echarts axisCommonTypes 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (655)

echarts axisCommonTypes 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import {
    TextCommonOption, LineStyleOption, OrdinalRawValue, ZRColor,
    AreaStyleOption, ComponentOption, ColorString,
    AnimationOptionMixin, Dictionary, ScaleDataValue, CommonAxisPointerOption
} from '../util/types';

export const AXIS_TYPES = {value: 1, category: 1, time: 1, log: 1} as const;
export type OptionAxisType = keyof typeof AXIS_TYPES;

export interface AxisBaseOptionCommon extends ComponentOption,
    AnimationOptionMixin {
    type?: OptionAxisType;
    show?: boolean;
    // Inverse the axis.
    inverse?: boolean;
    // Axis name displayed.
    name?: string;
    nameLocation?: 'start' | 'middle' | 'end';
    // By degree.
    nameRotate?: number;
    nameTruncate?: {
        maxWidth?: number;
        ellipsis?: string;
        placeholder?: string;
    nameTextStyle?: AxisNameTextStyleOption;
    // The gap between axisName and axisLine.
    nameGap?: number;

    silent?: boolean;
    triggerEvent?: boolean;

    tooltip?: {
        show?: boolean;

    axisLabel?: AxisLabelBaseOption;

    axisPointer?: CommonAxisPointerOption;
    axisLine?: AxisLineOption;
    axisTick?: AxisTickOption;
    minorTick?: MinorTickOption;
    splitLine?: SplitLineOption;
    minorSplitLine?: MinorSplitLineOption;
    splitArea?: SplitAreaOption;

     * Min value of the axis. can be:
     * + ScaleDataValue
     * + 'dataMin': use the min value in data.
     * + null/undefined: auto decide min value (consider pretty look and boundaryGap).
    min?: ScaleDataValue | 'dataMin' | ((extent: {min: number, max: number}) => ScaleDataValue);
     * Max value of the axis. can be:
     * + ScaleDataValue
     * + 'dataMax': use the max value in data.
     * + null/undefined: auto decide max value (consider pretty look and boundaryGap).
    max?: ScaleDataValue | 'dataMax' | ((extent: {min: number, max: number}) => ScaleDataValue);


export interface NumericAxisBaseOptionCommon extends AxisBaseOptionCommon {
     * The gap at both ends of the axis.
     * [GAP, GAP], where
     * `GAP` can be an absolute pixel number (like `35`), or percent (like `'30%'`)
    boundaryGap?: [number | string, number | string]

     * AxisTick and axisLabel and splitLine are caculated based on splitNumber.
    splitNumber?: number;
     * Interval specifies the span of the ticks is mandatorily.
    interval?: number;
     * Specify min interval when auto calculate tick interval.
    minInterval?: number;
     * Specify max interval when auto calculate tick interval.
    maxInterval?: number;

     * If align ticks to the first axis that is not use alignTicks
     * If all axes has alignTicks: true. The first one will be applied.
     * Will be ignored if interval is set.
    alignTicks?: boolean

export interface CategoryAxisBaseOption extends AxisBaseOptionCommon {
    type?: 'category';
    boundaryGap?: boolean
    axisLabel?: AxisLabelOption<'category'> & {
        interval?: 'auto' | number | ((index: number, value: string) => boolean)
    data?: (OrdinalRawValue | {
        value: OrdinalRawValue;
        textStyle?: TextCommonOption;
     * Set false to faster category collection.
     * Only usefull in the case like: category is
     * ['2012-01-01', '2012-01-02', ...], where the input
     * data has been ensured not duplicate and is large data.
     * null means "auto":
     * if provided, do not deduplication,
     * else do deduplication.
    deduplication?: boolean;

    axisTick?: AxisBaseOptionCommon['axisTick'] & {
        // If tick is align with label when boundaryGap is true
        alignWithLabel?: boolean,
        interval?: 'auto' | number | ((index: number, value: string) => boolean)
export interface ValueAxisBaseOption extends NumericAxisBaseOptionCommon {
    type?: 'value';
    axisLabel?: AxisLabelOption<'value'>;

     * Optional value can be:
     * + `false`: always include value 0.
     * + `false`: always include value 0.
     scale?: boolean;
export interface LogAxisBaseOption extends NumericAxisBaseOptionCommon {
    type?: 'log';
    axisLabel?: AxisLabelOption<'log'>;
    logBase?: number;
export interface TimeAxisBaseOption extends NumericAxisBaseOptionCommon {
    type?: 'time';
    axisLabel?: AxisLabelOption<'time'>;
interface AxisNameTextStyleOption extends TextCommonOption {
    rich?: Dictionary<TextCommonOption>

interface AxisLineOption {
    show?: boolean | 'auto',
    onZero?: boolean,
    onZeroAxisIndex?: number,
    // The arrow at both ends the the axis.
    symbol?: string | [string, string],
    symbolSize?: number[],
    symbolOffset?: string | number | (string | number)[],
    lineStyle?: LineStyleOption,

interface AxisTickOption {
    show?: boolean | 'auto',
    // Whether axisTick is inside the grid or outside the grid.
    inside?: boolean,
    // The length of axisTick.
    length?: number,
    lineStyle?: LineStyleOption

type AxisLabelValueFormatter = (value: number, index: number) => string;
type AxisLabelCategoryFormatter = (value: string, index: number) => string;

// export type AxisLabelFormatterOption = string | ((value: OrdinalRawValue | number, index: number) => string);
type TimeAxisLabelUnitFormatter = AxisLabelValueFormatter | string[] | string;

export type TimeAxisLabelFormatterOption = string
    | ((value: number, index: number, extra: {level: number}) => string)
    | {
        year?: TimeAxisLabelUnitFormatter,
        month?: TimeAxisLabelUnitFormatter,
        week?: TimeAxisLabelUnitFormatter,
        day?: TimeAxisLabelUnitFormatter,
        hour?: TimeAxisLabelUnitFormatter,
        minute?: TimeAxisLabelUnitFormatter,
        second?: TimeAxisLabelUnitFormatter,
        millisecond?: TimeAxisLabelUnitFormatter,
        inherit?: boolean

type LabelFormatters = {
    value: AxisLabelValueFormatter | string
    log: AxisLabelValueFormatter | string
    category: AxisLabelCategoryFormatter | string
    time: TimeAxisLabelFormatterOption

interface AxisLabelBaseOption extends Omit<TextCommonOption, 'color'> {
    show?: boolean,
    // Whether axisLabel is inside the grid or outside the grid.
    inside?: boolean,
    rotate?: number,
    // true | false | null/undefined (auto)
    showMinLabel?: boolean,
    // true | false | null/undefined (auto)
    showMaxLabel?: boolean,
    margin?: number,
    rich?: Dictionary<TextCommonOption>
     * If hide overlapping labels.
    hideOverlap?: boolean;
    // Color can be callback
    color?: ColorString | ((value?: string | number, index?: number) => ColorString)
interface AxisLabelOption<TType extends OptionAxisType> extends AxisLabelBaseOption {
    formatter?: LabelFormatters[TType]

interface MinorTickOption {
    show?: boolean,
    splitNumber?: number,
    length?: number,
    lineStyle?: LineStyleOption

interface SplitLineOption {
    show?: boolean,
    interval?: 'auto' | number | ((index:number, value: string) => boolean)
    // colors will display in turn
    lineStyle?: LineStyleOption<ZRColor | ZRColor[]>

interface MinorSplitLineOption {
    show?: boolean,
    lineStyle?: LineStyleOption

interface SplitAreaOption {
    show?: boolean,
    interval?: 'auto' | number | ((index:number, value: string) => boolean)
    // colors will display in turn
    areaStyle?: AreaStyleOption<ZRColor[]>

export type AxisBaseOption = ValueAxisBaseOption | LogAxisBaseOption
    | CategoryAxisBaseOption | TimeAxisBaseOption | AxisBaseOptionCommon;


echarts 源码目录


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