harmony 鸿蒙Universal Attributes

  • 2022-12-13
  • 浏览 (653)

Universal Attributes


The APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Common Attributes

Common attributes are used to set component identities and appearance.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
id string - No Unique ID of the component.
style string - No Style declaration of the component.
class string - No Style class of the component, which is used to refer to a style table.
ref string - No Reference information of child elements or child components, which is registered with the parent component on $refs.
disabled boolean false No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interactions.
dir string auto No Component layout mode. Available values are as follows:
- rtl: right-to-left layout.
- ltr: left-to-right layout.
- auto: follows the system language environment.

Rendering Attributes

Rendering attributes are used to set whether a component is rendered.

Name Type Default Value Description
for Array - Expands the component based on the configured data list.
if boolean - Whether the component is added or removed.
show boolean - Whether the component is displayed or hidden.


Do not set styles in attribute fields.


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