harmony 鸿蒙calendar

  • 2022-12-13
  • 浏览 (982)


The <calendar> component is used to display the calendar page.


The APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components

Not supported


In addition to the universal attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
date string Current date No Date selected on the current page. The default value is the current date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD, for example, 2019-11-22.
cardcalendar bool false No Whether the current calendar is a widget calendar.
startdayofweek int 6 No Start day of a week on the widget calendar. The default value is Sunday. The value ranges from 0 to 6.
offdays string 5, 6 No Rest days of a week on the widget calendar. The default value is Saturday and Sunday. The value ranges from 0 to 6.
calendardata string - Yes Data to be displayed on the monthly widget calendar. You can pass data of 5*7 or 6*7 days in the JSON format. For details about the “data” attribute, see Table 1.
showholiday bool true No Whether to display holiday information.

Table 1 “data” attributes of calendardata

Name Type Description
index int Index of the data, indicating the sequence number of the date.
day int Day.
month int Month.
year int Year.
isFirstOfLuanr bool Whether the day is the first day of the lunar calendar. The first day is underlined.
hasSchedule bool Whether there is an event scheduled for the day. If there is, a circle is drawn around the date number.
markLunarDay bool Whether the day is a holiday, on which lunar calendar data is marked in blue.
lunarDay string Lunar date.
lunarMonth string Lunar month.
dayMark string Day mark.
- work: workday.
- off: rest day.
dayMarkValue string Text to be displayed for a workday or a rest day.

Example of calendardata:

"data": [{
    "index": 0,    
    "lunarMonth": "11",
    "lunarDay": "13",    
    "year": 2020,    
    "month ": 12,    
    "day": 27,    
    "dayMark": "work",    
    "dayMarkValue": "On-duty",
    "isFirstOfLunar": true,
    "hasSchedule": true,
    "markLunarDay": true
  },  {
    "index": 1,
    "lunarMonth": "11",
    "lunarDay": "14",   
    "year": 2020,    
    "month ": 12,    
    "day": 28,    
    "dayMark": "work",    
    "dayMarkValue": "On-duty",
    "isFirstOfLunar": true,
    "hasSchedule": true,
    "markLunarDay": true
  },  {
    "index": 2,
    "lunarMonth": "11",
    "lunarDay": "15",   
    "year": 2020,    
    "month ": 12,    
    "day": 29,    
    "dayMark": "work",    
    "dayMarkValue": "On-duty",
    "isFirstOfLunar": true,
    "hasSchedule": true,
    "markLunarDay": true


Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
background-color &lt;color&gt; - No Background color.


Name Parameter Description
selectedchange changeEvent A user clicks a date or switches between months.
requestdata requestEvent A date is requested.

Table 2 changeEvent

Name Type Description
$event.day string Selected day.
$event.month string Selected month.
$event.year string Selected year.

Table 3 requestEvent

Name Type Description
$event.month string Requested month.
$event.year string Requested year.
$event.currentYear string Current year.
$event.currentMonth string Current month.


The following examples are not intended as copy-paste-ready. Further customization is required.

<!-- xxx.hml -->
<div class="container">
    <calendar class="container_test"
/* xxx.css */ 
.container {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    padding-start: 4px;
    padding-end: 4px;
.container_test {
    background-color: white;
    "data": {
        "currentDate": "",
        "offDays": "",
        "startDayOfWeek": 6,
        "showHoliday": true,
        "calendarData": ""
    "actions": {
        "clickOneDay": {
            "action": "router",
            "bundleName": "com.example.calendar",
            "abilityName": "EntryAbility",
            "params": {
                "action": "click_month_view_event",
                "day": "$event.day",
                "month": "$event.month",
                "year": "$event.year"
        "messageEventData": {
            "action": "message",
            "params": {
                "month": "$event.month",
                "year": "$event.year",
                "currentMonth": "$event.currentMonth",
                "currentYear": "$event.currentYear"


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