harmony 鸿蒙search

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (898)



This component is supported since API version 4. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

The <search> component provides an input area for users to search.

Child Components

Not supported


In addition to the universal attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
icon string - No Search icon. By default, the system search icon is used. The supported icon format is SVG, JPG, and PNG.
hint string - No Hint text.
value string - No Text in the search box.
searchbutton5+ string - No Text on the search button at the end of the search box.
menuoptions5+ Array&lt;MenuOption&gt; - No Menu options displayed after users click the More button.

Table 1 MenuOption5+

Name Type Description
icon string Path of the icon for a menu option.
content string Text content of a menu option.


In addition to the universal styles, the following styles are supported.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
color &lt;color&gt; #e6000000 No Font color of the search box.
font-size &lt;length&gt; 16px No Font size of the search box.
allow-scale boolean true No Whether the font size changes with the system’s font size settings.
If the config-changes tag of fontSize is configured for abilities in the config.json file, the setting takes effect without application restart.
placeholder-color &lt;color&gt; #99000000
No Color of the hint text.
font-weight number |string normal No Font weight. For details, see font-weight of the <text> component.
font-family string sans-serif No Font family, in which fonts are separated by commas (,). Each font is set using a font name or font family name. The first font in the family or the specified custom font is used for the text.
caret-color6+ &lt;color&gt; - No Color of the caret.


In addition to the universal events, the following events are supported.

Name Parameter Description
change { text:newText } Triggered when the content entered in the text box changes.
If you change the value attribute directly, this event will not be triggered.
submit { text:submitText } Triggered when users click the search icon or the search button5+, or tap the search button on a soft keyboard.
translate5+ { value: selectedText } Triggered when users click the translate button in the menu displayed after they select a text segment. The selected text content is returned.
share5+ { value: selectedText } Triggered when users click the share button in the menu displayed after they select a text segment. The selected text content is returned.
search5+ { value: selectedText } Triggered when users click the search button in the menu displayed after they select a text segment. The selected text content is returned.
optionselect5+ { index:optionIndex, value: selectedText } Triggered when users click a menu option in the menu displayed after they select a text segment. This event is valid only when the menuoptions attribute is set. The option index and selected text content are returned.


The universal methods are supported.


<!-- xxx.hml -->
<div class="container">
    <search hint="Enter keywords" searchbutton="Search" @search="search">
/* xxx.css */
.container {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;



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