echarts axisHelper 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (562)

echarts axisHelper 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import OrdinalScale from '../scale/Ordinal';
import IntervalScale from '../scale/Interval';
import Scale from '../scale/Scale';
import {
} from '../layout/barGrid';
import BoundingRect, { RectLike } from 'zrender/src/core/BoundingRect';

import TimeScale from '../scale/Time';
import Model from '../model/Model';
import { AxisBaseModel } from './AxisBaseModel';
import LogScale from '../scale/Log';
import Axis from './Axis';
import {
} from './axisCommonTypes';
import type CartesianAxisModel from './cartesian/AxisModel';
import SeriesData from '../data/SeriesData';
import { getStackedDimension } from '../data/helper/dataStackHelper';
import { Dictionary, DimensionName, ScaleTick, TimeScaleTick } from '../util/types';
import { ensureScaleRawExtentInfo } from './scaleRawExtentInfo';

type BarWidthAndOffset = ReturnType<typeof makeColumnLayout>;

 * Get axis scale extent before niced.
 * Item of returned array can only be number (including Infinity and NaN).
 * Caution:
 * Precondition of calling this method:
 * The scale extent has been initialized using series data extent via
 * `scale.setExtent` or `scale.unionExtentFromData`;
export function getScaleExtent(scale: Scale, model: AxisBaseModel) {
    const scaleType = scale.type;
    const rawExtentResult = ensureScaleRawExtentInfo(scale, model, scale.getExtent()).calculate();


    let min = rawExtentResult.min;
    let max = rawExtentResult.max;

    // If bars are placed on a base axis of type time or interval account for axis boundary overflow and current axis
    // is base axis
    // FIXME
    // (1) Consider support value axis, where below zero and axis `onZero` should be handled properly.
    // (2) Refactor the logic with `barGrid`. Is it not need to `makeBarWidthAndOffsetInfo` twice with different extent?
    //     Should not depend on series type `bar`?
    // (3) Fix that might overlap when using dataZoom.
    // (4) Consider other chart types using `barGrid`?
    // See #6728, #4862, `test/bar-overflow-time-plot.html`
    const ecModel = model.ecModel;
    if (ecModel && (scaleType === 'time' /* || scaleType === 'interval' */)) {
        const barSeriesModels = prepareLayoutBarSeries('bar', ecModel);
        let isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries = false;

        zrUtil.each(barSeriesModels, function (seriesModel) {
            isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries = isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries || seriesModel.getBaseAxis() === model.axis;

        if (isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries) {
            // Calculate placement of bars on axis. TODO should be decoupled
            // with barLayout
            const barWidthAndOffset = makeColumnLayout(barSeriesModels);

            // Adjust axis min and max to account for overflow
            const adjustedScale = adjustScaleForOverflow(min, max, model as CartesianAxisModel, barWidthAndOffset);
            min = adjustedScale.min;
            max = adjustedScale.max;

    return {
        extent: [min, max],
        // "fix" means "fixed", the value should not be
        // changed in the subsequent steps.
        fixMin: rawExtentResult.minFixed,
        fixMax: rawExtentResult.maxFixed

function adjustScaleForOverflow(
    min: number,
    max: number,
    model: CartesianAxisModel,  // Only support cartesian coord yet.
    barWidthAndOffset: BarWidthAndOffset
) {

    // Get Axis Length
    const axisExtent = model.axis.getExtent();
    const axisLength = axisExtent[1] - axisExtent[0];

    // Get bars on current base axis and calculate min and max overflow
    const barsOnCurrentAxis = retrieveColumnLayout(barWidthAndOffset, model.axis);
    if (barsOnCurrentAxis === undefined) {
        return {min: min, max: max};

    let minOverflow = Infinity;
    zrUtil.each(barsOnCurrentAxis, function (item) {
        minOverflow = Math.min(item.offset, minOverflow);
    let maxOverflow = -Infinity;
    zrUtil.each(barsOnCurrentAxis, function (item) {
        maxOverflow = Math.max(item.offset + item.width, maxOverflow);
    minOverflow = Math.abs(minOverflow);
    maxOverflow = Math.abs(maxOverflow);
    const totalOverFlow = minOverflow + maxOverflow;

    // Calculate required buffer based on old range and overflow
    const oldRange = max - min;
    const oldRangePercentOfNew = (1 - (minOverflow + maxOverflow) / axisLength);
    const overflowBuffer = ((oldRange / oldRangePercentOfNew) - oldRange);

    max += overflowBuffer * (maxOverflow / totalOverFlow);
    min -= overflowBuffer * (minOverflow / totalOverFlow);

    return {min: min, max: max};

// Precondition of calling this method:
// The scale extent has been initailized using series data extent via
// `scale.setExtent` or `scale.unionExtentFromData`;
export function niceScaleExtent(
    scale: Scale,
    inModel: AxisBaseModel
) {
    const model = inModel as AxisBaseModel<LogAxisBaseOption>;
    const extentInfo = getScaleExtent(scale, model);
    const extent = extentInfo.extent;
    const splitNumber = model.get('splitNumber');

    if (scale instanceof LogScale) {
        scale.base = model.get('logBase');

    const scaleType = scale.type;
    const interval = model.get('interval');
    const isIntervalOrTime = scaleType === 'interval' || scaleType === 'time';

    scale.setExtent(extent[0], extent[1]);
        splitNumber: splitNumber,
        fixMin: extentInfo.fixMin,
        fixMax: extentInfo.fixMax,
        minInterval: isIntervalOrTime ? model.get('minInterval') : null,
        maxInterval: isIntervalOrTime ? model.get('maxInterval') : null

    // If some one specified the min, max. And the default calculated interval
    // is not good enough. He can specify the interval. It is often appeared
    // in angle axis with angle 0 - 360. Interval calculated in interval scale is hard
    // to be 60.
    // FIXME
    if (interval != null) {
        (scale as IntervalScale).setInterval && (scale as IntervalScale).setInterval(interval);

 * @param axisType Default retrieve from model.type
export function createScaleByModel(model: AxisBaseModel, axisType?: string): Scale {
    axisType = axisType || model.get('type');
    if (axisType) {
        switch (axisType) {
            // Buildin scale
            case 'category':
                return new OrdinalScale({
                    ordinalMeta: model.getOrdinalMeta
                        ? model.getOrdinalMeta()
                        : model.getCategories(),
                    extent: [Infinity, -Infinity]
            case 'time':
                return new TimeScale({
                    locale: model.ecModel.getLocaleModel(),
                    useUTC: model.ecModel.get('useUTC')
                // case 'value'/'interval', 'log', or others.
                return new (Scale.getClass(axisType) || IntervalScale)();

 * Check if the axis cross 0
export function ifAxisCrossZero(axis: Axis) {
    const dataExtent = axis.scale.getExtent();
    const min = dataExtent[0];
    const max = dataExtent[1];
    return !((min > 0 && max > 0) || (min < 0 && max < 0));

 * @param axis
 * @return Label formatter function.
 *         param: {number} tickValue,
 *         param: {number} idx, the index in all ticks.
 *                         If category axis, this param is not required.
 *         return: {string} label string.
export function makeLabelFormatter(axis: Axis): (tick: ScaleTick, idx?: number) => string {
    const labelFormatter = (axis.getLabelModel() as Model<ValueAxisBaseOption['axisLabel']>)
    const categoryTickStart = axis.type === 'category' ? axis.scale.getExtent()[0] : null;

    if (axis.scale.type === 'time') {
        return (function (tpl) {
            return function (tick: ScaleTick, idx: number) {
                return (axis.scale as TimeScale).getFormattedLabel(tick, idx, tpl);
        })(labelFormatter as TimeAxisLabelFormatterOption);
    else if (zrUtil.isString(labelFormatter)) {
        return (function (tpl) {
            return function (tick: ScaleTick) {
                // For category axis, get raw value; for numeric axis,
                // get formatted label like '1,333,444'.
                const label = axis.scale.getLabel(tick);
                const text = tpl.replace('{value}', label != null ? label : '');

                return text;
    else if (zrUtil.isFunction(labelFormatter)) {
        return (function (cb) {
            return function (tick: ScaleTick, idx: number) {
                // The original intention of `idx` is "the index of the tick in all ticks".
                // But the previous implementation of category axis do not consider the
                // `axisLabel.interval`, which cause that, for example, the `interval` is
                // `1`, then the ticks "name5", "name7", "name9" are displayed, where the
                // corresponding `idx` are `0`, `2`, `4`, but not `0`, `1`, `2`. So we keep
                // the definition here for back compatibility.
                if (categoryTickStart != null) {
                    idx = tick.value - categoryTickStart;
                return cb(
                    getAxisRawValue(axis, tick) as number,
                    (tick as TimeScaleTick).level != null ? {
                        level: (tick as TimeScaleTick).level
                    } : null
        })(labelFormatter as (...args: any[]) => string);
    else {
        return function (tick: ScaleTick) {
            return axis.scale.getLabel(tick);

export function getAxisRawValue(axis: Axis, tick: ScaleTick): number | string {
    // In category axis with data zoom, tick is not the original
    // index of So tick should not be exposed to user
    // in category axis.
    return axis.type === 'category' ? axis.scale.getLabel(tick) : tick.value;

 * @param axis
 * @return Be null/undefined if no labels.
export function estimateLabelUnionRect(axis: Axis) {
    const axisModel = axis.model;
    const scale = axis.scale;

    if (!axisModel.get(['axisLabel', 'show']) || scale.isBlank()) {

    let realNumberScaleTicks: ScaleTick[];
    let tickCount;
    const categoryScaleExtent = scale.getExtent();

    // Optimize for large category data, avoid call `getTicks()`.
    if (scale instanceof OrdinalScale) {
        tickCount = scale.count();
    else {
        realNumberScaleTicks = scale.getTicks();
        tickCount = realNumberScaleTicks.length;

    const axisLabelModel = axis.getLabelModel();
    const labelFormatter = makeLabelFormatter(axis);

    let rect;
    let step = 1;
    // Simple optimization for large amount of labels
    if (tickCount > 40) {
        step = Math.ceil(tickCount / 40);
    for (let i = 0; i < tickCount; i += step) {
        const tick = realNumberScaleTicks
            ? realNumberScaleTicks[i]
            : {
                value: categoryScaleExtent[0] + i
        const label = labelFormatter(tick, i);
        const unrotatedSingleRect = axisLabelModel.getTextRect(label);
        const singleRect = rotateTextRect(unrotatedSingleRect, axisLabelModel.get('rotate') || 0);

        rect ? rect.union(singleRect) : (rect = singleRect);

    return rect;

function rotateTextRect(textRect: RectLike, rotate: number) {
    const rotateRadians = rotate * Math.PI / 180;
    const beforeWidth = textRect.width;
    const beforeHeight = textRect.height;
    const afterWidth = beforeWidth * Math.abs(Math.cos(rotateRadians))
        + Math.abs(beforeHeight * Math.sin(rotateRadians));
    const afterHeight = beforeWidth * Math.abs(Math.sin(rotateRadians))
        + Math.abs(beforeHeight * Math.cos(rotateRadians));
    const rotatedRect = new BoundingRect(textRect.x, textRect.y, afterWidth, afterHeight);

    return rotatedRect;

 * @param model axisLabelModel or axisTickModel
 * @return {number|String} Can be null|'auto'|number|function
export function getOptionCategoryInterval(model: Model<AxisBaseOption['axisLabel']>) {
    const interval = (model as Model<CategoryAxisBaseOption['axisLabel']>).get('interval');
    return interval == null ? 'auto' : interval;

 * Set `categoryInterval` as 0 implicitly indicates that
 * show all labels regardless of overlap.
 * @param {Object} axis axisModel.axis
export function shouldShowAllLabels(axis: Axis): boolean {
    return axis.type === 'category'
        && getOptionCategoryInterval(axis.getLabelModel()) === 0;

export function getDataDimensionsOnAxis(data: SeriesData, axisDim: string): DimensionName[] {
    // Remove duplicated dat dimensions caused by `getStackedDimension`.
    const dataDimMap = {} as Dictionary<boolean>;
    // Currently `mapDimensionsAll` will contain stack result dimension ('__\0ecstackresult').
    // PENDING: is it reasonable? Do we need to remove the original dim from "coord dim" since
    // there has been stacked result dim?
    zrUtil.each(data.mapDimensionsAll(axisDim), function (dataDim) {
        // For example, the extent of the original dimension
        // is [0.1, 0.5], the extent of the `stackResultDimension`
        // is [7, 9], the final extent should NOT include [0.1, 0.5],
        // because there is no graphic corresponding to [0.1, 0.5].
        // See the case in `test/area-stack.html` `main1`, where area line
        // stack needs `yAxis` not start from 0.
        dataDimMap[getStackedDimension(data, dataDim)] = true;
    return zrUtil.keys(dataDimMap);

export function unionAxisExtentFromData(dataExtent: number[], data: SeriesData, axisDim: string): void {
    if (data) {
        zrUtil.each(getDataDimensionsOnAxis(data, axisDim), function (dim) {
            const seriesExtent = data.getApproximateExtent(dim);
            seriesExtent[0] < dataExtent[0] && (dataExtent[0] = seriesExtent[0]);
            seriesExtent[1] > dataExtent[1] && (dataExtent[1] = seriesExtent[1]);


echarts 源码目录


echarts Axis 源码

echarts AxisBaseModel 源码

echarts CoordinateSystem 源码

echarts View 源码

echarts axisAlignTicks 源码

echarts axisCommonTypes 源码

echarts axisDefault 源码

echarts axisModelCommonMixin 源码

echarts axisModelCreator 源码

echarts axisTickLabelBuilder 源码

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