harmony 鸿蒙Navigation

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (975)


Generally, the <Navigation> component functions as the root container of a page and supports three display modes: single-page, column, and adaptive. It is applicable to page redirection within a module and useful in one-time development for multi-device deployment. Draw on this component’s routing capability to create a smooth page transition experience, and explore its various title bar styles to present titles seamlessly linked with the content. In one-time development for multi-device deployment scenarios, the <Navigation> component can automatically adapt to the window size; when the window is large enough, it automatically displays content in columns.

The pages of the <Navigation> component include the home page and content page. The home page consists of the title bar, content area, and toolbar. You can use <NavRouter> as a child component in the content area to implement a navigation bar. The content page displays the content of the <NavDestination> child component.

As a special child component of <Navigation>, <NavRouter> provides default processing logic for responding to clicks, eliminating the need for manual logic definition. It has only two root nodes, the second of which is <NavDestination>. As a special child component of <NavRouter>, <NavDestination> makes up the content page of the <Navigation> component. When the user clicks the <NavRouter> component, the corresponding <NavDestination> content area is displayed.

Setting the Page Display Mode

The <Navigation> component uses the mode attribute to set the page display mode.

  • Adaptive Mode

By default, the <Navigation> component is in adaptive mode. In this case, the mode attribute is NavigationMode.Auto. In adaptive mode, when the device width is greater than 520 vp, the <Navigation> component uses the column mode. Otherwise, the <Navigation> component uses the single-page mode.

  Navigation() {
  • Single-page mode

    Figure 1 Single-page mode


Set mode to NavigationMode.Stack so that the <Navigation> component is displayed on a single page.

  Navigation() {


  • Column mode

Figure 2 Column mode


Set mode to NavigationMode.Split so that the <Navigation> component is displayed in columns.

  struct NavigationExample {
    @State TooTmp:Record<string,string|Function> = {'value': "func", 'icon': "./image/ic_public_highlights.svg", 'action': ()=> {}}
    private arr: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
    build() {
      Column() {
        Navigation() {
          TextInput({ placeholder: 'search...' })
          List({ space: 12 }) {
            ForEach(this.arr, (item:string) => {
              ListItem() {
                NavRouter() {
                  Text("NavRouter" + item)
                  NavDestination() {
                    Text("NavDestinationContent" + item)
                  .title("NavDestinationTitle" + item)
            }, (item:string):string => item)
          .margin({ top: 12 })
        .title ("Main Title")
          {value: "", icon: "./image/ic_public_search.svg", action: ()=> {}},
          {value: "", icon: "./image/ic_public_add.svg", action: ()=> {}},
          {value: "", icon: "./image/ic_public_add.svg", action: ()=> {}},
          {value: "", icon: "./image/ic_public_add.svg", action: ()=> {}},
          {value: "", icon: "./image/ic_public_add.svg", action: ()=> {}}
        .toolBar({items: [


Setting the Title Bar Mode

The title bar is on the top of the page and is used to display the page name and operation entry. The <Navigation> component uses the titleMode attribute to set the title bar mode.

  • Mini mode Applicable when the title of a level-1 page does not need to be highlighted.

Figure 3 Title bar in Mini mode


  Navigation() {
  • Full mode Applicable when the title of a level-1 page needs to be highlighted.

    Figure 4 Title bar in Full mode


  Navigation() {

Setting the Menu Bar

The menu bar is in the upper right corner of the <Navigation> component. You can set the menu bar through the menus attribute, which supports two parameter types: Array&lt;NavigationMenuItem&gt; and CustomBuilder. When the Array<NavigationMenuItem> type is used, a maximum of three icons can be displayed in portrait mode and a maximum of five icons can be displayed in landscape mode. Extra icons will be placed in the automatically generated More icons.

Figure 5 Menu bar with three icons


let TooTmp:Record<string,string|Function> = {'value': "", 'icon': "./image/ic_public_highlights.svg", 'action': ()=> {}}
Navigation() {

Figure 6 Menu bar with four icons


let TooTmp:Record<string,string|Function> = {'value': "", 'icon': "./image/ic_public_highlights.svg", 'action': ()=> {}}
Navigation() {

Setting the Toolbar

The toolbar is located at the bottom of the <Navigation> component. You can set the toolbar through the toolBar attribute.

Figure 7 Toolbar


let TooTmp:Record<string,string|Function> = {'value': "func", 'icon': "./image/ic_public_highlights.svg", 'action': ()=> {}}
let TooBar:Record<string,object[]> = {'items':[TooTmp,TooTmp,TooTmp]}
Navigation() {


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