echarts axisTickLabelBuilder 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (576)

echarts axisTickLabelBuilder 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import * as textContain from 'zrender/src/contain/text';
import {makeInner} from '../util/model';
import {
} from './axisHelper';
import Axis from './Axis';
import Model from '../model/Model';
import { AxisBaseOption } from './axisCommonTypes';
import OrdinalScale from '../scale/Ordinal';
import { AxisBaseModel } from './AxisBaseModel';
import type Axis2D from './cartesian/Axis2D';

type CacheKey = string | number;

type InnerTickLabelCache<T> = {
    key: CacheKey
    value: T

interface InnerLabelCachedVal {
    labels: MakeLabelsResultObj[]
    labelCategoryInterval?: number
interface InnerTickCachedVal {
    ticks: number[]
    tickCategoryInterval?: number

type InnerStore = {
    labels: InnerTickLabelCache<InnerLabelCachedVal>
    ticks: InnerTickLabelCache<InnerTickCachedVal>
    autoInterval: number
    lastAutoInterval: number
    lastTickCount: number
    axisExtent0: number
    axisExtent1: number

const inner = makeInner<InnerStore, any>();

export function createAxisLabels(axis: Axis): {
    labels: {
        level?: number,
        formattedLabel: string,
        rawLabel: string,
        tickValue: number
    labelCategoryInterval?: number
} {
    // Only ordinal scale support tick interval
    return axis.type === 'category'
        ? makeCategoryLabels(axis)
        : makeRealNumberLabels(axis);

 * @param {module:echats/coord/Axis} axis
 * @param {module:echarts/model/Model} tickModel For example, can be axisTick, splitLine, splitArea.
 * @return {Object} {
 *     ticks: Array.<number>
 *     tickCategoryInterval: number
 * }
export function createAxisTicks(axis: Axis, tickModel: AxisBaseModel): {
    ticks: number[],
    tickCategoryInterval?: number
} {
    // Only ordinal scale support tick interval
    return axis.type === 'category'
        ? makeCategoryTicks(axis, tickModel)
        : {ticks:, tick => tick.value) };

function makeCategoryLabels(axis: Axis) {
    const labelModel = axis.getLabelModel();
    const result = makeCategoryLabelsActually(axis, labelModel);

    return (!labelModel.get('show') || axis.scale.isBlank())
        ? {labels: [], labelCategoryInterval: result.labelCategoryInterval}
        : result;

function makeCategoryLabelsActually(axis: Axis, labelModel: Model<AxisBaseOption['axisLabel']>) {
    const labelsCache = getListCache(axis, 'labels');
    const optionLabelInterval = getOptionCategoryInterval(labelModel);
    const result = listCacheGet(labelsCache, optionLabelInterval as CacheKey);

    if (result) {
        return result;

    let labels;
    let numericLabelInterval;

    if (zrUtil.isFunction(optionLabelInterval)) {
        labels = makeLabelsByCustomizedCategoryInterval(axis, optionLabelInterval);
    else {
        numericLabelInterval = optionLabelInterval === 'auto'
            ? makeAutoCategoryInterval(axis) : optionLabelInterval;
        labels = makeLabelsByNumericCategoryInterval(axis, numericLabelInterval);

    // Cache to avoid calling interval function repeatly.
    return listCacheSet(labelsCache, optionLabelInterval as CacheKey, {
        labels: labels, labelCategoryInterval: numericLabelInterval

function makeCategoryTicks(axis: Axis, tickModel: AxisBaseModel) {
    const ticksCache = getListCache(axis, 'ticks');
    const optionTickInterval = getOptionCategoryInterval(tickModel);
    const result = listCacheGet(ticksCache, optionTickInterval as CacheKey);

    if (result) {
        return result;

    let ticks: number[];
    let tickCategoryInterval;

    // Optimize for the case that large category data and no label displayed,
    // we should not return all ticks.
    if (!tickModel.get('show') || axis.scale.isBlank()) {
        ticks = [];

    if (zrUtil.isFunction(optionTickInterval)) {
        ticks = makeLabelsByCustomizedCategoryInterval(axis, optionTickInterval, true);
    // Always use label interval by default despite label show. Consider this
    // scenario, Use multiple grid with the xAxis sync, and only one xAxis shows
    // labels. `splitLine` and `axisTick` should be consistent in this case.
    else if (optionTickInterval === 'auto') {
        const labelsResult = makeCategoryLabelsActually(axis, axis.getLabelModel());
        tickCategoryInterval = labelsResult.labelCategoryInterval;
        ticks =, function (labelItem) {
            return labelItem.tickValue;
    else {
        tickCategoryInterval = optionTickInterval;
        ticks = makeLabelsByNumericCategoryInterval(axis, tickCategoryInterval, true);

    // Cache to avoid calling interval function repeatly.
    return listCacheSet(ticksCache, optionTickInterval as CacheKey, {
        ticks: ticks, tickCategoryInterval: tickCategoryInterval

function makeRealNumberLabels(axis: Axis) {
    const ticks = axis.scale.getTicks();
    const labelFormatter = makeLabelFormatter(axis);
    return {
        labels:, function (tick, idx) {
            return {
                level: tick.level,
                formattedLabel: labelFormatter(tick, idx),
                rawLabel: axis.scale.getLabel(tick),
                tickValue: tick.value

// Large category data calculation is performence sensitive, and ticks and label
// probably be fetched by multiple times. So we cache the result.
// axis is created each time during a ec process, so we do not need to clear cache.
function getListCache(axis: Axis, prop: 'ticks'): InnerStore['ticks'];
function getListCache(axis: Axis, prop: 'labels'): InnerStore['labels'];
function getListCache(axis: Axis, prop: 'ticks' | 'labels') {
    // Because key can be funciton, and cache size always be small, we use array cache.
    return inner(axis)[prop] || (inner(axis)[prop] = []);

function listCacheGet<T>(cache: InnerTickLabelCache<T>, key: CacheKey): T {
    for (let i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) {
        if (cache[i].key === key) {
            return cache[i].value;

function listCacheSet<T>(cache: InnerTickLabelCache<T>, key: CacheKey, value: T): T {
    cache.push({key: key, value: value});
    return value;

function makeAutoCategoryInterval(axis: Axis) {
    const result = inner(axis).autoInterval;
    return result != null
        ? result
        : (inner(axis).autoInterval = axis.calculateCategoryInterval());

 * Calculate interval for category axis ticks and labels.
 * To get precise result, at least one of `getRotate` and `isHorizontal`
 * should be implemented in axis.
export function calculateCategoryInterval(axis: Axis) {
    const params = fetchAutoCategoryIntervalCalculationParams(axis);
    const labelFormatter = makeLabelFormatter(axis);
    const rotation = (params.axisRotate - params.labelRotate) / 180 * Math.PI;

    const ordinalScale = axis.scale as OrdinalScale;
    const ordinalExtent = ordinalScale.getExtent();
    // Providing this method is for optimization:
    // avoid generating a long array by `getTicks`
    // in large category data case.
    const tickCount = ordinalScale.count();

    if (ordinalExtent[1] - ordinalExtent[0] < 1) {
        return 0;

    let step = 1;
    // Simple optimization. Empirical value: tick count should less than 40.
    if (tickCount > 40) {
        step = Math.max(1, Math.floor(tickCount / 40));
    let tickValue = ordinalExtent[0];
    const unitSpan = axis.dataToCoord(tickValue + 1) - axis.dataToCoord(tickValue);
    const unitW = Math.abs(unitSpan * Math.cos(rotation));
    const unitH = Math.abs(unitSpan * Math.sin(rotation));

    let maxW = 0;
    let maxH = 0;

    // Caution: Performance sensitive for large category data.
    // Consider dataZoom, we should make appropriate step to avoid O(n) loop.
    for (; tickValue <= ordinalExtent[1]; tickValue += step) {
        let width = 0;
        let height = 0;

        // Not precise, do not consider align and vertical align
        // and each distance from axis line yet.
        const rect = textContain.getBoundingRect(
            labelFormatter({ value: tickValue }), params.font, 'center', 'top'
        // Magic number
        width = rect.width * 1.3;
        height = rect.height * 1.3;

        // Min size, void long loop.
        maxW = Math.max(maxW, width, 7);
        maxH = Math.max(maxH, height, 7);

    let dw = maxW / unitW;
    let dh = maxH / unitH;
    // 0/0 is NaN, 1/0 is Infinity.
    isNaN(dw) && (dw = Infinity);
    isNaN(dh) && (dh = Infinity);
    let interval = Math.max(0, Math.floor(Math.min(dw, dh)));

    const cache = inner(axis.model);
    const axisExtent = axis.getExtent();
    const lastAutoInterval = cache.lastAutoInterval;
    const lastTickCount = cache.lastTickCount;

    // Use cache to keep interval stable while moving zoom window,
    // otherwise the calculated interval might jitter when the zoom
    // window size is close to the interval-changing size.
    // For example, if all of the axis labels are `a, b, c, d, e, f, g`.
    // The jitter will cause that sometimes the displayed labels are
    // `a, d, g` (interval: 2) sometimes `a, c, e`(interval: 1).
    if (lastAutoInterval != null
        && lastTickCount != null
        && Math.abs(lastAutoInterval - interval) <= 1
        && Math.abs(lastTickCount - tickCount) <= 1
        // Always choose the bigger one, otherwise the critical
        // point is not the same when zooming in or zooming out.
        && lastAutoInterval > interval
        // If the axis change is caused by chart resize, the cache should not
        // be used. Otherwise some hiden labels might not be shown again.
        && cache.axisExtent0 === axisExtent[0]
        && cache.axisExtent1 === axisExtent[1]
    ) {
        interval = lastAutoInterval;
    // Only update cache if cache not used, otherwise the
    // changing of interval is too insensitive.
    else {
        cache.lastTickCount = tickCount;
        cache.lastAutoInterval = interval;
        cache.axisExtent0 = axisExtent[0];
        cache.axisExtent1 = axisExtent[1];

    return interval;

function fetchAutoCategoryIntervalCalculationParams(axis: Axis) {
    const labelModel = axis.getLabelModel();
    return {
        axisRotate: axis.getRotate
            ? axis.getRotate()
            : ((axis as Axis2D).isHorizontal && !(axis as Axis2D).isHorizontal())
            ? 90
            : 0,
        labelRotate: labelModel.get('rotate') || 0,
        font: labelModel.getFont()

interface MakeLabelsResultObj {
    formattedLabel: string
    rawLabel: string
    tickValue: number

function makeLabelsByNumericCategoryInterval(axis: Axis, categoryInterval: number): MakeLabelsResultObj[];
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
function makeLabelsByNumericCategoryInterval(axis: Axis, categoryInterval: number, onlyTick: false): MakeLabelsResultObj[];
function makeLabelsByNumericCategoryInterval(axis: Axis, categoryInterval: number, onlyTick: true): number[];
function makeLabelsByNumericCategoryInterval(axis: Axis, categoryInterval: number, onlyTick?: boolean) {
    const labelFormatter = makeLabelFormatter(axis);
    const ordinalScale = axis.scale as OrdinalScale;
    const ordinalExtent = ordinalScale.getExtent();
    const labelModel = axis.getLabelModel();
    const result: (MakeLabelsResultObj | number)[] = [];

    // TODO: axisType: ordinalTime, pick the tick from each month/day/year/...

    const step = Math.max((categoryInterval || 0) + 1, 1);
    let startTick = ordinalExtent[0];
    const tickCount = ordinalScale.count();

    // Calculate start tick based on zero if possible to keep label consistent
    // while zooming and moving while interval > 0. Otherwise the selection
    // of displayable ticks and symbols probably keep changing.
    // 3 is empirical value.
    if (startTick !== 0 && step > 1 && tickCount / step > 2) {
        startTick = Math.round(Math.ceil(startTick / step) * step);

    // (1) Only add min max label here but leave overlap checking
    // to render stage, which also ensure the returned list
    // suitable for splitLine and splitArea rendering.
    // (2) Scales except category always contain min max label so
    // do not need to perform this process.
    const showAllLabel = shouldShowAllLabels(axis);
    const includeMinLabel = labelModel.get('showMinLabel') || showAllLabel;
    const includeMaxLabel = labelModel.get('showMaxLabel') || showAllLabel;

    if (includeMinLabel && startTick !== ordinalExtent[0]) {

    // Optimize: avoid generating large array by `ordinalScale.getTicks()`.
    let tickValue = startTick;
    for (; tickValue <= ordinalExtent[1]; tickValue += step) {

    if (includeMaxLabel && tickValue - step !== ordinalExtent[1]) {

    function addItem(tickValue: number) {
        const tickObj = { value: tickValue };
            ? tickValue
            : {
                formattedLabel: labelFormatter(tickObj),
                rawLabel: ordinalScale.getLabel(tickObj),
                tickValue: tickValue

    return result;

type CategoryIntervalCb = (tickVal: number, rawLabel: string) => boolean;

// When interval is function, the result `false` means ignore the tick.
// It is time consuming for large category data.
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
function makeLabelsByCustomizedCategoryInterval(axis: Axis, categoryInterval: CategoryIntervalCb): MakeLabelsResultObj[];
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
function makeLabelsByCustomizedCategoryInterval(axis: Axis, categoryInterval: CategoryIntervalCb, onlyTick: false): MakeLabelsResultObj[];
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
function makeLabelsByCustomizedCategoryInterval(axis: Axis, categoryInterval: CategoryIntervalCb, onlyTick: true): number[];
function makeLabelsByCustomizedCategoryInterval(axis: Axis, categoryInterval: CategoryIntervalCb, onlyTick?: boolean) {
    const ordinalScale = axis.scale;
    const labelFormatter = makeLabelFormatter(axis);
    const result: (MakeLabelsResultObj | number)[] = [];

    zrUtil.each(ordinalScale.getTicks(), function (tick) {
        const rawLabel = ordinalScale.getLabel(tick);
        const tickValue = tick.value;
        if (categoryInterval(tick.value, rawLabel)) {
                ? tickValue
                : {
                    formattedLabel: labelFormatter(tick),
                    rawLabel: rawLabel,
                    tickValue: tickValue

    return result;


echarts 源码目录


echarts Axis 源码

echarts AxisBaseModel 源码

echarts CoordinateSystem 源码

echarts View 源码

echarts axisAlignTicks 源码

echarts axisCommonTypes 源码

echarts axisDefault 源码

echarts axisHelper 源码

echarts axisModelCommonMixin 源码

echarts axisModelCreator 源码

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