echarts Axis 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (623)

echarts Axis 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import {each, map} from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import {linearMap, getPixelPrecision, round} from '../util/number';
import {
} from './axisTickLabelBuilder';
import Scale from '../scale/Scale';
import { DimensionName, ScaleDataValue, ScaleTick } from '../util/types';
import OrdinalScale from '../scale/Ordinal';
import Model from '../model/Model';
import { AxisBaseOption, CategoryAxisBaseOption, OptionAxisType } from './axisCommonTypes';
import { AxisBaseModel } from './AxisBaseModel';

const NORMALIZED_EXTENT = [0, 1] as [number, number];

interface TickCoord {
    coord: number;
    // That is `scaleTick.value`.
    tickValue?: ScaleTick['value'];

 * Base class of Axis.
class Axis {

     * Axis type
     *  - 'category'
     *  - 'value'
     *  - 'time'
     *  - 'log'
    type: OptionAxisType;

    // Axis dimension. Such as 'x', 'y', 'z', 'angle', 'radius'.
    readonly dim: DimensionName;

    // Axis scale
    scale: Scale;

    private _extent: [number, number];

    // Injected outside
    model: AxisBaseModel;
    onBand: CategoryAxisBaseOption['boundaryGap'] = false;
    inverse: AxisBaseOption['inverse'] = false;

    constructor(dim: DimensionName, scale: Scale, extent: [number, number]) {
        this.dim = dim;
        this.scale = scale;
        this._extent = extent || [0, 0];

     * If axis extent contain given coord
    contain(coord: number): boolean {
        const extent = this._extent;
        const min = Math.min(extent[0], extent[1]);
        const max = Math.max(extent[0], extent[1]);
        return coord >= min && coord <= max;

     * If axis extent contain given data
    containData(data: ScaleDataValue): boolean {
        return this.scale.contain(data);

     * Get coord extent.
    getExtent(): [number, number] {
        return this._extent.slice() as [number, number];

     * Get precision used for formatting
    getPixelPrecision(dataExtent?: [number, number]): number {
        return getPixelPrecision(
            dataExtent || this.scale.getExtent(),

     * Set coord extent
    setExtent(start: number, end: number): void {
        const extent = this._extent;
        extent[0] = start;
        extent[1] = end;

     * Convert data to coord. Data is the rank if it has an ordinal scale
    dataToCoord(data: ScaleDataValue, clamp?: boolean): number {
        let extent = this._extent;
        const scale = this.scale;
        data = scale.normalize(data);

        if (this.onBand && scale.type === 'ordinal') {
            extent = extent.slice() as [number, number];
            fixExtentWithBands(extent, (scale as OrdinalScale).count());

        return linearMap(data, NORMALIZED_EXTENT, extent, clamp);

     * Convert coord to data. Data is the rank if it has an ordinal scale
    coordToData(coord: number, clamp?: boolean): number {
        let extent = this._extent;
        const scale = this.scale;

        if (this.onBand && scale.type === 'ordinal') {
            extent = extent.slice() as [number, number];
            fixExtentWithBands(extent, (scale as OrdinalScale).count());

        const t = linearMap(coord, extent, NORMALIZED_EXTENT, clamp);

        return this.scale.scale(t);

     * Convert pixel point to data in axis
    pointToData(point: number[], clamp?: boolean): number {
        // Should be implemented in derived class if necessary.

     * Different from `, axis.dataToCoord, axis)`,
     * `axis.getTicksCoords` considers `onBand`, which is used by
     * `boundaryGap:true` of category axis and splitLine and splitArea.
     * @param opt.tickModel default: axis.model.getModel('axisTick')
     * @param opt.clamp If `true`, the first and the last
     *        tick must be at the axis end points. Otherwise, clip ticks
     *        that outside the axis extent.
    getTicksCoords(opt?: {
        tickModel?: Model,
        clamp?: boolean
    }): TickCoord[] {
        opt = opt || {};

        const tickModel = opt.tickModel || this.getTickModel();
        const result = createAxisTicks(this, tickModel as AxisBaseModel);
        const ticks = result.ticks;

        const ticksCoords = map(ticks, function (tickVal) {
            return {
                coord: this.dataToCoord(
                    this.scale.type === 'ordinal'
                        ? (this.scale as OrdinalScale).getRawOrdinalNumber(tickVal)
                        : tickVal
                tickValue: tickVal
        }, this);

        const alignWithLabel = tickModel.get('alignWithLabel');

            this, ticksCoords, alignWithLabel, opt.clamp

        return ticksCoords;

    getMinorTicksCoords(): TickCoord[][] {
        if (this.scale.type === 'ordinal') {
            // Category axis doesn't support minor ticks
            return [];

        const minorTickModel = this.model.getModel('minorTick');
        let splitNumber = minorTickModel.get('splitNumber');
        // Protection.
        if (!(splitNumber > 0 && splitNumber < 100)) {
            splitNumber = 5;
        const minorTicks = this.scale.getMinorTicks(splitNumber);
        const minorTicksCoords = map(minorTicks, function (minorTicksGroup) {
            return map(minorTicksGroup, function (minorTick) {
                return {
                    coord: this.dataToCoord(minorTick),
                    tickValue: minorTick
            }, this);
        }, this);
        return minorTicksCoords;

    getViewLabels(): ReturnType<typeof createAxisLabels>['labels'] {
        return createAxisLabels(this).labels;

    getLabelModel(): Model<AxisBaseOption['axisLabel']> {
        return this.model.getModel('axisLabel');

     * Notice here we only get the default tick model. For splitLine
     * or splitArea, we should pass the splitLineModel or splitAreaModel
     * manually when calling `getTicksCoords`.
     * In GL, this method may be overrided to:
     * `axisModel.getModel('axisTick', grid3DModel.getModel('axisTick'));`
    getTickModel(): Model {
        return this.model.getModel('axisTick');

     * Get width of band
    getBandWidth(): number {
        const axisExtent = this._extent;
        const dataExtent = this.scale.getExtent();

        let len = dataExtent[1] - dataExtent[0] + (this.onBand ? 1 : 0);
        // Fix #2728, avoid NaN when only one data.
        len === 0 && (len = 1);

        const size = Math.abs(axisExtent[1] - axisExtent[0]);

        return Math.abs(size) / len;

     * Get axis rotate, by degree.
    getRotate: () => number;

     * Only be called in category axis.
     * Can be overrided, consider other axes like in 3D.
     * @return Auto interval for cateogry axis tick and label
    calculateCategoryInterval(): ReturnType<typeof calculateCategoryInterval> {
        return calculateCategoryInterval(this);


function fixExtentWithBands(extent: [number, number], nTick: number): void {
    const size = extent[1] - extent[0];
    const len = nTick;
    const margin = size / len / 2;
    extent[0] += margin;
    extent[1] -= margin;

// If axis has labels [1, 2, 3, 4]. Bands on the axis are
// |---1---|---2---|---3---|---4---|.
// So the displayed ticks and splitLine/splitArea should between
// each data item, otherwise cause misleading (e.g., split tow bars
// of a single data item when there are two bar series).
// Also consider if tickCategoryInterval > 0 and onBand, ticks and
// splitLine/spliteArea should layout appropriately corresponding
// to displayed labels. (So we should not use `getBandWidth` in this
// case).
function fixOnBandTicksCoords(
    axis: Axis, ticksCoords: TickCoord[], alignWithLabel: boolean, clamp: boolean
) {
    const ticksLen = ticksCoords.length;

    if (!axis.onBand || alignWithLabel || !ticksLen) {

    const axisExtent = axis.getExtent();
    let last;
    let diffSize;
    if (ticksLen === 1) {
        ticksCoords[0].coord = axisExtent[0];
        last = ticksCoords[1] = {coord: axisExtent[0]};
    else {
        const crossLen = ticksCoords[ticksLen - 1].tickValue - ticksCoords[0].tickValue;
        const shift = (ticksCoords[ticksLen - 1].coord - ticksCoords[0].coord) / crossLen;

        each(ticksCoords, function (ticksItem) {
            ticksItem.coord -= shift / 2;

        const dataExtent = axis.scale.getExtent();
        diffSize = 1 + dataExtent[1] - ticksCoords[ticksLen - 1].tickValue;

        last = {coord: ticksCoords[ticksLen - 1].coord + shift * diffSize};


    const inverse = axisExtent[0] > axisExtent[1];

    // Handling clamp.
    if (littleThan(ticksCoords[0].coord, axisExtent[0])) {
        clamp ? (ticksCoords[0].coord = axisExtent[0]) : ticksCoords.shift();
    if (clamp && littleThan(axisExtent[0], ticksCoords[0].coord)) {
        ticksCoords.unshift({coord: axisExtent[0]});
    if (littleThan(axisExtent[1], last.coord)) {
        clamp ? (last.coord = axisExtent[1]) : ticksCoords.pop();
    if (clamp && littleThan(last.coord, axisExtent[1])) {
        ticksCoords.push({coord: axisExtent[1]});

    function littleThan(a: number, b: number): boolean {
        // Avoid rounding error cause calculated tick coord different with extent.
        // It may cause an extra unecessary tick added.
        a = round(a);
        b = round(b);
        return inverse ? a > b : a < b;

export default Axis;


echarts 源码目录


echarts AxisBaseModel 源码

echarts CoordinateSystem 源码

echarts View 源码

echarts axisAlignTicks 源码

echarts axisCommonTypes 源码

echarts axisDefault 源码

echarts axisHelper 源码

echarts axisModelCommonMixin 源码

echarts axisModelCreator 源码

echarts axisTickLabelBuilder 源码

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