider and the end of the list.


Name Description
NONE No style.
CARD Default card style.


The <ListItemGroup> component does not support the universal attribute aspectRatio.

If the main axis of <ListItemGroup> runs in the vertical direction, the height setting does not take effect.

If the main axis of <ListItemGroup> runs in the horizontal direction, the width setting does not take effect.


Example 1

// xxx.ets
struct ListItemGroupExample {
  private timetable: TimeTable[] = [
      title: 'Monday',
      projects: ['Language', 'Math', 'English']
      title: 'Tuesday',
      projects: ['Physics', 'Chemistry', 'Biologics']
      title: 'Wednesday',
      projects: ['History', 'Geography', 'Politics']
      title: 'Thursday',
      projects: ['Art', 'Music', 'Sports']

  itemHead(text: string) {

  itemFoot(num: number) {
    Text(''Total lessons:'+ num")

  build() {
    Column() {
      List({ space: 20 }) {
        ForEach(this.timetable, (item: TimeTable) => {
          ListItemGroup({ header: this.itemHead(item.title), footer: this.itemFoot(item.projects.length) }) {
            ForEach(item.projects, (project: string) => {
              ListItem() {
            }, (item: string) => item)
          .divider ({ strokeWidth: 1,color:Color.Blue }) // Divider between lines
    }.width('100%').height('100%').backgroundColor(0xDCDCDC).padding({ top: 5 })

interface TimeTable {
  title: string;
  projects: string[];


Example 2

// xxx.ets
struct ListItemGroupExample2 {
  private arr: ArrObject[] = [
      style: ListItemGroupStyle.CARD,
      itemStyles: [ListItemStyle.CARD, ListItemStyle.CARD, ListItemStyle.CARD]
      style: ListItemGroupStyle.CARD,
      itemStyles: [ListItemStyle.CARD, ListItemStyle.CARD, ListItemStyle.NONE]
      style: ListItemGroupStyle.CARD,
      itemStyles: [ListItemStyle.CARD, ListItemStyle.NONE, ListItemStyle.CARD]
      style: ListItemGroupStyle.NONE,
      itemStyles: [ListItemStyle.CARD, ListItemStyle.CARD, ListItemStyle.NONE]

  build() {
    Column() {
      List({ space: "4vp", initialIndex: 0 }) {
        ForEach(this.arr, (item: ArrObject, index?: number) => {
          ListItemGroup({ style: item.style }) {
            ForEach(item.itemStyles, (itemStyle: number, itemIndex?: number) => {
              ListItem({ style: itemStyle }) {
                if (index != undefined && itemIndex != undefined) {
                  Text("Item" + (itemIndex + 1) +" in group" + (index + 1) +" ")
            }, (item: string) => item)
      .backgroundColor(0xDCDCDC) // List in light blue
    .padding({ top: 5 })

interface ArrObject {
  style: number;
  itemStyles: number[];



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